
Area Code 340

Area code 340 is in US Virgin Islands , spanning 3 counties and serving 8 cities, including Charlotte Amalie, Tutu or Grove Place; it currently uses 58 prefixes, assigned from 340-200-XXXX through 340-998-XXXX.

In service date for area code 340: June 01, 1997.

The current local time is .

340 area code location on a map
© OpenStreetMap contributors
For exact NPA boundaries see official 340 area code map

Phone number lookup


Locate any 340-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
340-200 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 7/20/2021
340-201 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 6/6/2008
340-202 St Croix 1/9/2018
340-203 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 12/22/2020
340-204 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 01/09/2023
340-205 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 01/13/2023
340-206 St Croix 2/18/2022
340-207 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 01/13/2023
340-208 St Croix 2/1/2021
340-209 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 10/19/2021
340-210 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 01/13/2023
340-212 St Croix 06/09/2023
340-220 Christiansted (St Croix) N/A
340-226 St Croix 7/23/2007
340-227 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 7/18/2007
340-228 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-244 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 10/31/2002
340-249 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 1/9/2018
340-277 St Croix 8/14/2001
340-332 St Croix 12/16/2003
340-344 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 10/13/2003
340-422 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 12/29/2009
340-423 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 9/9/2017
340-444 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 4/27/2015
340-473 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 4/4/2001
340-474 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 6/27/2002
340-489 Christiansted (St Croix) 1/9/2018
340-513 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-514 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-625 Frederiksted (St Croix) 1/9/2018
340-626 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-642 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-643 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-677 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 7/23/2007
340-690 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-692 St Croix N/A
340-693 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-712 Christiansted (St Croix) N/A
340-713 Christiansted (St Croix) N/A
340-714 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-715 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-717 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 9/9/2017
340-718 Christiansted (St Croix) 10/26/2006
340-719 Christiansted (St Croix) N/A
340-725 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 9/9/2017
340-727 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-770 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-771 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-772 Frederiksted (St Croix) N/A
340-773 Christiansted (St Croix) N/A
340-774 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-775 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-776 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-777 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-778 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-779 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-884 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) N/A
340-998 Charlotte Amalie (St Thomas) 8/14/2001
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date. N/A - mostly central office codes assigned before 2001.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 340

City1 County Time Zone2
Charlotte Amalie Saint Thomas AST
Christiansted Saint Croix AST
Coral Bay Saint John AST
Cruz Bay Saint John AST
Frederiksted Saint Croix AST
Grove Place Saint Croix AST
Red Hook Saint Thomas AST
Tutu Saint Thomas AST
  1. Listed above are most places served by US Virgin Islands area code 340. When multiple places share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. AST stands for Atlantic Standard Time (currently ).