
Area Codes: USA, Canada and the Caribbean

Locate area codes in the United States, Canada, Bermuda and most Caribbean islands, all regulated by the North American Numbering Plan Administrator (NANPA). Use the top menu for area code lists, city/phone number lookups or area code news.

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Area code locator

Area Code State, etc. Main City Country Overlay Complex Time Zone
201 New Jersey Jersey City USA 201/551 E
202 D.C. Washington USA 202/771 E
203 Connecticut Bridgeport USA 203/475 E
204 Manitoba Winnipeg Canada 204/431/584 C
205 Alabama Birmingham USA 205/659 C
206 Washington Seattle USA P
207 Maine Portland USA E
208 Idaho Meridian USA 208/986 M,P
209 California Stockton USA 209/350 P
210 Texas San Antonio USA 210/726 C
212 New York NYC Manhattan USA 212/646/917/332 E
213 California Los Angeles USA 323/213 P
214 Texas Dallas USA 214/972/469/945 C
215 Pennsylvania Philadelphia USA 215/267/445 E
216 Ohio Cleveland USA E
217 Illinois Springfield USA 217/447 C
218 Minnesota Duluth USA C
219 Indiana Hammond USA E,C
220 Ohio Newark USA 740/220 E
223 Pennsylvania Lancaster USA 717/223 E
224 Illinois Elgin USA 847/224 C
225 Louisiana Baton Rouge USA C
226 Ontario London Canada 519/226/548/382 E
227 Maryland Germantown USA 301/240/227 E
228 Mississippi Gulfport USA C
229 Georgia Albany USA E
231 Michigan Muskegon USA E
234 Ohio Akron USA 330/234 E
235 Missouri Columbia USA 573/235 C
236 British Columbia Kelowna Canada 250/778/236/672, 604/778/236/672 P
239 Florida Cape Coral USA E
240 Maryland Germantown USA 301/240/227 E
242 Bahamas Nassau Bahamas E
246 Barbados Bridgetown Barbados AST
248 Michigan Troy USA 248/947 E
249 Ontario Sudbury Canada 705/249/683 E
250 British Columbia Kelowna Canada 250/778/236/672 P
251 Alabama Mobile USA C
252 North Carolina Greenville USA E
253 Washington Tacoma USA P
254 Texas Killeen USA C
256 Alabama Huntsville USA 256/938 C
260 Indiana Fort Wayne USA E
262 Wisconsin Kenosha USA C
263 Quebec Montreal Canada 514/438/263 E
264 Anguilla North Side Anguilla AST
267 Pennsylvania Philadelphia USA 215/267/445 E
268 Antigua and Barbuda Saint John's Antigua and Barbuda AST
269 Michigan Kalamazoo USA E
270 Kentucky Bowling Green USA 270/364 E,C
272 Pennsylvania Scranton USA 570/272 E
274 Wisconsin Green Bay USA 920/274 C
276 Virginia Bristol USA E
279 California Sacramento USA 916/279 P
281 Texas Houston USA 713/281/832/346 C
283 Ohio Cincinnati USA 513/283 E
284 British Virgin Islands Tortola British Virgin Islands AST
289 Ontario Mississauga Canada 905/289/365/742 P
Area Code State, etc. Main City Country Overlay Complex Time Zone
301 Maryland Germantown USA 301/240/227 E
302 Delaware Wilmington USA E
303 Colorado Denver USA 303/720/983 M
304 West Virginia Charleston USA 304/681 E
305 Florida Miami USA 305/786/645 E
306 Saskatchewan Saskatoon Canada 306/639/474 CST
307 Wyoming Cheyenne USA M
308 Nebraska Grand Island USA C,M
309 Illinois Peoria USA 309/861 C
310 California Torrance USA 310/424 P
312 Illinois Chicago Downtown USA 312/872 C
313 Michigan Detroit USA E
314 Missouri St Louis USA 314/557 C
315 New York Syracuse USA 315/680 E
316 Kansas Wichita USA C
317 Indiana Indianapolis USA 317/463 E
318 Louisiana Shreveport USA C
319 Iowa Cedar Rapids USA C
320 Minnesota St Cloud USA C
321 Florida Orlando USA 407/321/689,321 E
321 Florida Palm Bay USA E
323 California Los Angeles USA 323/213 P
324 Florida Jacksonville USA 904/324 E
325 Texas Abilene USA C
326 Ohio Dayton USA 937/326 E
327 Arkansas Jonesboro USA 870/327 C
329 New York New City USA 845/329 E
330 Ohio Akron USA 330/234 E
331 Illinois Aurora USA 630/331 C
332 New York NYC Manhattan USA 212/646/917/332 E
334 Alabama Montgomery USA C
336 North Carolina Greensboro USA 336/743 E
337 Louisiana Lafayette USA C
339 Massachusetts Lynn USA 781/339 E
340 US Virgin Islands Charlotte Amalie US Virgin Islands AST
341 California Oakland USA 510/341 P
343 Ontario Ottawa Canada 613/343/753 E
345 Cayman Islands George Town Cayman Islands EST
346 Texas Houston USA 713/281/832/346 C
347 New York New York USA 718/347/917/929 E
350 California Stockton USA 209/350 P
351 Massachusetts Lowell USA 978/351 E
352 Florida Gainesville USA E
353 Wisconsin Madison USA 608/353 C
354 Quebec Laval Canada 450/579/354 E
360 Washington Vancouver USA 360/564 P
361 Texas Corpus Christi USA C
363 New York Hempstead USA 516/363 E
364 Kentucky Bowling Green USA 270/364 E,C
365 Ontario Mississauga Canada 905/289/365/742 E
367 Quebec Quebec City Canada 418/581/367 E
368 Alberta Calgary Canada 403/587/825/368, 780/587/825/368 M
369 California Santa Rosa USA 707/369 P
380 Ohio Columbus USA 614/380 E
382 Ontario London Canada 519/226/548/382 E
385 Utah Salt Lake City USA 801/385 M
386 Florida Deltona USA E
Area Code State, etc. Main City Country Overlay Complex Time Zone
401 Rhode Island Providence USA E
402 Nebraska Omaha USA 402/531 C,M
403 Alberta Calgary Canada 403/587/825/368 M
404 Georgia Atlanta USA 404/678/470/943 E
405 Oklahoma Oklahoma City USA 405/572 C
406 Montana Billings USA M
407 Florida Orlando USA 407/321/689 E
408 California San Jose USA 408/669 P
409 Texas Beaumont USA C
410 Maryland Baltimore USA 410/443/667 E
412 Pennsylvania Pittsburgh USA 412/878 E
413 Massachusetts Springfield USA E
414 Wisconsin Milwaukee USA C
415 California San Francisco USA 415/628 P
416 Ontario Toronto Canada 416/647/437 E
417 Missouri Springfield USA C
418 Quebec Quebec City Canada 418/581/367 E
419 Ohio Toledo USA 419/567 E
423 Tennessee Chattanooga USA E,C
424 California Torrance USA 310/424 P
425 Washington Bellevue USA P
428 New Brunswick Saint John Canada 506/428 A
430 Texas Tyler USA 903/430 C
431 Manitoba Winnipeg Canada 204/431/584 C
432 Texas Midland USA C
434 Virginia Lynchburg USA E
435 Utah St George USA M
436 Ohio Lorain USA 440/436 E
437 Ontario Toronto Canada 416/647/437 E
438 Quebec Montreal Canada 514/438/263 E
440 Ohio Lorain USA 440/436 E
441 Bermuda Pembroke Bermuda A
442 California Oceanside USA 760/442 P
443 Maryland Baltimore USA 410/443/667 E
445 Pennsylvania Philadelphia USA 215/267/445 E
447 Illinois Springfield USA 217/447 C
448 Florida Tallahassee USA 850/448 E,C
450 Quebec Laval Canada 450/579/354 E
458 Oregon Eugene USA 541/458 M,P
463 Indiana Indianapolis USA 317/463 E
464 Illinois Cicero USA 708/464 C
468 Quebec Gatineau Canada 819/873/468 E
469 Texas Dallas USA 214/972/469/945 C
470 Georgia Atlanta USA 404/678/470/943, 770/678/470/943 E
472 North Carolina Fayetteville USA 910/472 E
473 Grenada Saint George's Grenada AST
474 Saskatchewan Saskatoon Canada 306/639/474 CST
475 Connecticut Bridgeport USA 203/475 E
478 Georgia Macon USA E
479 Arkansas Fort Smith USA C
480 Arizona Phoenix USA 480/602/623 MST
484 Pennsylvania Allentown USA 610/484/835 E
Area Code State, etc. Main City Country Overlay Complex Time Zone
501 Arkansas Little Rock USA C
502 Kentucky Louisville USA E
503 Oregon Portland USA 503/971 P
504 Louisiana New Orleans USA C
505 New Mexico Albuquerque USA M
506 New Brunswick Saint John Canada 506/428 A
507 Minnesota Rochester USA C
508 Massachusetts Norfolk USA 508/774 E
509 Washington Spokane USA P
510 California Oakland USA 510/341 P
512 Texas Austin USA 512/737 C
513 Ohio Cincinnati USA 513/283 E
514 Quebec Montreal Canada 514/438/263 E
515 Iowa Des Moines USA C
516 New York Hempstead USA 516/363 E
517 Michigan Lansing USA E
518 New York Albany USA 518/838 E
519 Ontario London Canada 519/226/548/382 E
520 Arizona Tucson USA MST
530 California Chico USA P
531 Nebraska Omaha USA 402/531 C,M
534 Wisconsin Eau Claire USA 715/534 C
539 Oklahoma Tulsa USA 918/539 C
540 Virginia Roanoke USA 540/826 E
541 Oregon Eugene USA 541/458 M,P
548 Ontario London Canada 519/226/548/382 E
551 New Jersey Jersey City USA 201/551 E
557 Missouri St Louis USA 314/557 C
559 California Fresno USA P
561 Florida West Palm Beach USA 561/728 E
562 California Long Beach USA P
563 Iowa Davenport USA C
564 Washington Vancouver USA 360/564 P
567 Ohio Toledo USA 419/567 E
570 Pennsylvania Scranton USA 570/272 E
571 Virginia Arlington USA 703/571 E
572 Oklahoma Oklahoma City USA 405/572 C
573 Missouri Columbia USA 573/235 C
574 Indiana South Bend USA E,C
575 New Mexico Las Cruces USA M
579 Quebec Laval Canada 450/579/354 E
580 Oklahoma Lawton USA C
581 Quebec Quebec City Canada 418/581/367 E
582 Pennsylvania Erie USA 814/582 E
584 Manitoba Winnipeg Canada 204/431/584 C
585 New York Rochester USA E
586 Michigan Warren USA E
587 Alberta Calgary Canada 403/587/825/368, 780/587/825/368 M
Area Code State, etc. Main City Country Overlay Complex Time Zone
601 Mississippi Jackson USA 601/769 C
602 Arizona Phoenix USA 480/602/623 MST
603 New Hampshire Manchester USA E
604 British Columbia Vancouver Canada 604/778/236/672 P
605 South Dakota Sioux Falls USA C,M
606 Kentucky Ashland USA E,C
607 New York Binghamton USA E
608 Wisconsin Madison USA 608/353 C
609 New Jersey Trenton USA 609/640 E
610 Pennsylvania Allentown USA 610/484/835 E
612 Minnesota Minneapolis USA C
613 Ontario Ottawa Canada 613/343/753 E
614 Ohio Columbus USA 614/380 E
615 Tennessee Nashville USA 615/629 C
616 Michigan Grand Rapids USA E
617 Massachusetts Boston USA 617/857 E
618 Illinois Belleville USA 618/730 C
619 California San Diego USA 619/858 P
620 Kansas Hutchinson USA C,M
623 Arizona Phoenix USA 480/602/623 MST
624 New York Buffalo USA 716/624 E
626 California Pasadena USA P
628 California San Francisco USA 415/628 P
629 Tennessee Nashville USA 615/629 C
630 Illinois Aurora USA 630/331 C
631 New York Brentwood USA 631/934 E
636 Missouri O'Fallon USA C
639 Saskatchewan Saskatoon Canada 306/639/474 CST
640 New Jersey Trenton USA 609/640 E
641 Iowa Mason City USA C
645 Florida Miami USA 305/786/645 E
646 New York NYC Manhattan USA 212/646/917/332 E
647 Ontario Toronto Canada 416/647/437 E
649 Turks and Caicos Honda Road Turks and Caicos E
650 California Daly City USA P
651 Minnesota St Paul USA C
656 Florida Tampa USA 813/656 E
657 California Anaheim USA 714/657 P
658 Jamaica Kingston Jamaica 876/658 EST
659 Alabama Birmingham USA 205/659 C
660 Missouri Sedalia USA C
661 California Bakersfield USA P
662 Mississippi Southaven USA C
664 Montserrat Look Out Montserrat AST
667 Maryland Baltimore USA 410/443/667 E
669 California San Jose USA 408/669 P
670 Northern Mariana Saipan Northern Mariana ChST
671 Guam Dededo Guam ChST
672 British Columbia Kelowna Canada 250/778/236/672, 604/778/236/672 P
678 Georgia Atlanta USA 404/678/470/943, 770/678/470/943 E
680 New York Syracuse USA 315/680 E
681 West Virginia Charleston USA 304/681 E
682 Texas Fort Worth USA 817/682 C
683 Ontario Sudbury Canada 705/249/683 E
684 American Samoa Tafuna American Samoa SST
686 Virginia Richmond USA 804/686 E
689 Florida Orlando USA 407/321/689 E
Area Code State, etc. Main City Country Overlay Complex Time Zone
701 North Dakota Fargo USA C,M
702 Nevada Las Vegas USA 702/725 P
703 Virginia Arlington USA 703/571 E
704 North Carolina Charlotte USA 704/980 E
705 Ontario Sudbury Canada 705/249/683 E
706 Georgia Augusta USA 706/762 E
707 California Santa Rosa USA 707/369 P
708 Illinois Cicero USA 708/464 C
709 Newfoundland and Labrador St John's Canada 709/879 N
712 Iowa Sioux City USA C
713 Texas Houston USA 713/281/832/346 C
714 California Anaheim USA 714/657 P
715 Wisconsin Eau Claire USA 715/534 C
716 New York Buffalo USA 716/624 E
717 Pennsylvania Lancaster USA 717/223 E
718 New York New York USA 718/347/917/929 E
719 Colorado Colorado Springs USA M
720 Colorado Denver USA 303/720/983 M
721 Sint Maarten Lower Prince's Quarter Sint Maarten AST
724 Pennsylvania New Castle USA 724/878 E
725 Nevada Las Vegas USA 702/725 P
726 Texas San Antonio USA 210/726 C
727 Florida St Petersburg USA E
728 Florida West Palm Beach USA 561/728 E
730 Illinois Belleville USA 618/730 C
731 Tennessee Jackson USA C
732 New Jersey Toms River USA 732/848 E
734 Michigan Ann Arbor USA E
737 Texas Austin USA 512/737 C
740 Ohio Newark USA 740/220 E
742 Ontario Mississauga Canada 905/289/365/742 E
743 North Carolina Greensboro USA 336/743 E
747 California Glendale USA 818/747 P
753 Ontario Ottawa Canada 613/343/753 E
754 Florida Fort Lauderdale USA 954/754 E
757 Virginia Virginia Beach USA 757/948 E
758 Saint Lucia Castries Saint Lucia AST
760 California Oceanside USA 760/442 P
762 Georgia Augusta USA 706/762 E
763 Minnesota Brooklyn Park USA C
765 Indiana Lafayette USA E
767 Dominica Roseau Dominica AST
769 Mississippi Jackson USA 601/769 C
770 Georgia Roswell USA 770/678/470/943 E
771 D.C. Washington USA 202/771 E
772 Florida Port St Lucie USA E
773 Illinois Chicago USA 773/872 C
774 Massachusetts Norfolk USA 508/774 E
775 Nevada Reno USA P
778 British Columbia Vancouver Canada 604/778/236/672, 250/778/236/672 P
779 Illinois Joliet USA 815/779 C
780 Alberta Edmonton Canada 780/587/825/368 M
781 Massachusetts Lynn USA 781/339 E
782 Nova Scotia/ Prince Edward Island Halifax Canada 902/782 A
784 Saint Vincent Calliaqua Saint Vincent AST
785 Kansas Topeka USA C,M
786 Florida Miami USA 305/786/645 E
787 Puerto Rico San Juan Puerto Rico 787/939 AST
Area Code State, etc. Main City Country Overlay Complex Time Zone
800 Toll free All NANP
801 Utah Salt Lake City USA 801/385 M
802 Vermont Woodbury USA E
803 South Carolina Columbia USA 803/839 E
804 Virginia Richmond USA 804/686 E
805 California Oxnard USA 805/820 P
806 Texas Lubbock USA C
807 Ontario Thunder Bay Canada E,C
808 Hawaii Honolulu USA HST
809 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Dominican Republic 809/829/849 AST
810 Michigan Flint USA E
812 Indiana Evansville USA 812/930 E,C
813 Florida Tampa USA 813/656 E
814 Pennsylvania Erie USA 814/582 E
815 Illinois Joliet USA 815/779 C
816 Missouri Kansas City USA 816/975 C
817 Texas Fort Worth USA 817/682 C
818 California Glendale USA 818/747 P
819 Quebec Gatineau Canada 819/873/468 E
820 California Oxnard USA 805/820 P
825 Alberta Calgary Canada 403/587/825/368, 780/587/825/368 M
826 Virginia Roanoke USA 540/826 E
828 North Carolina Asheville USA E
829 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Dominican Republic 809/829/849 AST
830 Texas New Braunfels USA C
831 California Salinas USA P
832 Texas Houston USA 713/281/832/346 C
833 Toll free All NANP
835 Pennsylvania Allentown USA 610/484/835 E
838 New York Albany USA 518/838 E
839 South Carolina Columbia USA 803/839 E
840 California San Bernardino USA 909/840 P
843 South Carolina Charleston USA 843/854 E
844 Toll free All NANP
845 New York New City USA 845/329 E
847 Illinois Elgin USA 847/224 C
848 New Jersey Toms River USA 732/848 E
849 Dominican Republic Santo Domingo Dominican Republic 809/829/849 AST
850 Florida Tallahassee USA 850/448 E,C
854 South Carolina Charleston USA 843/854 E
855 Toll free All NANP
856 New Jersey Camden USA E
857 Massachusetts Boston USA 617/857 E
858 California San Diego USA 619/858 P
859 Kentucky Lexington USA E
860 Connecticut Hartford USA 860/959 E
861 Illinois Peoria USA 309/861 C
862 New Jersey Newark USA 973/862 E
863 Florida Lakeland USA E
864 South Carolina Greenville USA E
865 Tennessee Knoxville USA E
866 Toll free All NANP
867 Northwest Territories/ Nunavut/ Yukon Whitehorse Canada C,M,P
868 Trinidad and Tobago Chaguanas Trinidad and Tobago AST
869 Saint Kitts and Nevis Basseterre Saint Kitts and Nevis AST
870 Arkansas Jonesboro USA 870/327 C
872 Illinois Downtown Chicago USA 312/872, 773/872 C
873 Quebec Gatineau Canada 819/873/468 E
876 Jamaica Kingston Jamaica 876/658 EST
877 Toll free All NANP
878 Pennsylvania Pittsburgh USA 412/878, 724/878 E
879 Newfoundland and Labrador St John's Canada 709/879 N
888 Toll free All NANP
Area Code State, etc. Main City Country Overlay Complex Time Zone
901 Tennessee Memphis USA C
902 Nova Scotia/ Prince Edward Island Halifax Canada 902/782 A
903 Texas Tyler USA 903/430 C
904 Florida Jacksonville USA 904/324 E
905 Ontario Mississauga Canada 905/289/365/742 E
906 Michigan Marquette USA E,C
907 Alaska Anchorage USA AK,H
908 New Jersey Elizabeth USA E
909 California San Bernardino USA 909/840 P
910 North Carolina Fayetteville USA 910/472 E
912 Georgia Savannah USA E
913 Kansas Overland Park USA C
914 New York Yonkers USA E
915 Texas El Paso USA M,C
916 California Sacramento USA 916/279 P
917 New York NYC Manhattan USA 212/646/917/332, 718/347/917/929 E
918 Oklahoma Tulsa USA 918/539 C
919 North Carolina Raleigh USA 919/984 E
920 Wisconsin Green Bay USA 920/274 C
925 California Concord USA P
928 Arizona Yuma USA MST,M
929 New York New York USA 718/347/917/929 E
930 Indiana Evansville USA 812/930 E,C
931 Tennessee Clarksville USA E,C
934 New York Brentwood USA 631/934 E
936 Texas Conroe USA C
937 Ohio Dayton USA 937/326 E
938 Alabama Huntsville USA 256/938 C
939 Puerto Rico San Juan Puerto Rico 787/939 AST
940 Texas Denton USA C
941 Florida North Port USA E
943 Georgia Atlanta USA 404/678/470/943, 770/678/470/943 E
945 Texas Dallas USA 214/972/469/945 C
947 Michigan Troy USA 248/947 E
948 Virginia Virginia Beach USA 757/948 E
949 California Irvine USA P
951 California Riverside USA P
952 Minnesota Lakeville USA C
954 Florida Fort Lauderdale USA 954/754 E
956 Texas Laredo USA C
959 Connecticut Hartford USA 860/959 E
970 Colorado Fort Collins USA M
971 Oregon Portland USA 503/971 P
972 Texas Dallas USA 214/972/469/945 C
973 New Jersey Newark USA 973/862 E
975 Missouri Kansas City USA 816/975 C
978 Massachusetts Lowell USA 978/351 E
979 Texas College Station USA C
980 North Carolina Charlotte USA 704/980 E
983 Colorado Denver USA 303/720/983 M
984 North Carolina Raleigh USA 919/984 E
985 Louisiana Houma USA C
986 Idaho Meridian USA 208/986 M,P
989 Michigan Saginaw USA E

About the North American Numbering Plan

The NANP is a unified telephone numbering plan used by the United States and its unincorporated territories, Canada, Bermuda and most Caribbean islands. All telephone numbers within the NANP have the same dialing format: NPA-NXX-XXXX.

NPA (Numbering Plan Area) is the commonly known "area code". The initial digit (N) is in the range 2 through 9, the second digit 0 through 8 and the third can be any digit.

NXX is the so called Central Office Code and together with the final 4 digits comprise the local number. Again, N is in the range 2-9 and the second and third digits can be any digit. Combinations not allowed: N11 and 988 (the latter is a short code reserved for the National Suicide Hotline).

NANP members

The main two countries using NANP area codes are the United States and Canada. Other countries, territories and municipalities using this numbering system are: American Samoa, Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guam, Jamaica, Montserrat, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, Sint Maarten, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, Turks & Caicos, US Virgin Islands.

Dialing inside member countries

Calls can be either local or long distance (toll calls). Calls between neighboring areas served by different area codes are often local calls, while calls within one NPA's borders can sometimes be long distance calls.

There are 3 ways to dial a call within a NANP country's borders:

  • NXX XXXX - dialing just the local number is generally allowed in areas where only one NPA is used (there are some new exceptions)
  • NPA NXX XXXX - in areas where two or more area codes overlay (cover the same geographic region) dialing the area code first is required for local calls and for some toll calls
  • 1 NPA NXX XXXX - this dialing method is required for all toll and some local calls between different area codes, and also for some toll calls inside the same area code

Dialing between 2 NANP countries

Since this is a unified numbering plan, calls between NANP member countries have the same dialing format: 1 NPA NXX XXXX. The initial 1 (one) here is not a country code, but a trunk code used to dial long distance calls. There is no need to add + or 011 (the IDD code used by NANP members to dial internationally). However, calls between different countries are international calls and charged accordingly.

For example, to dial the Bahamas from the USA or from any other NANP location you would use the following: 1 242 NXX XXXX, while a call from California to New York City looks very similar: 1 212 NXX XXXX (242 and 212 are area codes serving the Bahamas and New York City respectively).

Dialing to any NANP country from the rest of the world

All members of the North American Numbering Plan use country code 1. To dial or text to any of these countries/territories use: +1 NPA NXX XXXX. The initial plus sign can be either dialed (with most wireless devices) or replaced with your country's IDD (International Direct Dialing) code.
