
Area Code 207

Area code 207 is in Maine, USA , spanning 16 counties and serving 458 cities, including Portland, Lewiston or Bangor; it currently uses 740 prefixes, assigned from 207-200-XXXX through 207-999-XXXX.

In service date for area code 207: January 01, 1947.

The current local time is .

207 area code location on a map
© OpenStreetMap contributors
For exact NPA boundaries see official 207 area code map

Phone number lookup


Locate any 207-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
207-200 Portland 4/11/2011
207-203 Gardiner 10/24/2006
207-204 Kennebunkport 12/18/2006
207-205 Biddeford 9/26/2001
207-206 Sanford 12/22/2006
207-208 Brunswick 7/6/2007
207-209 Portland N/A
207-210 Portland N/A
207-212 Lewiston N/A
207-213 Augusta 10/16/2009
207-214 Calais N/A
207-215 Augusta N/A
207-216 Wells 4/3/2007
207-217 Bangor 12/14/2006
207-218 Belfast 9/24/2002
207-219 Scarborough 9/12/2011
207-220 Oxford 7/21/2020
207-221 Portland N/A
207-222 Gorham 6/4/2002
207-223 Winterport N/A
207-224 Turner N/A
207-225 Turner N/A
207-226 Rockland N/A
207-227 Presque Isle N/A
207-228 Portland N/A
207-229 Biddeford N/A
207-230 Camden N/A
207-231 Fort Kent 12/22/2003
207-232 Portland N/A
207-233 Portland N/A
207-234 Newburgh N/A
207-235 Carrabassett N/A
207-236 Camden N/A
207-237 Bigelow N/A
207-238 Fairfield N/A
207-239 Portland N/A
207-240 Lewiston N/A
207-241 Lewiston 5/24/2011
207-242 Augusta N/A
207-243 Moosehorn N/A
207-244 Southwest Harbor N/A
207-245 Portland 9/9/2011
207-246 Stratton N/A
207-247 Waterboro N/A
207-248 Augusta 10/3/2011
207-249 Bangor N/A
207-250 Waterville 4/12/2016
207-251 Wells N/A
207-252 Portland N/A
207-253 Portland N/A
207-254 Houlton 9/15/2011
207-255 Machias N/A
207-256 Fryeburg N/A
207-257 Plymouth N/A
207-259 Machias N/A
207-261 Millinocket 8/12/2016
207-262 Bangor N/A
207-263 Machias N/A
207-264 Portland N/A
207-265 Kingfield N/A
207-266 Ellsworth N/A
207-267 Smyrna Mills N/A
207-268 Litchfield N/A
207-269 Etna N/A
207-270 Dexter N/A
207-271 Machias N/A
207-272 Portland 5/8/2003
207-273 Warren N/A
207-274 Portland 6/8/2011
207-275 Bangor N/A
207-276 North Berwick N/A
207-277 Westripley N/A
207-278 Corinna N/A
207-279 Brownville N/A
207-280 Greenville N/A
207-281 Biddeford N/A
207-282 Biddeford N/A
207-283 Biddeford N/A
207-284 Biddeford N/A
207-285 Corinth N/A
207-286 Biddeford N/A
207-287 Augusta N/A
207-288 Bar Harbor N/A
207-289 Scarborough 4/16/2001
207-290 Lincoln N/A
207-291 Harrison 11/16/2016
207-292 Biddeford 6/29/2016
207-293 Mt Vernon N/A
207-294 Biddeford N/A
207-295 Brunswick 6/28/2016
207-296 Stetson N/A
207-297 Coburngore N/A
207-298 Bar Mills 11/26/2008
207-299 Bangor N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
207-300 Bangor 4/26/2018
207-301 Rockland 11/7/2018
207-302 Raymond 6/27/2017
207-303 Scarborough 8/23/2013
207-304 Wiscasset 2/13/2020
207-305 Farmington 7/2/2018
207-306 Belfast 7/23/2020
207-307 Bangor 9/18/2013
207-308 Belgrade 3/1/2021
207-309 Gardiner 3/1/2021
207-310 Windham 5/29/2001
207-312 Lewiston 11/19/2007
207-313 Waterville 6/14/2007
207-314 Waterville N/A
207-315 Boothbay Harbor 8/5/2008
207-316 Madawaska N/A
207-317 Portland 12/18/2001
207-318 Portland 4/23/2001
207-319 Brunswick N/A
207-320 Livermore Falls 10/6/2003
207-321 Portland N/A
207-322 Belfast N/A
207-323 Belfast N/A
207-324 Sanford N/A
207-325 Limestone N/A
207-326 Castine N/A
207-327 Bradford N/A
207-328 Limestone N/A
207-329 Portland N/A
207-330 Lewiston 10/8/2008
207-331 Portland 10/17/2011
207-332 Portland N/A
207-333 Lewiston 8/7/2003
207-334 Frenchboro N/A
207-335 Isle Au Haut N/A
207-336 Buckfield N/A
207-337 York N/A
207-338 Belfast N/A
207-339 So Lebanon N/A
207-340 Kingfield 10/21/2003
207-341 Newport N/A
207-342 Morrill N/A
207-343 Guilford N/A
207-344 Lewiston N/A
207-345 Mechanic Falls N/A
207-346 Mechanic Falls N/A
207-347 Portland N/A
207-348 Deer Isle N/A
207-349 Greenville 6/22/2010
207-350 Boothbay Harbor N/A
207-351 York N/A
207-352 Portland 7/27/2016
207-353 Lisbon Falls N/A
207-354 Thomaston N/A
207-355 Newport N/A
207-356 Bangor N/A
207-357 Rumford N/A
207-358 Portland 5/5/2009
207-359 Sedgwick N/A
207-360 Wells 2/8/2013
207-361 York N/A
207-362 Smithfield N/A
207-363 York N/A
207-364 Rumford N/A
207-365 Sherman Ml N/A
207-366 Matinicus N/A
207-367 Deer Isle N/A
207-368 Newport N/A
207-369 Rumford N/A
207-370 Portland 10/28/2008
207-371 Bath N/A
207-372 Tenants Harbor N/A
207-373 Brunswick N/A
207-374 Blue Hill N/A
207-375 Sabattus N/A
207-376 Lewiston N/A
207-377 Winthrop N/A
207-378 Bangor 12/13/2023
207-379 Exeter N/A
207-380 Wiscasset N/A
207-381 Bethel N/A
207-382 Freedom N/A
207-383 Windham 1/10/2017
207-384 South Berwick N/A
207-385 Bangor 11/26/2008
207-386 Bath N/A
207-387 Portland 2/14/2018
207-388 Sumner N/A
207-389 Bath N/A
207-390 Rockland 1/6/2009
207-391 Biddeford 3/20/2006
207-392 Andover N/A
207-393 Norway N/A
207-394 Alton N/A
207-395 Winthrop N/A
207-396 Scarborough N/A
207-397 Rome N/A
207-398 St Francis N/A
207-399 Skowhegan N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
207-400 Portland 9/17/2004
207-401 Bangor 11/30/2016
207-402 Lewiston 2/10/2009
207-403 Lincoln 1/6/2006
207-404 Bangor 11/13/2009
207-405 Portland 7/25/2017
207-406 Brunswick 1/27/2009
207-407 Lisbon Falls 7/27/2004
207-408 Portland N/A
207-409 Portland N/A
207-410 East Millinocket 3/4/2021
207-412 Ellsworth 1/26/2012
207-413 Biddeford 4/12/2021
207-414 Houlton 10/20/2021
207-415 Portland N/A
207-416 Pittsfield N/A
207-417 Freeport 11/23/2011
207-418 Rumford N/A
207-419 Brunswick 1/14/2022
207-420 Portland 12/7/2009
207-421 Winterport 3/8/2019
207-422 Sullivan N/A
207-423 Biddeford N/A
207-424 Madison 3/13/2013
207-425 Mars Hill N/A
207-426 Clinton N/A
207-427 Woodland N/A
207-428 West Gray N/A
207-429 Mars Hill N/A
207-430 Augusta N/A
207-431 Skowhegan N/A
207-432 Sanford N/A
207-433 Bangor N/A
207-434 Jonesboro N/A
207-435 Ashland N/A
207-436 Madawaska N/A
207-437 Albion N/A
207-438 Kittery N/A
207-439 Kittery N/A
207-440 Lewiston N/A
207-441 Augusta N/A
207-442 Bath N/A
207-443 Bath N/A
207-444 Eagle Lake N/A
207-445 Southchina N/A
207-446 Augusta N/A
207-447 Millinocket N/A
207-448 Danforth N/A
207-449 Brunswick 9/12/2005
207-450 Portland N/A
207-451 Kittery N/A
207-452 Denmark N/A
207-453 Fairfield N/A
207-454 Calais N/A
207-455 Washburn N/A
207-456 Wytopitlk N/A
207-457 Lebanon N/A
207-458 Augusta N/A
207-459 Sanford N/A
207-460 Ellsworth N/A
207-461 Norway N/A
207-462 Augusta N/A
207-463 Island Fls N/A
207-464 Westbrook N/A
207-465 Oakland N/A
207-466 Rockland 12/1/2014
207-467 Kennebunk N/A
207-468 Biddeford N/A
207-469 Bucksport N/A
207-470 Camden N/A
207-471 Portland N/A
207-472 Fort Fairfield N/A
207-473 Fort Fairfield N/A
207-474 Skowhegan N/A
207-475 Kittery N/A
207-476 Fort Fairfield N/A
207-477 Acton N/A
207-478 Bangor N/A
207-479 Ellsworth N/A
207-480 Augusta 11/23/2011
207-481 Brunswick 4/29/2020
207-482 Portland N/A
207-483 Columbia N/A
207-484 Van Buren N/A
207-485 Augusta N/A
207-486 Wilsons Mills N/A
207-487 Pittsfield N/A
207-488 Easton N/A
207-489 Cumberland 3/3/2006
207-490 Sanford N/A
207-491 Farmington N/A
207-492 Caribou N/A
207-493 Caribou N/A
207-494 Biddeford 8/23/2012
207-495 Belgrade N/A
207-496 Caribou N/A
207-497 Jonesport N/A
207-498 Caribou N/A
207-499 Goodwinsml N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
207-500 Livermore Falls 12/6/2011
207-501 Berwick N/A
207-502 Kennebunk 8/5/2008
207-503 Scarborough N/A
207-504 Brunswick 9/16/2004
207-505 Belfast 2/13/2008
207-506 Limerick 9/6/2018
207-507 Rumford 5/23/2012
207-508 Brunswick 12/13/2023
207-509 Waterville 5/8/2008
207-510 Scarborough N/A
207-512 Augusta N/A
207-513 Lewiston 2/28/2007
207-514 Lewiston N/A
207-515 Norway N/A
207-516 Wilton 10/31/2018
207-517 Portland 12/6/2011
207-518 Portland 9/28/2007
207-519 Southwest Harbor 2/16/2018
207-520 Lewiston 8/8/2012
207-521 Houlton N/A
207-522 Brunswick 1/16/2001
207-523 Portland 7/23/2001
207-524 Leeds N/A
207-525 Monroe N/A
207-526 Swans Island N/A
207-527 North Norway N/A
207-528 Patten N/A
207-529 Bremen N/A
207-530 Augusta 9/11/2012
207-531 Lewiston 5/21/2020
207-532 Houlton N/A
207-533 Upton N/A
207-534 Rockwood N/A
207-535 Portland N/A
207-536 Portland 10/3/2014
207-537 Otis N/A
207-538 Houlton N/A
207-539 Oxford N/A
207-540 Presque Isle N/A
207-541 Portland N/A
207-542 Rockland N/A
207-543 Frenchville N/A
207-544 Portland 2/19/2020
207-545 Roxbury Pond N/A
207-546 Milbridge N/A
207-547 Sidney N/A
207-548 Searsport N/A
207-549 Nowhitefld N/A
207-550 Portland N/A
207-551 Presque Isle N/A
207-552 Portland N/A
207-553 Portland N/A
207-554 Presque Isle N/A
207-556 Westbrook 5/11/2006
207-557 Augusta N/A
207-558 Portland 11/17/2014
207-559 Lincoln 4/1/2019
207-560 Portland 11/23/2016
207-561 Bangor N/A
207-562 Dixfield N/A
207-563 Damariscotta N/A
207-564 Dover Foxcroft N/A
207-565 Franklin N/A
207-566 Embden Lake N/A
207-567 Stocktn Springs N/A
207-568 Thorndike N/A
207-569 Kennebunk 6/3/2015
207-570 Bangor 6/20/2006
207-571 Biddeford N/A
207-572 Windham 9/19/2014
207-573 Bangor N/A
207-574 Portland N/A
207-575 Portland N/A
207-576 Lewiston N/A
207-577 Lewiston 7/16/2002
207-578 Farmington N/A
207-579 Boothbay Harbor 5/27/2015
207-580 Portland N/A
207-581 Orono N/A
207-582 Gardiner N/A
207-583 Harrison N/A
207-584 Aurora N/A
207-585 Weld N/A
207-586 Sheepscot N/A
207-587 Mercer N/A
207-588 Gardiner N/A
207-589 Liberty N/A
207-590 Biddeford N/A
207-591 Westbrook N/A
207-592 Augusta N/A
207-593 Rockland N/A
207-594 Rockland N/A
207-595 Harrison N/A
207-596 Rockland N/A
207-597 Canton N/A
207-598 Columbia N/A
207-599 Lewiston 12/13/2023
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
207-600 Gorham 2/1/2019
207-601 Lewiston 11/11/2020
207-602 Biddeford 12/27/2004
207-604 Kennebunk 2/14/2005
207-605 Hermon 12/10/2007
207-606 York 11/7/2012
207-607 Brunswick N/A
207-608 Sanford 1/3/2005
207-610 Ellsworth N/A
207-612 Skowhegan 3/30/2006
207-613 Portland N/A
207-614 Skowhegan 9/11/2012
207-615 Portland N/A
207-616 Waterville 8/27/2012
207-618 Portland 1/10/2002
207-619 Portland 5/16/2008
207-620 Augusta N/A
207-621 Augusta N/A
207-622 Augusta N/A
207-623 Augusta N/A
207-624 Augusta N/A
207-625 Cornish N/A
207-626 Augusta N/A
207-627 Casco N/A
207-628 North New Portland N/A
207-629 Augusta N/A
207-630 York 9/28/2020
207-631 Bangor N/A
207-632 Portland N/A
207-633 Boothbay Harbor N/A
207-634 Norridgewock N/A
207-635 Northanson N/A
207-636 Sanford N/A
207-637 Limington N/A
207-638 Beddington N/A
207-639 Phillips N/A
207-640 Lisbon Falls 11/19/2019
207-641 Wells N/A
207-642 Standish N/A
207-643 Solon N/A
207-644 South Bristol N/A
207-645 Wilton N/A
207-646 Wells N/A
207-647 Bridgton N/A
207-648 Standish N/A
207-649 Waterville N/A
207-650 Portland N/A
207-651 Sanford N/A
207-652 New Vineyard N/A
207-653 Portland N/A
207-654 Athens N/A
207-655 Raymond N/A
207-656 Richmond 2/24/2010
207-657 Gray N/A
207-658 West Lebanon N/A
207-659 Bangor 2/15/2002
207-660 Waterville 11/3/2005
207-661 Portland 3/23/2010
207-662 Portland 1/30/2004
207-663 The Forks N/A
207-664 Ellsworth N/A
207-665 Bryant Pond N/A
207-666 Bowdoinham N/A
207-667 Ellsworth N/A
207-668 Jackman N/A
207-669 Ellsworth N/A
207-670 Rangeley 1/4/2001
207-671 Portland N/A
207-672 Bingham N/A
207-674 West Paris N/A
207-675 Steepfalls N/A
207-676 North Berwick N/A
207-677 New Harbor N/A
207-678 Salem N/A
207-679 Pittsfield N/A
207-680 Waterville N/A
207-682 Damariscotta 4/6/2015
207-683 Harmony N/A
207-684 Strong N/A
207-685 Readfield N/A
207-686 Eliot N/A
207-687 Wiscasset 8/18/2006
207-688 Pownal N/A
207-689 Lewiston N/A
207-690 Kittery 4/12/2019
207-691 Rockland N/A
207-692 Waterville N/A
207-693 Naples N/A
207-694 Houlton N/A
207-695 Greenville N/A
207-696 Madison N/A
207-697 Nofryeburg N/A
207-698 Berwick N/A
207-699 Portland N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
207-701 Rockland 5/10/2001
207-702 Bucksport 5/1/2006
207-703 Kittery 4/2/2008
207-704 South Berwick 4/2/2008
207-705 Lewiston 2/16/2018
207-706 Camden 11/12/2002
207-707 Augusta 9/17/2018
207-708 Skowhegan 12/31/2018
207-709 Yarmouth 2/16/2018
207-710 Biddeford 1/20/2006
207-712 Portland 1/9/2002
207-713 Lewiston N/A
207-714 West Gray 10/19/2007
207-715 Berwick 3/26/2008
207-716 Oakland 8/18/2006
207-717 Guilford N/A
207-718 Waldoboro N/A
207-719 Sanford 9/23/2021
207-720 Brunswick N/A
207-721 Brunswick N/A
207-722 Brooks N/A
207-723 Millinocket N/A
207-724 West Gardiner N/A
207-725 Brunswick N/A
207-726 Pembroke N/A
207-727 Bar Mills N/A
207-728 Madawaska N/A
207-729 Brunswick N/A
207-730 Scarborough 5/29/2001
207-731 Millinocket N/A
207-732 West Enfield N/A
207-733 Lubec N/A
207-734 Darkharbor N/A
207-735 Bangor N/A
207-736 Mattawamkeag N/A
207-737 Richmond N/A
207-738 Lee N/A
207-739 Norway 5/10/2001
207-740 Lewiston N/A
207-741 Portland N/A
207-742 Fairfield 5/8/2017
207-743 Norway N/A
207-744 Norway N/A
207-745 Bangor N/A
207-746 East Millinocket N/A
207-747 Portland 7/19/2012
207-748 Eliot N/A
207-749 Portland N/A
207-750 Portland N/A
207-751 Brunswick N/A
207-752 Kittery N/A
207-753 Lewiston N/A
207-754 Lewiston N/A
207-755 Lewiston N/A
207-756 Portland N/A
207-757 Smyrna Mills N/A
207-758 Portland N/A
207-759 Portland N/A
207-760 Presque Isle N/A
207-761 Portland N/A
207-762 Presque Isle N/A
207-763 Lincolnville N/A
207-764 Presque Isle N/A
207-765 Kingman N/A
207-766 Portland N/A
207-767 Portland N/A
207-768 Presque Isle N/A
207-769 Presque Isle N/A
207-770 Portland N/A
207-771 Portland N/A
207-772 Portland N/A
207-773 Portland N/A
207-774 Portland N/A
207-775 Portland N/A
207-776 Portland N/A
207-777 Lewiston N/A
207-778 Farmington N/A
207-779 Farmington N/A
207-780 Portland N/A
207-781 Portland N/A
207-782 Lewiston N/A
207-783 Lewiston N/A
207-784 Lewiston N/A
207-785 Union N/A
207-786 Lewiston N/A
207-787 Sebago N/A
207-788 Vanceboro N/A
207-789 Lincoville Beach N/A
207-790 Waldoboro 8/18/2006
207-791 Portland N/A
207-792 Portland N/A
207-793 Limerick N/A
207-794 Lincoln N/A
207-795 Lewiston N/A
207-796 Princeton N/A
207-797 Portland N/A
207-798 Brunswick N/A
207-799 Portland N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
207-800 Portland 1/22/2019
207-801 Bar Harbor 5/1/2006
207-802 Dover Foxcroft 7/26/2006
207-803 Bridgton 8/18/2006
207-804 Windham 6/22/2020
207-805 Portland N/A
207-806 Sanford 5/30/2013
207-807 Portland 4/17/2002
207-808 Portland 11/15/2013
207-809 Portland 1/2/2008
207-810 Portland 10/29/2021
207-812 Ellsworth 10/30/2007
207-813 Ellsworth 6/18/2019
207-814 Bangor 7/6/2020
207-815 Biddeford 12/9/2019
207-816 Augusta 5/20/2020
207-817 Old Town N/A
207-818 Portland N/A
207-819 Scarborough 1/23/2018
207-820 Old Town 9/17/2018
207-821 Portland N/A
207-822 Portland N/A
207-823 Portland N/A
207-824 Bethel N/A
207-825 Orrington N/A
207-826 Oldtown Rural N/A
207-827 Old Town N/A
207-828 Portland N/A
207-829 Cumberland N/A
207-830 Waterville 7/23/2020
207-831 Portland N/A
207-832 Waldoboro N/A
207-833 Harpswell N/A
207-834 Fort Kent N/A
207-835 Portland N/A
207-836 Westbethel N/A
207-837 Brunswick 4/23/2001
207-838 Portland N/A
207-839 Gorham N/A
207-841 Brunswick N/A
207-842 Portland N/A
207-843 Eddington N/A
207-844 Brunswick 7/8/2010
207-845 Washington N/A
207-846 Yarmouth N/A
207-847 Yarmouth N/A
207-848 Hermon N/A
207-849 Kennebunk 10/23/2020
207-850 Sanford 9/17/2007
207-851 Portland N/A
207-852 Bangor N/A
207-853 Eastport N/A
207-854 Westbrook N/A
207-855 Oakland 12/2/2019
207-856 Westbrook N/A
207-857 Westbrook N/A
207-858 Skowhegan N/A
207-859 Waterville N/A
207-860 Farmington 5/31/2006
207-861 Waterville N/A
207-862 Hampden N/A
207-863 Vinalhaven N/A
207-864 Rangeley N/A
207-865 Freeport N/A
207-866 Orono N/A
207-867 Vinalhaven N/A
207-868 Van Buren N/A
207-869 Freeport N/A
207-870 Portland N/A
207-871 Portland N/A
207-872 Waterville N/A
207-873 Waterville N/A
207-874 Portland N/A
207-875 Lockemills N/A
207-876 Guilford N/A
207-877 Waterville N/A
207-878 Portland N/A
207-879 Portland N/A
207-880 Portland 12/4/2020
207-881 Bangor N/A
207-882 Wiscasset N/A
207-883 Scarborough N/A
207-884 Levant N/A
207-885 Scarborough N/A
207-886 Camden 2/9/2021
207-887 Westbrook N/A
207-888 Portland 10/3/2018
207-889 Orono N/A
207-890 Norway N/A
207-891 Freeport 4/16/2001
207-892 Windham N/A
207-893 Windham N/A
207-894 Windham N/A
207-895 Grand Isle N/A
207-896 New Sweden N/A
207-897 Livermore Falls N/A
207-898 Madawaska 3/31/2021
207-899 Portland 1/16/2003
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
207-900 Old Orchard Beach 1/22/2019
207-901 Bar Harbor 5/31/2019
207-902 Bucksport 1/11/2006
207-904 Calais N/A
207-907 Bangor 8/22/2006
207-910 Portland 12/4/2020
207-914 Sanford 11/4/2002
207-916 Lewiston 11/4/2002
207-917 Bangor 11/4/2002
207-922 Bangor 4/22/2010
207-923 East Vassalboro N/A
207-924 Dexter N/A
207-925 Lovell N/A
207-926 Newglocstr N/A
207-928 North Lovell N/A
207-929 Bar Mills N/A
207-930 Belfast N/A
207-931 Readfield N/A
207-933 Monmouth N/A
207-934 Old Orchard Beach N/A
207-935 Fryeburg N/A
207-937 Old Orchard Beach N/A
207-938 Hartland N/A
207-939 Portland 9/25/2001
207-941 Bangor N/A
207-942 Bangor N/A
207-943 Milo N/A
207-944 Bangor N/A
207-945 Bangor N/A
207-946 Greene N/A
207-947 Bangor N/A
207-948 Unity N/A
207-949 Bangor N/A
207-951 Bangor 4/7/2008
207-952 Calais 3/1/2002
207-955 Lewiston 10/14/2021
207-956 Portland 9/5/2008
207-957 North Berwick 10/29/2007
207-962 Orono 2/16/2018
207-963 Winter Hbr N/A
207-965 Brownville N/A
207-966 Hebron N/A
207-967 Kennebunkport N/A
207-968 China N/A
207-973 Bangor N/A
207-974 Bangor N/A
207-975 Rockland N/A
207-977 Sanford 4/3/2019
207-985 Kennebunk N/A
207-987 Augusta 10/11/2021
207-989 Bangor N/A
207-990 Bangor N/A
207-991 Bangor N/A
207-992 Bangor N/A
207-993 Palermo N/A
207-994 Kittery 3/23/2015
207-995 Old Orchard Beach 9/23/2021
207-997 Monson N/A
207-998 Poland N/A
207-999 Limestone N/A
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date. N/A - mostly central office codes assigned before 2001.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 207

City1 County Time Zone2
Abbot Piscataquis E
Acton York E
Addison Washington E
Albion Kennebec E
Alfred York E
Alna Lincoln E
Andover Oxford E
Anson Somerset E
Ashland Aroostook E
Athens Somerset E
Auburn Androscoggin E
Augusta Kennebec E
Aurora Hancock E
Bailey Island Cumberland E
Baileyville Washington E
Bangor Penobscot E
Bar Harbor Hancock E
Bar Mills York E
Bass Harbor Hancock E
Bath Sagadahoc E
Beals Washington E
Belfast Waldo E
Belgrade Kennebec E
Belgrade Lakes Kennebec E
Benedicta Aroostook E
Bernard Hancock E
Berwick York E
Bethel Oxford E
Biddeford York E
Biddeford Pool York E
Bingham Somerset E
Birch Harbor Hancock E
Blaine Aroostook E
Blue Hill Hancock E
Boothbay Lincoln E
Boothbay Harbor Lincoln E
Bowdoin Sagadahoc E
Bowdoinham Sagadahoc E
Bradford Penobscot E
Bradley Penobscot E
Bremen Lincoln E
Brewer Penobscot E
Bridgewater Aroostook E
Bridgton Cumberland E
Bristol Lincoln E
Brooklin Hancock E
Brooks Waldo E
Brooksville Hancock E
Brookton Washington E
Brownfield Oxford E
Brownville Piscataquis E
Brownville Junction Piscataquis E
Brunswick Cumberland E
Bryant Pond Oxford E
Buckfield Oxford E
Bucksport Hancock E
Burlington Penobscot E
Burnham Waldo E
Bustins Island Cumberland E
Buxton York E
Calais Washington E
Cambridge Somerset E
Camden Knox E
Canaan Somerset E
Canton Oxford E
Cape Elizabeth Cumberland E
Cape Neddick York E
Cape Porpoise York E
Caratunk Somerset E
Caribou Aroostook E
Carmel Penobscot E
Casco Cumberland E
Castine Hancock E
Center Lovell Oxford E
Chamberlain Lincoln E
Charleston Penobscot E
Chebeague Island Cumberland E
Cherryfield Washington E
China Village Kennebec E
Clayton Lake Aroostook E
Cliff Island Cumberland E
Clinton Kennebec E
Columbia Falls Washington E
Coopers Mills Lincoln E
Corea Hancock E
Corinna Penobscot E
Corinth Penobscot E
Cornish York E
Cranberry Isles Hancock E
Crouseville Aroostook E
Cumberland Center Cumberland E
Cumberland Foreside Cumberland E
Cushing Knox E
Cutler Washington E
Damariscotta Lincoln E
Danforth Washington E
Danville Androscoggin E
Deer Isle Hancock E
Denmark Oxford E
Dennysville Washington E
Detroit Somerset E
Dexter Penobscot E
Dixfield Oxford E
Dixmont Penobscot E
Dover Foxcroft Piscataquis E
Dresden Lincoln E
Dryden Franklin E
Durham Androscoggin E
Eagle Lake Aroostook E
East Andover Oxford E
East Baldwin Cumberland E
East Blue Hill Hancock E
East Boothbay Lincoln E
East Dixfield Franklin E
East Livermore Androscoggin E
East Machias Washington E
East Millinocket Penobscot E
East Newport Penobscot E
East Orland Hancock E
East Parsonsfield York E
East Poland Androscoggin E
East Vassalboro Kennebec E
East Waterboro York E
East Wilton Franklin E
East Winthrop Kennebec E
Easton Aroostook E
Eastport Washington E
Eddington Penobscot E
Edgecomb Lincoln E
Eliot York E
Ellsworth Hancock E
Estcourt Station Aroostook E
Etna Penobscot E
Eustis Franklin E
Exeter Penobscot E
Fairfield Somerset E
Falmouth Cumberland E
Farmingdale Kennebec E
Farmington Franklin E
Farmington Falls Franklin E
Fort Fairfield Aroostook E
Fort Kent Aroostook E
Fort Kent Mills Aroostook E
Frankfort Waldo E
Franklin Hancock E
Freedom Waldo E
Freeport Cumberland E
Frenchboro Hancock E
Frenchville Aroostook E
Friendship Knox E
Fryeburg Oxford E
Gardiner Kennebec E
Garland Penobscot E
Georgetown Sagadahoc E
Glen Cove Knox E
Gorham Cumberland E
Gouldsboro Hancock E
Grand Isle Aroostook E
Grand Lake Stream Washington E
Gray Cumberland E
Greenbush Penobscot E
Greene Androscoggin E
Greenville Piscataquis E
Greenville Junction Piscataquis E
Greenwood Oxford E
Guilford Piscataquis E
Hallowell Kennebec E
Hampden Penobscot E
Hancock Hancock E
Hanover Oxford E
Harborside Hancock E
Harmony Somerset E
Harpswell Cumberland E
Harrington Washington E
Harrison Cumberland E
Hartland Somerset E
Hebron Oxford E
Hinckley Somerset E
Hiram Oxford E
Holden Penobscot E
Hollis Center York E
Hope Knox E
Houlton Aroostook E
Howland Penobscot E
Hudson Penobscot E
Hulls Cove Hancock E
Island Falls Aroostook E
Isle Au Haut Knox E
Isle Of Springs Lincoln E
Islesboro Waldo E
Islesford Hancock E
Jackman Somerset E
Jay Franklin E
Jefferson Lincoln E
Jonesboro Washington E
Jonesport Washington E
Kenduskeag Penobscot E
Kennebunk York E
Kennebunkport York E
Kents Hill Kennebec E
Kingfield Franklin E
Kingman Penobscot E
Kittery York E
Kittery Point York E
Lagrange Penobscot E
Lambert Lake Washington E
Lebanon York E
Lee Penobscot E
Leeds Androscoggin E
Levant Penobscot E
Lewiston Androscoggin E
Liberty Waldo E
Limerick York E
Limestone Aroostook E
Limington York E
Lincoln Penobscot E
Lincolnville Waldo E
Lincolnville Center Waldo E
Lisbon Androscoggin E
Lisbon Falls Androscoggin E
Litchfield Kennebec E
Little Deer Isle Hancock E
Livermore Androscoggin E
Livermore Falls Androscoggin E
Long Island Cumberland E
Lovell Oxford E
Lubec Washington E
Machias Washington E
Machiasport Washington E
Madawaska Aroostook E
Madison Somerset E
Manchester Kennebec E
Mapleton Aroostook E
Mars Hill Aroostook E
Matinicus Knox E
Mattawamkeag Penobscot E
Mechanic Falls Androscoggin E
Meddybemps Washington E
Medway Penobscot E
Mexico Oxford E
Milbridge Washington E
Milford Penobscot E
Millinocket Penobscot E
Milo Piscataquis E
Minot Androscoggin E
Monhegan Lincoln E
Monmouth Kennebec E
Monroe Waldo E
Monson Piscataquis E
Monticello Aroostook E
Moody York E
Morrill Waldo E
Mount Desert Hancock E
Mount Vernon Kennebec E
Naples Cumberland E
New Gloucester Cumberland E
New Harbor Lincoln E
New Limerick Aroostook E
New Portland Somerset E
New Sharon Franklin E
New Sweden Aroostook E
New Vineyard Franklin E
Newcastle Lincoln E
Newfield York E
Newport Penobscot E
Newry Oxford E
Nobleboro Lincoln E
Norridgewock Somerset E
North Anson Somerset E
North Berwick York E
North Bridgton Cumberland E
North Haven Knox E
North Jay Franklin E
North Monmouth Kennebec E
North Turner Androscoggin E
North Vassalboro Kennebec E
North Waterboro York E
North Waterford Oxford E
North Yarmouth Cumberland E
Northeast Harbor Hancock E
Norway Oxford E
Oakfield Aroostook E
Oakland Kennebec E
Ocean Park York E
Ogunquit York E
Old Orchard Beach York E
Old Town Penobscot E
Oquossoc Franklin E
Orient Aroostook E
Orland Hancock E
Orono Penobscot E
Orrington Penobscot E
Orrs Island Cumberland E
Owls Head Knox E
Oxbow Aroostook E
Oxford Oxford E
Palermo Waldo E
Palmyra Somerset E
Paris Oxford E
Parsonsfield York E
Passadumkeag Penobscot E
Patten Penobscot E
Peaks Island Cumberland E
Pemaquid Lincoln E
Pembroke Washington E
Penobscot Hancock E
Perham Aroostook E
Perry Washington E
Peru Oxford E
Phillips Franklin E
Phippsburg Sagadahoc E
Pittsfield Somerset E
Plymouth Penobscot E
Poland Androscoggin E
Port Clyde Knox E
Portage Aroostook E
Porter Oxford E
Portland Cumberland E
Pownal Cumberland E
Presque Isle Aroostook E
Princeton Washington E
Prospect Harbor Hancock E
Randolph Kennebec E
Rangeley Franklin E
Raymond Cumberland E
Readfield Kennebec E
Richmond Sagadahoc E
Robbinston Washington E
Rockland Knox E
Rockport Knox E
Rockwood Somerset E
Round Pond Lincoln E
Roxbury Oxford E
Rumford Oxford E
Sabattus Androscoggin E
Saco York E
Salsbury Cove Hancock E
Sandy Point Waldo E
Sanford York E
Sangerville Piscataquis E
Sargentville Hancock E
Scarborough Cumberland E
Seal Cove Hancock E
Seal Harbor Hancock E
Searsmont Waldo E
Searsport Waldo E
Sebago Cumberland E
Sebasco Estates Sagadahoc E
Sebec Piscataquis E
Sedgwick Hancock E
Shapleigh York E
Shawmut Somerset E
Sheridan Aroostook E
Sherman Aroostook E
Shirley Mills Piscataquis E
Sinclair Aroostook E
Skowhegan Somerset E
Smithfield Somerset E
Smyrna Mills Aroostook E
Solon Somerset E
Sorrento Hancock E
South Berwick York E
South Bristol Lincoln E
South Casco Cumberland E
South China Kennebec E
South Freeport Cumberland E
South Gardiner Kennebec E
South Paris Oxford E
South Portland Cumberland E
South Thomaston Knox E
South Windham Cumberland E
Southport Lincoln E
Southwest Harbor Hancock E
Springfield Penobscot E
Springvale York E
Spruce Head Knox E
Squirrel Island Lincoln E
St Agatha Aroostook E
St Albans Somerset E
St David Aroostook E
St Francis Aroostook E
Stacyville Penobscot E
Standish Cumberland E
Steep Falls Cumberland E
Stetson Penobscot E
Steuben Washington E
Stillwater Penobscot E
Stockholm Aroostook E
Stockton Springs Waldo E
Stoneham Oxford E
Stonington Hancock E
Stratton Franklin E
Strong Franklin E
Sullivan Hancock E
Sumner Oxford E
Sunset Hancock E
Surry Hancock E
Swans Island Hancock E
Temple Franklin E
Tenants Harbor Knox E
Thomaston Knox E
Thorndike Waldo E
Topsfield Washington E
Topsham Sagadahoc E
Trevett Lincoln E
Troy Waldo E
Turner Androscoggin E
Union Knox E
Unity Waldo E
Van Buren Aroostook E
Vanceboro Washington E
Vassalboro Kennebec E
Vienna Kennebec E
Vinalhaven Knox E
Waite Washington E
Waldoboro Lincoln E
Wallagrass Aroostook E
Walpole Lincoln E
Warren Knox E
Washburn Aroostook E
Washington Knox E
Waterboro York E
Waterford Oxford E
Waterville Kennebec E
Wayne Kennebec E
Weld Franklin E
Wells York E
Wesley Washington E
West Baldwin Cumberland E
West Bethel Oxford E
West Boothbay Harbor Lincoln E
West Enfield Penobscot E
West Farmington Franklin E
West Forks Somerset E
West Kennebunk York E
West Minot Androscoggin E
West Newfield York E
West Paris Oxford E
West Poland Androscoggin E
West Rockport Knox E
Westbrook Cumberland E
Westfield Aroostook E
Whitefield Lincoln E
Whiting Washington E
Wilton Franklin E
Windham Cumberland E
Windsor Kennebec E
Winn Penobscot E
Winter Harbor Hancock E
Winterport Waldo E
Winthrop Kennebec E
Wiscasset Lincoln E
Woolwich Sagadahoc E
Wytopitlock Aroostook E
Yarmouth Cumberland E
York York E
York Beach York E
York Harbor York E
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 207. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. E stands for Eastern Time (currently ).