
Area Code 220

Area code 220 is in Ohio, USA , spanning 33 counties and serving 300 cities, including Newark, Marion or Athens; it currently uses 122 prefixes, assigned from 220-200-XXXX through 220-999-XXXX.

In service since April 22, 2015, area code 220 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 740/220.

The current local time is .

220 area code location on a map
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For exact NPA boundaries see official 220 area code map

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Locate any 220-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
220-200 Frazeysburg 3/17/2016
220-201 Zanesville 4/13/2015
220-202 Tiltosnville 1/26/2018
220-203 Zanesville 3/25/2019
220-204 Baltimore 12/9/2020
220-205 Kilbourne 3/30/2021
220-206 The Plains 3/31/2021
220-207 Lancaster 4/15/2021
220-208 Zanesville 4/15/2021
220-209 Steubenville 4/16/2021
220-210 New Concord 3/30/2021
220-212 Pataskala 5/7/2021
220-213 Amanda 6/18/2021
220-214 Danville 6/22/2021
220-215 Ironton 8/12/2021
220-216 Morristown 9/3/2021
220-217 Sunbury 9/3/2021
220-218 Athens 12/15/2021
220-219 Pataskala 1/4/2022
220-220 Alexandria 2/11/2020
220-221 Marion 4/2/2021
220-222 Roseville 8/30/2017
220-223 Cheshire Center 1/11/2022
220-224 Athens 2/23/2022
220-225 Belpre 2/28/2022
220-226 Amanda 2/11/2020
220-227 Athens 4/14/2022
220-228 Pataskala 5/20/2022
220-229 Chesterhill 6/27/2022
220-230 Thornville 9/3/2021
220-231 Johnstown 7/19/2022
220-232 Athens 8/9/2022
220-233 Resaca 8/9/2022
220-234 Martins Ferry 2/12/2020
220-235 Zanesville 8/10/2022
220-236 Chester 8/23/2022
220-237 Wellston 9/14/2022
220-238 Pataskala 10/3/2022
220-239 Marion 11/2/2022
220-240 Chesapeake 11/2/2022
220-241 Zanesville 11/16/2022
220-242 Lancaster 12/6/2022
220-243 Athens 12/14/2022
220-244 Delaware 01/04/2023
220-245 Walnut 02/02/2023
220-246 Pataskala 03/09/2023
220-247 Cheshire Center 03/31/2023
220-248 Athens 04/20/2023
220-249 Athens 07/13/2023
220-250 Frazeysburg 08/17/2023
220-251 Jeffersonville 09/01/2023
220-252 Athens 09/01/2023
220-253 Circleville 10/03/2023
220-254 Chesapeake 11/15/2023
220-255 Amanda 10/16/2023
220-256 Athens 01/03/2024
220-257 Marion 01/03/2024
220-258 Bellaire 01/04/2024
220-259 Fredericktown 02/08/2024
220-260 Waldo 02/08/2024
220-261 Sugar Grove 02/08/2024
220-262 Pataskala 02/20/2024
220-263 London 02/21/2024
220-264 Athens 03/15/2024
220-265 Steubenville 03/28/2024
220-266 Ironton 04/03/2024
220-267 Chillicoth 04/10/2024
220-268 Woodsfield 07/16/2024
220-269 Baltimore 08/21/2024
220-270 Croton 3/22/2016
220-271 Athens 08/27/2024
220-272 Croton 1/6/2021
220-273 Sedalia 10/21/2024
220-274 Athens 12/09/2024
220-275 Athens 12/26/2024
220-299 Newcomerstown 6/14/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
220-300 Wilkesville 7/1/2020
220-324 New Marshfield 11/2/2022
220-333 Roseville 9/1/2017
220-345 Letart Falls 8/3/2021
220-348 Adamsville 6/11/2021
220-356 Byesville 2/12/2020
220-386 Chesapeake 6/11/2021
220-399 Nelsonnville 6/14/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
220-400 Chesterhill 2/12/2020
220-432 Fultonham 6/11/2021
220-440 Frazeysburg 1/6/2021
220-444 Mingo Junction 9/15/2017
220-465 Pataskala 2/12/2020
220-499 Marietta 6/11/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
220-500 Millersport 1/19/2021
220-529 Old Washington 2/12/2020
220-564 Newark 11/19/2015
220-577 Zanesville 6/15/2021
220-599 Laurelville 6/11/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
220-600 Scio 6/30/2020
220-666 Baltimore 10/6/2017
220-667 Barnesville 6/11/2021
220-677 Williamsport 6/15/2021
220-678 Somerset 8/24/2022
220-699 Idaho 6/11/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
220-710 Portsmouth 10/8/2019
220-732 Athens 6/11/2021
220-740 Lower Salem 11/2/2022
220-758 Reinersville/ Hackney 2/12/2020
220-766 Walnut 2/12/2020
220-777 Coshocton 12/21/2018
220-786 Crooksville 6/11/2021
220-788 New Holland 6/14/2021
220-799 Guyan 6/11/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
220-800 West Lafayette 1/25/2019
220-837 Chillicoth 2/9/2021
220-842 Wellston 2/12/2020
220-877 Prospect 6/15/2021
220-888 Rushville 9/1/2017
220-899 Graysville 6/11/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
220-900 Sugar Grove 5/8/2019
220-901 Guysville 11/16/2021
220-902 Barlow 11/16/2021
220-946 Cooperdale 6/11/2021
220-977 Pleasantville 6/14/2021
220-999 Newport 9/15/2017
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 220

City1 County Time Zone2
Adamsville Muskingum E
Adelphi Ross E
Adena Jefferson E
Albany Athens E
Alexandria Licking E
Alledonia Belmont E
Amanda Fairfield E
Amesville Athens E
Amsterdam Jefferson E
Ashley Delaware E
Ashville Pickaway E
Athens Athens E
Ava Noble E
Bainbridge Ross E
Baltimore Fairfield E
Bannock Belmont E
Barlow Washington E
Barnesville Belmont E
Bartlett Washington E
Barton Belmont E
Beallsville Monroe E
Beaver Pike E
Bellaire Belmont E
Belle Valley Noble E
Belmont Belmont E
Belpre Washington E
Bergholz Jefferson E
Bethesda Belmont E
Beverly Washington E
Bidwell Gallia E
Bladensburg Knox E
Blaine Belmont E
Blissfield Coshocton E
Bloomingburg Fayette E
Bloomingdale Jefferson E
Blue Rock Muskingum E
Bourneville Ross E
Bowerston Harrison E
Bremen Fairfield E
Bridgeport Belmont E
Brilliant Jefferson E
Brinkhaven Knox E
Brownsville Licking E
Buchtel Athens E
Buckeye Lake Licking E
Buffalo Guernsey E
Byesville Guernsey E
Cadiz Harrison E
Caldwell Noble E
Cambridge Guernsey E
Cameron Monroe E
Carbon Hill Hocking E
Carbondale Athens E
Centerburg Knox E
Chandlersville Muskingum E
Chauncey Athens E
Chesapeake Lawrence E
Cheshire Gallia E
Chester Meigs E
Chesterhill Morgan E
Chillicothe Ross E
Circleville Pickaway E
Clarington Monroe E
Clarksburg Ross E
Coal Run Washington E
Coalton Jackson E
Colerain Belmont E
Conesville Coshocton E
Coolville Athens E
Corning Perry E
Coshocton Coshocton E
Creola Vinton E
Crooksville Perry E
Croton Licking E
Crown City Gallia E
Cumberland Guernsey E
Cutler Washington E
Cynthiana Pike E
Danville Knox E
Deersville Harrison E
Delaware Delaware E
Dennison Tuscarawas E
Derwent Guernsey E
Dexter City Noble E
Dillonvale Jefferson E
Dresden Muskingum E
Duncan Falls Muskingum E
East Fultonham Muskingum E
East Springfield Jefferson E
Empire Jefferson E
Etna Licking E
Fairpoint Belmont E
Fairview Guernsey E
Fleming Washington E
Flushing Belmont E
Frankfort Ross E
Franklin Furnace Scioto E
Frazeysburg Muskingum E
Fredericktown Knox E
Freeport Harrison E
Fresno Coshocton E
Friendship Scioto E
Fultonham Muskingum E
Galena Delaware E
Gallipolis Gallia E
Gambier Knox E
Glencoe Belmont E
Glenford Perry E
Glouster Athens E
Gnadenhutten Tuscarawas E
Granville Licking E
Gratiot Licking E
Graysville Monroe E
Green Camp Marion E
Guysville Athens E
Hallsville Ross E
Hamden Vinton E
Hammondsville Jefferson E
Hannibal Monroe E
Harpster Wyandot E
Harrisville Harrison E
Haverhill Scioto E
Haydenville Hocking E
Heath Licking E
Hebron Licking E
Hockingport Athens E
Holloway Belmont E
Homer Licking E
Hopedale Harrison E
Hopewell Muskingum E
Howard Knox E
Irondale Jefferson E
Ironton Lawrence E
Jackson Jackson E
Jacksontown Licking E
Jacksonville Athens E
Jacobsburg Belmont E
Jasper Pike E
Jeffersonville Fayette E
Jerusalem Monroe E
Jewett Harrison E
Johnstown Licking E
Junction City Perry E
Keene Coshocton E
Kerr Gallia E
Kilbourne Delaware E
Kimbolton Guernsey E
Kingston Ross E
Kipling Guernsey E
Kirkersville Licking E
Kitts Hill Lawrence E
La Rue Marion E
Lafferty Belmont E
Laings Monroe E
Lancaster Fairfield E
Langsville Meigs E
Lansing Belmont E
Latham Pike E
Laurelville Hocking E
Leesville Carroll E
Lewis Center Delaware E
Lewisville Monroe E
Lithopolis Fairfield E
Little Hocking Washington E
Logan Hocking E
London Madison E
Londonderry Ross E
Long Bottom Meigs E
Lore City Guernsey E
Lowell Washington E
Lower Salem Washington E
Lucasville Scioto E
Macksburg Washington E
Malaga Monroe E
Malta Morgan E
Marietta Washington E
Marion Marion E
Martins Ferry Belmont E
Martinsburg Knox E
Maynard Belmont E
Mc Arthur Vinton E
Mc Dermott Scioto E
McConnelsville Morgan E
Middleport Meigs E
Milledgeville Fayette E
Millersport Fairfield E
Millfield Athens E
Minford Scioto E
Mingo Junction Jefferson E
Morral Marion E
Morristown Belmont E
Mount Liberty Knox E
Mount Perry Perry E
Mount Pleasant Jefferson E
Mount Sterling Madison E
Mount Vernon Knox E
Moxahala Perry E
Murray City Hocking E
Nashport Muskingum E
Neffs Belmont E
Nelsonville Athens E
Nevada Wyandot E
New Athens Harrison E
New Bloomington Marion E
New Concord Muskingum E
New Holland Pickaway E
New Lexington Perry E
New Marshfield Athens E
New Matamoras Washington E
New Plymouth Vinton E
New Rumley Harrison E
New Straitsville Perry E
Newark Licking E
Newcomerstown Tuscarawas E
Newport Washington E
Norwich Muskingum E
Oak Hill Jackson E
Old Washington Guernsey E
Ostrander Delaware E
Otway Scioto E
Pataskala Licking E
Patriot Gallia E
Pedro Lawrence E
Philo Muskingum E
Piedmont Belmont E
Piketon Pike E
Piney Fork Jefferson E
Plainfield Coshocton E
Pleasant City Guernsey E
Pleasantville Fairfield E
Pomeroy Meigs E
Port Washington Tuscarawas E
Portland Meigs E
Portsmouth Scioto E
Powhatan Point Belmont E
Proctorville Lawrence E
Prospect Marion E
Quaker City Guernsey E
Racine Meigs E
Radnor Delaware E
Rarden Scioto E
Ray Vinton E
Rayland Jefferson E
Reedsville Meigs E
Reno Washington E
Richmond Jefferson E
Richmond Dale Ross E
Richwood Union E
Rio Grande Gallia E
Rock Camp Lawrence E
Rockbridge Hocking E
Roseville Muskingum E
Rushville Fairfield E
Rutland Meigs E
Salesville Guernsey E
Sarahsville Noble E
Sardis Monroe E
Scio Harrison E
Scioto Furnace Scioto E
Scottown Lawrence E
Sedalia Madison E
Senecaville Guernsey E
Shade Meigs E
Shadyside Belmont E
Sharpsburg Athens E
Shawnee Perry E
Sherrodsville Carroll E
Smithfield Jefferson E
Somerset Perry E
South Bloomingville Hocking E
South Point Lawrence E
South Webster Scioto E
St Clairsville Belmont E
St Louisville Licking E
Stafford Monroe E
Steubenville Jefferson E
Stewart Athens E
Stillwater Tuscarawas E
Stockdale Pike E
Stockport Morgan E
Stoutsville Fairfield E
Stratton Jefferson E
Sugar Grove Fairfield E
Summerfield Noble E
Summit Station Licking E
Sunbury Delaware E
Sycamore Valley Monroe E
Syracuse Meigs E
Tarlton Pickaway E
The Plains Athens E
Thornville Perry E
Thurman Gallia E
Thurston Fairfield E
Tiltonsville Jefferson E
Tippecanoe Harrison E
Toronto Jefferson E
Trimble Athens E
Trinway Muskingum E
Tuppers Plains Meigs E
Tuscarawas Tuscarawas E
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 220. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. E stands for Eastern Time (currently ).