
Area Code 274

Area code 274 is in Wisconsin, USA , spanning 19 counties and serving 163 cities, including Green Bay, Sheboygan or Fond Du Lac; it currently uses 14 prefixes, assigned from 274-200-XXXX through 274-274-XXXX.

In service since May 05, 2023, area code 274 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 920/274.

The current local time is .

274 area code location on a map
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For exact NPA boundaries see official 274 area code map

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More Wisconsin area codes:

Locate any 274-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
274-200 Winneconne 10/11/2024
274-201 New London 11/12/2024
274-202 Two Rivers 01/09/2025
274-203 Algoma 01/15/2025
274-204 Manitowoc 01/15/2025
274-205 Columbus 01/16/2025
274-206 Luxemburg 01/22/2025
274-207 Green Bay 12/20/2024
274-208 Neshkoro 01/22/2025
274-209 Omro 01/22/2025
274-210 Ripon 01/23/2025
274-212 Kewaunee 02/13/2025
274-213 New Holstein 02/20/2025
274-274 Manitowoc 10/11/2024
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 274

City1 County Time Zone2
Abrams Oconto C
Adell Sheboygan C
Algoma Kewaunee C
Appleton Outagamie C
Ashippun Dodge C
Baileys Harbor Door C
Beaver Dam Dodge C
Berlin Green Lake C
Black Creek Outagamie C
Brandon Fond Du Lac C
Brillion Calumet C
Brownsville Dodge C
Brussels Door C
Burnett Dodge C
Butte Des Morts Winnebago C
Cambria Columbia C
Campbellsport Fond Du Lac C
Cascade Sheboygan C
Casco Kewaunee C
Cedar Grove Sheboygan C
Chilton Calumet C
Cleveland Manitowoc C
Clyman Dodge C
Coleman Marinette C
Collins Manitowoc C
Columbus Columbia C
Combined Locks Outagamie C
Dale Outagamie C
Dalton Green Lake C
De Pere Brown C
Denmark Brown C
Doylestown Columbia C
Eden Fond Du Lac C
Egg Harbor Door C
Eldorado Fond Du Lac C
Elkhart Lake Sheboygan C
Ellison Bay Door C
Ephraim Door C
Eureka Winnebago C
Fairwater Fond Du Lac C
Fall River Columbia C
Fish Creek Door C
Fond Du Lac Fond Du Lac C
Forest Junction Calumet C
Forestville Door C
Fort Atkinson Jefferson C
Fox Lake Dodge C
Francis Creek Manitowoc C
Freedom Outagamie C
Fremont Waupaca C
Friesland Columbia C
Gillett Oconto C
Glenbeulah Sheboygan C
Green Bay Brown C
Green Lake Green Lake C
Greenbush Sheboygan C
Greenleaf Brown C
Greenville Outagamie C
Hilbert Calumet C
Hingham Sheboygan C
Horicon Dodge C
Hortonville Outagamie C
Hustisford Dodge C
Iron Ridge Dodge C
Ixonia Jefferson C
Jefferson Jefferson C
Johnson Creek Jefferson C
Juneau Dodge C
Kaukauna Outagamie C
Kellnersville Manitowoc C
Kewaunee Kewaunee C
Kiel Manitowoc C
Kimberly Outagamie C
Kingston Green Lake C
Kohler Sheboygan C
Krakow Shawano C
Lake Mills Jefferson C
Larsen Winnebago C
Lebanon Dodge C
Lena Oconto C
Little Chute Outagamie C
Little Suamico Oconto C
Lomira Dodge C
Lowell Dodge C
Luxemburg Kewaunee C
Malone Fond Du Lac C
Manawa Waupaca C
Manitowoc Manitowoc C
Maplewood Door C
Maribel Manitowoc C
Markesan Green Lake C
Marquette Green Lake C
Mayville Dodge C
Menasha Winnebago C
Mishicot Manitowoc C
Mount Calvary Fond Du Lac C
Neenah Winnebago C
Neosho Dodge C
Neshkoro Marquette C
New Franken Brown C
New Holstein Calumet C
New London Waupaca C
Newton Manitowoc C
Nichols Outagamie C
Oakfield Fond Du Lac C
Oconto Oconto C
Oconto Falls Oconto C
Ogdensburg Waupaca C
Omro Winnebago C
Oneida Brown C
Oostburg Sheboygan C
Oshkosh Winnebago C
Pickett Winnebago C
Pine River Waushara C
Plymouth Sheboygan C
Potter Calumet C
Pound Marinette C
Poy Sippi Waushara C
Princeton Green Lake C
Pulaski Brown C
Randolph Columbia C
Random Lake Sheboygan C
Readfield Waupaca C
Redgranite Waushara C
Reedsville Manitowoc C
Reeseville Dodge C
Rio Columbia C
Ripon Fond Du Lac C
Rosendale Fond Du Lac C
Rubicon Dodge C
Saxeville Waushara C
Seymour Outagamie C
Sheboygan Sheboygan C
Sheboygan Falls Sheboygan C
Sherwood Calumet C
Shiocton Outagamie C
Sister Bay Door C
Sobieski Oconto C
St Cloud Fond Du Lac C
St Nazianz Manitowoc C
Stockbridge Calumet C
Sturgeon Bay Door C
Suamico Brown C
Suring Oconto C
Theresa Dodge C
Tisch Mills Manitowoc C
Two Rivers Manitowoc C
Valders Manitowoc C
Van Dyne Fond Du Lac C
Waldo Sheboygan C
Washington Island Door C
Waterloo Jefferson C
Watertown Dodge C
Waukau Winnebago C
Waupun Dodge C
Wautoma Waushara C
Weyauwega Waupaca C
Whitelaw Manitowoc C
Wild Rose Waushara C
Winnebago Winnebago C
Winneconne Winnebago C
Woodland Dodge C
Wrightstown Brown C
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 274. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. C stands for Central Time (currently ).