
Area Code 242

Area code 242 is in Bahamas , spanning 24 counties and serving 51 cities, including Nassau, Freeport or West End.

In service date for area code 242: October 01, 1996.

The current local time is 6:50:35 PM (Eastern Time Zone).

242 area code location on a map
© OpenStreetMap contributors
For exact NPA boundaries see official 242 area code map

Cities in area code 242

City1 County Time Zone2
Abraham's Bay Mayaguana E
Alice Town Biminis E
Arthur's Town Cat Island E
Black Point Exuma and Cays E
Bullock's Harbour Berry Islands E
Burnt Ground Long Island E
Cockburn Town San Salvador E
Coopers Town North Abaco E
Crossing Rock South Abaco E
Deadman's Cay Long Island E
Duncan Town Ragged Island E
Dundas Town North Abaco E
Dunmore Town Harbour Island E
Farmer's Hill Exuma and Cays E
Freeport Freeport E
Fresh Creek South Andros E
George Town Exuma and Cays E
Grand Cay North Abaco E
Great Harbour Cay Berry Islands E
Green Turle Cay North Abaco E
Hooper's Bay Exuma and Cays E
Inagua Inagua E
James Cistern North Eleuthera E
Kemp's Bay South Andros E
Landrial Point Crooked Island E
Lowe Sound North Andros E
Marsh Harbour South Abaco E
Mastic Point North Andros E
Moxey Town South Andros E
Murphy Town North Abaco E
Nassau New Providence E
Nichols Town North Andros E
Old Bight Cat Island E
Port Nelson Rum Cay E
Red Bay North Andros E
Rock Sound South Eleuthera E
Russell Island Spanish Wells E
Salina Point Acklins E
Sandy Point South Abaco E
South Hope Town South Abaco E
Spanish Wells Spanish Wells E
Spring City South Abaco E
Sugar Loaf San Salvador E
Sweeting Cay East Grand Bahama E
Tarpum Bay South Eleuthera E
The Bluff South Andros E
The Farm North Abaco E
The Mudd South Abaco E
Treasure Cay North Abaco E
United Estates San Salvador E
West End West Grand Bahama E
  1. Listed above are most places served by Bahamas area code 242. When multiple places share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. E stands for Eastern Time (currently 6:50:35 PM).