
Area Code 250

Area code 250 is in British Columbia, Canada , serving 386 cities, including Kelowna, Kamloops or Nanaimo; it currently uses 781 prefixes, assigned from 250-200-XXXX through 250-999-XXXX.

In service since October 19, 1996, area code 250 is the parent Numbering Plan Area in overlay complex 250/778/236/672.

The current local time is .

250 area code location on a map
© OpenStreetMap contributors
For exact NPA boundaries see official 250 area code map

More British Columbia area codes:

Locate any 250-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1
250-200 Revelstoke
250-201 Campbell River
250-202 Campbell River
250-203 Campbell River
250-204 Campbell River
250-205 Campbell River
250-206 Port Alberni
250-207 Courtenay
250-208 Victoria
250-209 Port Alice
250-210 Chemainus
250-212 Kelowna
250-213 Victoria
250-214 South Kamloops
250-215 Kelowna
250-216 Victoria
250-217 Victoria
250-218 Courtenay
250-219 Dawson Creek
250-220 Victoria
250-221 Ganges
250-222 Gulf Islands
250-223 Boswell
250-224 Fort St. John
250-225 Riondel
250-226 Vallican
250-227 Crawford Bay
250-228 Parksville
250-229 Balfour
250-230 Port Hardy
250-231 Trail
250-232 Toad River
250-233 Fort Nelson
250-234 Iskut
250-235 Telegraph Creek
250-237 Bob Quinn Lake
250-238 Gold Bridge
250-239 Good Hope Lake
250-240 Parksville
250-241 Vernon
250-242 Tumbler Ridge
250-243 Beaver Valley
250-244 Nanaimo
250-245 Ladysmith
250-246 Chemainus
250-247 Gabriola Island
250-248 Parksville
250-249 Bouchie Lake
250-251 Burns Lake
250-252 Duncan
250-253 Salmon Arm
250-254 Creston
250-255 Quesnel
250-256 Lillooet
250-257 Tumbler Ridge
250-258 Kelowna
250-259 Shalalth
250-260 Vernon
250-261 Fort St. John
250-262 Fort St. John
250-263 Fort St. John
250-264 Fort St. John
250-265 Nakusp
250-266 Ucluelet
250-267 Williams Lake
250-268 Nanaimo
250-269 Fauquier
250-270 Invermere
250-271 Fort St. John
250-272 Golden
250-273 Princeton
250-274 Penticton
250-275 Vernon
250-276 Penticton
250-277 Prince George
250-278 Fernie
250-279 Kitimat
250-280 Merritt
250-281 Woss Lake
250-282 Sayward
250-283 Gold River
250-284 Port Alice
250-285 Quadra Island
250-286 Campbell River
250-287 Campbell River
250-288 Holberg
250-289 Ocean Falls
250-290 Golden
250-291 Lillooet
250-292 Hedley
250-293 Princeton
250-294 Victoria
250-295 Princeton
250-296 150 Mile House
250-297 Mcleese Lake
250-298 Victoria
250-299 South Kamloops
NPANXX Area Served1
250-300 Kelowna
250-301 Prince George
250-302 Williams Lake
250-303 Williams Lake
250-304 Castlegar
250-305 Williams Lake
250-306 Vernon
250-307 Vernon
250-308 Vernon
250-309 Vernon
250-310 7 Digit Service
250-312 North Kamloops
250-313 Cache Creek
250-314 South Kamloops
250-315 Merritt
250-316 Quesnel
250-317 Kelowna
250-318 South Kamloops
250-319 South Kamloops
250-320 South Kamloops
250-321 Fort Nelson
250-322 Kelowna
250-323 Cedar
250-324 Chemainus
250-325 Gabriola Island
250-326 Kincolith
250-327 Nanaimo
250-328 Penticton
250-329 Fort St. John
250-330 Red Rock
250-331 Courtenay
250-332 Kyuquot
250-333 Lasqueti Island
250-334 Courtenay
250-335 Union Bay
250-336 Cumberland
250-337 Oyster Bay
250-338 Courtenay
250-339 Comox
250-340 Donald
250-341 Invermere
250-342 Invermere
250-343 Field
250-344 Golden
250-345 Fairmont Hot Springs
250-346 Spillimacheen
250-347 Radium
250-348 Parson
250-349 Canal Flats
250-350 Douglas Lake
250-351 Vernon
250-352 Nelson
250-353 Kaslo
250-354 Nelson
250-355 Slocan
250-356 Victoria
250-357 Salmo
250-358 New Denver
250-359 South Slocan
250-360 Victoria
250-361 Victoria
250-362 Rossland
250-363 Victoria
250-364 Trail
250-365 Castlegar
250-366 Duncan Lake
250-367 Fruitvale
250-368 Trail
250-369 Trout Lake
250-370 Victoria
250-371 South Kamloops
250-372 South Kamloops
250-373 Savona
250-374 South Kamloops
250-375 Westwold
250-376 North Kamloops
250-377 South Kamloops
250-378 Merritt
250-379 Falkland
250-380 Victoria
250-381 Victoria
250-382 Victoria
250-383 Victoria
250-384 Victoria
250-385 Victoria
250-386 Victoria
250-387 Victoria
250-388 Victoria
250-389 Victoria
250-390 Lantzville
250-391 Victoria
250-392 Williams Lake
250-393 Hendrix Lake
250-394 Alexis Creek
250-395 100 Mile House
250-396 Lac La Hache
250-397 Forest Grove
250-398 Williams Lake
250-399 Thrums
NPANXX Area Served1
250-400 Cumberland
250-401 Chetwynd
250-402 Creston
250-403 Alert Bay
250-404 Summerland
250-405 Victoria
250-406 Fort St. James
250-407 Kitimat
250-408 Oliver
250-409 Invermere
250-410 Victoria
250-412 Victoria
250-413 Victoria
250-414 Victoria
250-415 Victoria
250-416 Chemainus
250-417 Cranbrook
250-418 Victoria
250-419 Victoria
250-420 Cranbrook
250-421 Cranbrook
250-422 Skookumchuck
250-423 Fernie
250-424 Yahk
250-425 Sparwood
250-426 Cranbrook
250-427 Kimberley
250-428 Creston
250-429 Jaffray
250-430 Fernie
250-431 Creston
250-432 Kimberley
250-433 Sparwood
250-434 South Kamloops
250-435 Creston
250-436 Chemainus
250-437 Summerland
250-438 Princeton
250-439 Golden
250-440 Alkali Lake
250-441 Cluculz Lake
250-442 Grand Forks
250-443 Grand Forks
250-444 Grand Forks
250-445 Greenwood
250-446 Rock Creek
250-447 Christina Lake
250-448 Kelowna
250-449 Midway
250-450 Okanagan Mission
250-451 Rutland
250-452 Westbank
250-453 Ashcroft
250-454 Lakeview Heights
250-455 Lytton
250-456 70 Mile House
250-457 Cache Creek
250-458 Spences Bridge
250-459 Clinton
250-460 Penticton
250-461 North Kamloops
250-462 Penticton
250-463 Salmon Arm
250-464 Cranbrook
250-465 Courtenay
250-466 Duncan
250-467 Dawson Creek
250-468 Nanoose
250-469 Kelowna
250-470 Kelowna
250-471 Fort Ware
250-472 Victoria
250-473 Okanagan Falls
250-474 Victoria
250-475 Victoria
250-476 Tatla Lake
250-477 Victoria
250-478 Victoria
250-479 Victoria
250-480 Victoria
250-481 Puntzi
250-482 Penticton
250-483 Victoria
250-484 Beaverdell
250-485 Oliver
250-486 Penticton
250-487 Penticton
250-488 Penticton
250-489 Cranbrook
250-490 Penticton
250-491 Rutland
250-492 Penticton
250-493 Penticton
250-494 Summerland
250-495 Osoyoos
250-496 Naramata
250-497 Okanagan Falls
250-498 Oliver
250-499 Keremeos
NPANXX Area Served1
250-500 Fort Nelson
250-501 Keremeos
250-502 Keremeos
250-503 Vernon
250-504 Campbell River
250-505 Nelson
250-506 Keremeos
250-507 Victoria
250-508 Victoria
250-509 Nelson
250-510 Duncan
250-512 Trail
250-513 Castlegar
250-514 Victoria
250-515 Salmon Arm
250-516 Victoria
250-517 Salmon Arm
250-518 Nanaimo
250-519 Victoria
250-520 Kimberley
250-521 Trail
250-522 Tofino
250-523 Logan Lake
250-524 Vanderhoof
250-525 Merritt
250-526 Ganges
250-527 Port Hardy
250-528 Midway
250-529 Elko
250-530 Ganges
250-531 Fernie
250-532 Victoria
250-533 Chemainus
250-534 Ucluelet
250-535 Oliver
250-536 Victoria
250-537 Ganges
250-538 Ganges
250-539 Gulf Islands
250-540 Vernon
250-541 Vernon
250-542 Vernon
250-543 Vernon
250-544 Saanich
250-545 Vernon
250-546 Armstrong
250-547 Lumby
250-548 Oyama
250-549 Vernon
250-550 Vernon
250-551 Nelson
250-552 Prince George
250-553 Loos
250-554 North Kamloops
250-556 Chetwynd
250-557 Port Clements
250-558 Vernon
250-559 Queen Charlotte
250-560 Chilako
250-561 Prince George
250-562 Prince George
250-563 Prince George
250-564 Prince George
250-565 Prince George
250-566 Valemount
250-567 Vanderhoof
250-568 Giscome
250-569 Mcbride
250-570 Vanderhoof
250-571 South Kamloops
250-572 South Kamloops
250-573 Dallas
250-574 South Kamloops
250-575 Kelowna
250-576 South Kamloops
250-577 Pritchard
250-578 Aspen Park
250-579 Westsyde
250-580 Victoria
250-581 Cranbrook
250-582 Princeton
250-583 Summerland
250-584 Grand Forks
250-585 Wellington
250-586 Parksville
250-587 Clearwater
250-588 Victoria
250-589 Victoria
250-590 Victoria
250-591 Nanaimo
250-592 Victoria
250-593 Bridge Lake
250-594 Qualicum
250-595 Victoria
250-596 Prince George
250-597 Duncan
250-598 Victoria
250-599 Keremeos
NPANXX Area Served1
250-600 Port Edward
250-601 Chetwynd
250-602 Kimberley
250-603 Sparwood
250-605 Midway
250-606 Chemainus
250-607 Parksville
250-608 Castlegar
250-609 100 Mile House
250-612 Prince George
250-613 Prince George
250-614 Prince George
250-615 Terrace
250-616 Nanaimo
250-617 Prince George
250-618 Nanaimo
250-619 Nanaimo
250-620 Horsefly
250-621 Greenville
250-622 Prince Rupert
250-623 Tumbler Ridge
250-624 Prince Rupert
250-625 Port Simpson
250-626 Masset
250-627 Prince Rupert
250-628 Port Edward
250-629 Pender Island
250-630 Prespatou
250-631 Terrace
250-632 Kitimat
250-633 Aiyansh
250-634 Victoria
250-635 Terrace
250-636 Stewart
250-637 Sandspit
250-638 Terrace
250-639 Kitimat
250-640 Prince George
250-641 Terrace
250-642 Sooke
250-643 Smithers
250-644 100 Mile House
250-645 Prince George
250-646 Jordan River
250-647 Port Renfrew
250-648 Tachie
250-649 Prince George
250-650 Courtenay
250-651 Atlin
250-652 Saanich
250-653 Fulford Harbour
250-654 Saanich
250-655 Saanich
250-656 Saanich
250-657 Saanich
250-658 Victoria
250-659 Riske Creek
250-660 Fraser Lake
250-661 Victoria
250-662 Mackenzie
250-663 Fort St. John
250-664 Sooke
250-665 Saanich
250-666 Grand Forks
250-667 Nanaimo
250-668 Nanaimo
250-669 Saanich
250-670 Ahousat
250-671 Port Hardy
250-672 Barriere
250-673 Blue River
250-674 Clearwater
250-675 Sorrento
250-676 Vavenby
250-677 Little Fort
250-678 Avola
250-679 Chase
250-680 Mcbride
250-681 Kelowna
250-682 South Kamloops
250-683 Revelstoke
250-684 Valemount
250-685 Burns Lake
250-686 Victoria
250-687 Castlegar
250-688 Invermere
250-689 Oliver
250-690 Fort Fraser
250-691 Burns Lake
250-692 Burns Lake
250-693 Genelle
250-694 Grassy Plains
250-695 Francois Lake
250-696 Topley
250-697 Granisle
250-698 Decker Lake
250-699 Fraser Lake
NPANXX Area Served1
250-700 Westbank
250-701 Duncan
250-702 Courtenay
250-703 Courtenay
250-704 Victoria
250-705 South Kamloops
250-706 100 Mile House
250-707 Westbank
250-708 Victoria
250-709 Duncan
250-710 Duncan
250-712 Kelowna
250-713 Nanaimo
250-714 Nanaimo
250-715 Duncan
250-716 Nanaimo
250-717 Kelowna
250-718 Kelowna
250-719 Dawson Creek
250-720 Port Alberni
250-721 Victoria
250-722 Cedar
250-723 Port Alberni
250-724 Port Alberni
250-725 Tofino
250-726 Ucluelet
250-727 Victoria
250-728 Bamfield
250-729 Wellington
250-730 Port Alberni
250-731 Port Alberni
250-732 Duncan
250-733 Cobble Hill
250-734 Nanaimo
250-735 Port Alberni
250-736 Port Alberni
250-737 Duncan
250-738 Qualicum
250-739 Nanaimo
250-740 Nanaimo
250-741 Nanaimo
250-742 Nimpo Lake
250-743 Cobble Hill
250-744 Victoria
250-745 Youbou
250-746 Duncan
250-747 Dragon Lake
250-748 Duncan
250-749 Lake Cowichan
250-750 Mcleod Lake
250-751 Wellington
250-752 Qualicum
250-753 Nanaimo
250-754 Nanaimo
250-755 Nanaimo
250-756 Wellington
250-757 Bowser
250-758 Wellington
250-759 Rolla
250-760 Wellington
250-761 Zeballos
250-762 Kelowna
250-763 Kelowna
250-764 Okanagan Mission
250-765 Rutland
250-766 Winfield
250-767 Peachland
250-768 Westbank
250-769 Lakeview Heights
250-770 Penticton
250-771 Dease Lake
250-772 Wonowon
250-773 Prophet River
250-774 Fort Nelson
250-775 Fort Nelson
250-776 Muncho Lake
250-777 Nelson
250-779 Lower Post
250-780 East Pine
250-781 Flatrock
250-782 Dawson Creek
250-783 Hudson'S Hope
250-784 Dawson Creek
250-785 Fort St. John
250-786 Pouce Coupe
250-787 Fort St. John
250-788 Chetwynd
250-789 Taylor
250-790 Likely
250-791 108 Mile House
250-792 Courtenay
250-793 Fort St. John
250-794 Fort St. John
250-795 Dawson Creek
250-796 Nanaimo
250-797 Nanaimo
250-798 Lakelse
250-799 Bella Coola
NPANXX Area Served1
250-800 Victoria
250-801 Kelowna
250-802 Nanaimo
250-803 Salmon Arm
250-804 Salmon Arm
250-805 Revelstoke
250-806 Dawson Creek
250-807 Rutland
250-808 Kelowna
250-809 Penticton
250-812 Victoria
250-813 Victoria
250-814 Revelstoke
250-815 Duncan
250-816 Nanaimo
250-817 Penticton
250-818 Victoria
250-819 South Kamloops
250-820 Rutland
250-821 Nanoose
250-822 Lakeview Heights
250-823 Victoria
250-824 Nanaimo
250-825 North Nelson
250-826 Kelowna
250-827 Montney
250-828 South Kamloops
250-829 Moyie
250-830 Campbell River
250-831 Kitsault
250-832 Salmon Arm
250-833 Salmon Arm
250-834 Mica Creek
250-835 Tappen
250-836 Sicamous
250-837 Revelstoke
250-838 Enderby
250-839 Klemtu
250-840 Manning Park
250-841 Hartley Bay
250-842 Hazelton
250-843 Willowbrook
250-844 Houston
250-845 Houston
250-846 Telkwa
250-847 Smithers
250-848 Kitkatla
250-849 Kitwanga
250-850 Campbell River
250-851 South Kamloops
250-852 South Kamloops
250-853 Victoria
250-854 Dawson Creek
250-855 Williams Lake
250-856 Duncan
250-857 Victoria
250-858 Victoria
250-859 Kelowna
250-860 Kelowna
250-861 Kelowna
250-862 Kelowna
250-863 Kelowna
250-864 Kelowna
250-865 Elkford
250-866 Wynndel
250-867 Sooke
250-868 Kelowna
250-869 Kelowna
250-870 Kelowna
250-871 Courtenay
250-872 Okanagan Mission
250-873 Okanagan Mission
250-874 Chetwynd
250-875 Chetwynd
250-876 Smithers
250-877 Smithers
250-878 Kelowna
250-879 South Kamloops
250-880 Victoria
250-881 Victoria
250-882 Victoria
250-883 Victoria
250-884 Victoria
250-885 Victoria
250-886 Victoria
250-887 Grasmere
250-888 Victoria
250-889 Victoria
250-890 Comox
250-891 Victoria
250-892 Terrace
250-893 Victoria
250-894 Clearwater
250-895 Campbell River
250-896 Victoria
250-897 Courtenay
250-898 Courtenay
250-899 Kelowna
NPANXX Area Served1
250-900 Victoria
250-901 Hazelton
250-902 Port Hardy
250-903 Hudson'S Hope
250-904 Port Alice
250-905 Parksville
250-906 Vanway
250-907 Vernon
250-908 Kimberley
250-909 Qualicum
250-910 Sparwood
250-912 Ladysmith
250-913 Port Alberni
250-914 Campbell River
250-915 Victoria
250-916 Nakusp
250-917 Smithers
250-918 Port Alberni
250-919 Cranbrook
250-920 Victoria
250-921 Trail
250-922 Terrace
250-923 Willow Point
250-924 Ladysmith
250-925 Quesnel
250-926 Willow Point
250-927 Parksville
250-928 Beaver Cove
250-929 Cobble Hill
250-930 Fulford Harbour
250-931 Ganges
250-932 Lake Cowichan
250-933 Lantzville
250-934 Tahsis
250-935 Cortes Island
250-936 Merritt
250-937 Parksville
250-938 Vernon
250-939 Golden
250-940 Victoria
250-941 Comox
250-942 Lillooet
250-943 Kaslo
250-944 Vanderhoof
250-945 100 Mile House
250-946 Fernie
250-947 Parksville
250-948 100 Mile House
250-949 Port Hardy
250-951 Parksville
250-952 Victoria
250-953 Victoria
250-954 Parksville
250-955 Celista
250-956 Port Mcneill
250-957 Bella Bella
250-960 Prince George
250-961 Prince George
250-962 Hartway
250-963 Pineview
250-964 Vanway
250-965 Summit Lake
250-966 Hansard
250-967 Chief Lake
250-968 Dunster
250-969 Winter Harbour
250-970 Hartway
250-971 Salmon Valley
250-972 Bear Lake
250-973 Sointula
250-974 Alert Bay
250-975 Terrace
250-977 Creston
250-978 Victoria
250-979 Kelowna
250-980 Kelowna
250-981 Prince George
250-982 Hagensborg
250-983 Quesnel
250-984 Victoria
250-985 Quesnel
250-986 Victoria
250-987 Victoria
250-988 Mackenzie
250-989 Wildwood
250-990 Mackenzie
250-991 Quesnel
250-992 Quesnel
250-993 Tsay Keh Dene
250-994 Wells
250-995 Victoria
250-996 Fort St. James
250-997 Mackenzie
250-998 Hixon
250-999 Victoria
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 250

City1 Time Zone2
100 Mile House P
108 Mile Ranch P
150 Mile House P
70 Mile House P
Ahousat P
Ainsworth Hot Springs P
Aiyansh P
Alert Bay P
Alexis Creek P
Alkali Lake P
Altona MST
Anahim Lake P
Anglemont P
Argenta P
Armstrong P
Arras MST
Ashcroft P
Athalmer M
Atlin P
Avola P
Baldonnel MST
Balfour P
Bamfield P
Barkerville P
Barriere P
Bear Lake P
Beaverdell P
Bella Bella P
Bella Coola P
Big Lake Ranch P
Black Creek P
Blind Bay P
Blind Channel P
Blue River P
Boswell M
Bowser P
Brentwood Bay P
Bridesville P
Bridge Lake P
Brisco M
Buffalo Creek P
Buick MST
Burns Lake P
Burton P
Cache Creek P
Campbell River P
Canal Flats M
Canim Lake P
Canoe P
Canyon M
Cassidy P
Castlegar P
Cawston P
Cecil Lake MST
Cedarvale P
Celista P
Charlie Lake MST
Chase P
Chemainus P
Cherryville P
Chetwynd MST
Chilanko Forks P
Christina Lake P
Clayhurst MST
Clearwater P
Clinton P
Coal Harbour P
Coalmont P
Cobble Hill P
Coldstream P
Comox P
Coombs P
Courtenay P
Cowichan Bay P
Cranbrook M
Crawford Bay M
Crescent Spur P
Crescent Valley P
Creston MST
Crofton P
Cumberland P
Darfield P
Dawson Creek MST
Dease Lake P
Denman Island P
Denny Island P
Dog Creek P
Dome Creek P
Douglas Lake P
Duncan P
Dunster P
Eagle Bay P
Eagle Creek P
Edgewater M
Edgewood P
Elkford M
Elko M
Endako P
Enderby P
Erickson M
Errington P
Fairmont Hot Springs M
Falkland P
Fanny Bay P
Farmington MST
Fauquier P
Fernie M
Field M
Forest Grove P
Fort Fraser P
Fort Nelson MST
Fort St James P
Fort St John MST
Fort Steele M
Francois Lake P
Fraser Lake P
Fruitvale P
Furry Creek P
Gabriola P
Galiano P
Galloway M
Gang Ranch P
Genelle P
Germansen Landing P
Gitwinksihlkw P
Gold Bridge P
Gold River P
Golden M
Good Hope Lake P
Goodlow MST
Grand Forks P
Granisle P
Grasmere M
Gray Creek M
Greenville P
Greenwood P
Grindrod P
Groundbirch MST
Hagensborg P
Haisla P
Hanceville P
Harrogate M
Hartley Bay P
Hazelton P
Hedley P
Heffley Creek P
Heriot Bay P
Hixon P
Holberg P
Honeymoon Bay P
Hornby Island P
Horsefly P
Houston P
Hudson's Hope MST
Invermere M
Iskut P
Jade City MST
Jaffray M
Jordan River P
Juskatla P
Kaleden P
Kamloops P
Kaslo P
Kelowna P
Keremeos P
Kildonan P
Kimberley M
Kincolith P
Kingcome Inlet P
Kingsgate M
Kitchener M
Kitimat P
Kitkatla P
Kitwanga P
Kleena Kleene P
Klemtu P
Knutsford P
Koksilah P
Kootenay Bay MST
Kyuquot P
Lac La Hache P
Ladysmith P
Lake Cowichan P
Lantzville P
Lasqueti P
Lavington P
Lax Kw'Alaams P
Lazo P
Likely P
Lillooet P
Lister M
Little Fort P
Logan Lake P
Lone Butte P
Longworth P
Louis Creek P
Lower Nicola P
Lower Post MST
Lumby P
Lytton P
Mackenzie P
Malahat P
Malakwa P
Manning Park P
Manson Creek P
Mansons Landing P
Mara P
Masset P
Mayne P
McBride P
McLeese Lake P
McLeod Lake P
McLure P
Meadow Creek P
Merritt P
Merville P
Mesachie Lake P
Meziadin Lake P
Mica Creek P
Midway P
Mill Bay P
Minstrel Island P
Moberly Lake MST
Monte Creek P
Monte Lake P
Montney MST
Montrose P
Moyie M
Muncho Lake MST
Nakusp P
Nanaimo P
Nanoose Bay P
Naramata P
Nass Camp P
Nelson P
Nemaiah Valley P
New Denver P
New Hazelton P
Nimpo Lake P
North Pine MST
North Saanich P
Ocean Falls P
Okanagan Centre P
Okanagan Falls P
Oliver P
Oona River P
Osoyoos P
Oyama P
Panorama M
Parksville P
Parson M
Pavilion P
Peachland P
Pender Island P
Penny P
Penticton P
Pinantan Lake P
Pink Mountain MST
Port Alberni P
Port Alice P
Port Clements P
Port Edward P
Port Hardy P
Port McNeill P
Port Neville P
Port Renfrew P
Pouce Coupe MST
Prespatou MST
Prince George P
Prince Rupert P
Princeton P
Pritchard P
Procter P
Progress MST
Prophet River P
Qualicum Beach P
Quathiaski Cove P
Quatsino P
Queen Charlotte P
Quesnel P
Quilchena P
Radium Hot Springs M
Redstone P
Refuge Cove P
Revelstoke P
Riondel M
Riske Creek P
Robson P
Rock Creek P
Rolla MST
Rose Prairie MST
Rossland P
Royston P
Saanichton P
Salmo P
Salmon Arm P
Salt Spring Island P
Sandspit P
Saturna P
Savona P
Sayward P
Scotch Creek P
Seton Portage P
Shalalth P
Shawnigan Lake P
Shirley P
Sicamous P
Sidney P
Silverton P
Simoom Sound P
Sinclair Mills P
Sirdar M
Skookumchuck M
Slocan P
Slocan Park P
Smithers P
Sointula P
Sooke P
Sorrento P
South Hazelton P
South Slocan P
Southbank P
Sparwood M
Spences Bridge P
Spillimacheen M
Squirrel Cove P
Stewart P
Stuart Island P
Summerland P
Summit Lake P
Sun Peaks P
Sunset Prairie MST
Surge Narrows P
Swansea Point P
Ta Ta Creek M
Tahsis P
Takla Landing P
Tappen P
Tatla Lake P
Tatlayoko Lake P
Taylor MST
Telegraph Cove P
Telegraph Creek P
Telkwa P
Terrace P
Thetis Island P
Thornhill P
Tlell P
Toad River P
Tofino P
Tomslake MST
Topley P
Trail P
Tulameen P
Tumbler Ridge MST
Ucluelet P
Union Bay P
Upper Fraser P
Valemount P
Vanderhoof P
Vavenby P
Vernon P
Victoria P
Walhachin P
Wardner M
Ware P
Wasa M
Wells P
Westbank P
Westbridge P
Westholme P
Westwold P
Whaletown P
Williams Lake P
Willow River P
Windermere M
Winfield P
Winlaw P
Winter Harbour P
Wonowon MST
Woss P
Wynndel M
Yahk M
Ymir P
Youbou P
Zeballos P
  1. Listed above are most places served by Canadian area code 250. When multiple places in a CA province share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. P stands for Pacific Time (currently ).