Area code 242 is in Bahamas , spanning 24 counties and serving 51 cities, including Nassau, Freeport or West End.
In service date for area code 242: October 01, 1996.
The current local time is 6:50:35 PM (Eastern Time Zone).
City1 | County | Time Zone2 |
Abraham's Bay | Mayaguana | E |
Alice Town | Biminis | E |
Arthur's Town | Cat Island | E |
Black Point | Exuma and Cays | E |
Bullock's Harbour | Berry Islands | E |
Burnt Ground | Long Island | E |
Cockburn Town | San Salvador | E |
Coopers Town | North Abaco | E |
Crossing Rock | South Abaco | E |
Deadman's Cay | Long Island | E |
Duncan Town | Ragged Island | E |
Dundas Town | North Abaco | E |
Dunmore Town | Harbour Island | E |
Farmer's Hill | Exuma and Cays | E |
Freeport | Freeport | E |
Fresh Creek | South Andros | E |
George Town | Exuma and Cays | E |
Grand Cay | North Abaco | E |
Great Harbour Cay | Berry Islands | E |
Green Turle Cay | North Abaco | E |
Hooper's Bay | Exuma and Cays | E |
Inagua | Inagua | E |
James Cistern | North Eleuthera | E |
Kemp's Bay | South Andros | E |
Landrial Point | Crooked Island | E |
Lowe Sound | North Andros | E |
Marsh Harbour | South Abaco | E |
Mastic Point | North Andros | E |
Moxey Town | South Andros | E |
Murphy Town | North Abaco | E |
Nassau | New Providence | E |
Nichols Town | North Andros | E |
Old Bight | Cat Island | E |
Port Nelson | Rum Cay | E |
Red Bay | North Andros | E |
Rock Sound | South Eleuthera | E |
Russell Island | Spanish Wells | E |
Salina Point | Acklins | E |
Sandy Point | South Abaco | E |
South Hope Town | South Abaco | E |
Spanish Wells | Spanish Wells | E |
Spring City | South Abaco | E |
Sugar Loaf | San Salvador | E |
Sweeting Cay | East Grand Bahama | E |
Tarpum Bay | South Eleuthera | E |
The Bluff | South Andros | E |
The Farm | North Abaco | E |
The Mudd | South Abaco | E |
Treasure Cay | North Abaco | E |
United Estates | San Salvador | E |
West End | West Grand Bahama | E |