

Errors and omissions is an independent website publishing North American Numbering Plan area code information that is intended, but not promised or guaranteed to be correct, complete, and up to date. While we strive to publish accurate data and update it regularly through the use of multiple official and non official sources, we do not guarantee that all the information found on this website is error free. You expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this website.

User's own responsibility

By using you agree to take full responsibility for any harm or damage you suffer as a result of the use of the information available on this website.

No endorsements

On some of our pages we mention or link to other entities or websites. This practice is only intended to help our visitors locate more related information and we are not in any way associated with these entities, nor do we endorse them or the services they provide.


Wherever you see the word "Sponsored" under a search box it means two things:

  1. You will be redirected to one of our partners' websites to complete a reverse phone search.
  2. If you make a purchase on this partner's website we may receive a commission.

Reverse phone services are provided as a convenience to those looking to access more information about a specific phone number and also as a means to pay for the costs associated with publishing and maintaining this website.

About paid reverse phone searches

Companies providing people search information have often been criticized for either returning inaccurate/incomplete details or for profiting from publishing people's personal information. One thing you should know is that these companies simply aggregate publicly available information within a friendly interface. In other words, doing some extensive online research you would probably be able to freely locate most of the information they otherwise provide for a fee. There is no magic tool for finding information that hasn't been published anywhere and we should be thankful for that.

Here's an interesting article on the subject.