Area code 364 is in Kentucky, USA , spanning 45 counties and serving 261 cities, including Bowling Green, Elizabethtown or Henderson; it currently uses 66 prefixes, assigned from 364-200-XXXX through 364-999-XXXX.
In service since March 03, 2014, area code 364 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 270/364.
Area code 364 spans two different time zones. The current local time is either 9:21:29 PM (Eastern Time Zone) or 8:21:29 PM (Central Time Zone), depending on where you are calling (city list on this page includes time zones).
NPANXX | Area Served1 | Date2 |
364-200 | Jordan | 8/19/2020 |
364-201 | Bowling Green | 9/16/2019 |
364-202 | Jordan | 11/9/2018 |
364-203 | Bowling Green | 6/5/2020 |
364-204 | Oak Grove | 8/31/2020 |
364-205 | Bowling Green | 1/27/2021 |
364-206 | Auburn | 2/8/2021 |
364-207 | Elkton | 2/8/2021 |
364-208 | Campbellsville | 2/8/2021 |
364-209 | Bradfordsville | 4/15/2021 |
364-210 | Princeton | 10/15/2021 |
364-212 | Jordan | 4/15/2021 |
364-213 | Bowling Green | 10/25/2021 |
364-214 | Bee Spring | 8/8/2022 |
364-215 | Campbellsville | 8/25/2022 |
364-216 | Radcliff | 2/4/2022 |
364-217 | Oak Grove | 9/8/2021 |
364-218 | Owensboro | 04/27/2023 |
364-219 | Bowling Greeen | 2/2/2022 |
364-220 | Beaver Dam | 4/15/2021 |
364-221 | Columbus | 4/15/2021 |
364-222 | Bessie Bend | 4/9/2019 |
364-223 | Paducah | 01/09/2024 |
364-224 | Glasgow | 02/13/2024 |
364-225 | Oak Grove | 02/16/2024 |
364-226 | Russellville | 03/19/2024 |
364-227 | Dawson Springs | 05/24/2024 |
364-228 | Hartford | 05/24/2024 |
364-229 | Sharon Grove | 05/24/2024 |
364-232 | Mamoth Cave | 4/15/2021 |
364-246 | Nebo | 11/23/2022 |
364-262 | Fairplay | 2/9/2022 |
364-276 | Glasgow | 3/3/2022 |
364-300 | Loretto | 1/20/2021 |
364-333 | Custer | 3/21/2019 |
364-340 | Brownsville | 05/02/2023 |
364-360 | Dixon | 05/03/2023 |
364-365 | Cecilia | 6/4/2021 |
364-366 | Oak Grove | 3/2/2022 |
364-400 | Jamestown | 2/15/2019 |
364-444 | Mayfield | 12/6/2017 |
364-464 | Owensboro | 6/10/2022 |
364-488 | Elizabethtown | 9/8/2021 |
364-500 | Burkesville Rural | 2/15/2019 |
364-526 | Clarkson | 2/9/2022 |
364-547 | Brandenbg | 4/12/2021 |
364-597 | Caneyville | 10/1/2021 |
364-640 | Hickman | 05/04/2023 |
364-643 | Bowling Green | 6/10/2022 |
364-644 | Owensboro | 9/8/2021 |
364-646 | Uniontown | 05/05/2023 |
364-654 | Elizabethtown | 03/28/2023 |
364-664 | Madisonville | 6/10/2022 |
364-710 | Elizabethtown | 10/8/2019 |
364-728 | Campbelsville | 2/9/2022 |
364-766 | Battletown | 2/15/2019 |
364-768 | Burkesville | 2/9/2022 |
364-777 | Scottsville Rural | 2/15/2019 |
364-800 | Owensboro | 5/17/2019 |
364-844 | Mayfield | 05/04/2023 |
364-867 | Owensboro | 1/26/2022 |
364-888 | Bowling Green | 3/6/2017 |
364-895 | Madisonville | 11/24/2021 |
364-900 | Bee Spring | 12/17/2019 |
364-910 | Owensboro | 4/1/2021 |
364-999 | Jordan | 12/24/2018 |
City1 | County | Time Zone2 |
Aberdeen | Butler | C |
Adairville | Logan | C |
Adolphus | Allen | C |
Allensville | Todd | C |
Almo | Calloway | C |
Alvaton | Warren | C |
Arlington | Carlisle | C |
Auburn | Logan | C |
Austin | Barren | C |
Bandana | Ballard | C |
Bardwell | Carlisle | C |
Barlow | Ballard | C |
Baskett | Henderson | C |
Battletown | Meade | E |
Beaumont | Metcalfe | C |
Beaver Dam | Ohio | C |
Bee Spring | Edmonson | C |
Beech Creek | Muhlenberg | C |
Beech Grove | McLean | C |
Beechmont | Muhlenberg | C |
Belton | Muhlenberg | C |
Benton | Marshall | C |
Big Clifty | Grayson | C |
Blackford | Webster | C |
Boaz | Graves | C |
Bonnieville | Hart | C |
Bowling Green | Warren | C |
Bradfordsville | Marion | E |
Brandenburg | Meade | E |
Breeding | Adair | C |
Bremen | Muhlenberg | C |
Browder | Muhlenberg | C |
Brownsville | Edmonson | C |
Buffalo | Larue | E |
Burkesville | Cumberland | C |
Burna | Livingston | C |
Cadiz | Trigg | C |
Calhoun | McLean | C |
Calvert City | Marshall | C |
Campbellsville | Taylor | E |
Cane Valley | Adair | C |
Caneyville | Grayson | C |
Canmer | Hart | C |
Cave City | Barren | C |
Cecilia | Hardin | E |
Center | Metcalfe | C |
Centertown | Ohio | C |
Central City | Muhlenberg | C |
Cerulean | Trigg | C |
Clarkson | Grayson | C |
Clay | Webster | C |
Cleaton | Muhlenberg | C |
Clifty | Todd | C |
Clinton | Hickman | C |
Cloverport | Breckinridge | C |
Columbia | Adair | C |
Columbus | Hickman | C |
Corydon | Henderson | C |
Crayne | Crittenden | C |
Crofton | Christian | C |
Cromwell | Ohio | C |
Cub Run | Hart | C |
Cunningham | Carlisle | C |
Curdsville | Daviess | C |
Custer | Breckinridge | C |
Dawson Springs | Hopkins | C |
Dexter | Calloway | C |
Dixon | Webster | C |
Drake | Warren | C |
Drakesboro | Muhlenberg | C |
Dubre | Cumberland | C |
Dunbar | Butler | C |
Dundee | Ohio | C |
Dunmor | Muhlenberg | C |
Dycusburg | Crittenden | C |
Earlington | Hopkins | C |
Eastview | Hardin | E |
Eddyville | Lyon | C |
Edmonton | Metcalfe | C |
Eighty Eight | Barren | C |
Ekron | Meade | E |
Elizabethtown | Hardin | E |
Elk Horn | Taylor | E |
Elkton | Todd | C |
Etoile | Barren | C |
Fairview | Christian | C |
Falls Of Rough | Grayson | C |
Fancy Farm | Graves | C |
Farmington | Graves | C |
Fordsville | Ohio | C |
Fort Campbell | Christian | C |
Fountain Run | Monroe | C |
Franklin | Simpson | C |
Fredonia | Caldwell | C |
Fulton | Fulton | C |
Gamaliel | Monroe | C |
Garfield | Breckinridge | C |
Gilbertsville | Marshall | C |
Glasgow | Barren | C |
Glendale | Hardin | E |
Glens Fork | Adair | C |
Gracey | Christian | C |
Gradyville | Adair | C |
Graham | Muhlenberg | C |
Grand Rivers | Livingston | C |
Gravel Switch | Marion | E |
Greensburg | Green | C |
Greenville | Muhlenberg | C |
Guston | Meade | E |
Guthrie | Todd | C |
Hampton | Livingston | C |
Hanson | Hopkins | C |
Hardin | Marshall | C |
Hardinsburg | Breckinridge | C |
Hardyville | Hart | C |
Harned | Breckinridge | C |
Hartford | Ohio | C |
Hawesville | Hancock | C |
Hazel | Calloway | C |
Henderson | Henderson | C |
Herndon | Christian | C |
Hestand | Monroe | C |
Hickman | Fulton | C |
Hickory | Graves | C |
Hiseville | Barren | C |
Hodgenville | Larue | E |
Holland | Allen | C |
Hopkinsville | Christian | C |
Horse Branch | Ohio | C |
Horse Cave | Hart | C |
Hudson | Breckinridge | C |
Irvington | Breckinridge | C |
Island | McLean | C |
Jamestown | Russell | C |
Jetson | Butler | C |
Kevil | McCracken | C |
Kirksey | Calloway | C |
Knifley | Adair | C |
Knob Lick | Metcalfe | C |
Kuttawa | Lyon | C |
La Center | Ballard | C |
LaFayette | Christian | C |
Lebanon | Marion | E |
Ledbetter | Livingston | C |
Leitchfield | Grayson | C |
Lewisburg | Logan | C |
Lewisport | Hancock | C |
Livermore | McLean | C |
Loretto | Marion | E |
Lovelaceville | Ballard | C |
Lowes | Graves | C |
Lucas | Barren | C |
Lynnville | Graves | C |
Maceo | Daviess | C |
Madisonville | Hopkins | C |
Magnolia | Larue | E |
Mammoth Cave | Edmonson | C |
Manitou | Hopkins | C |
Mannsville | Taylor | E |
Maple Mount | Daviess | C |
Marion | Crittenden | C |
Marrowbone | Cumberland | C |
Mayfield | Graves | C |
Mc Daniels | Breckinridge | C |
Mc Henry | Ohio | C |
Mc Quady | Breckinridge | C |
Melber | Graves | C |
Milburn | Carlisle | C |
Millwood | Grayson | C |
Morganfield | Union | C |
Morgantown | Butler | C |
Mortons Gap | Hopkins | C |
Mount Hermon | Monroe | C |
Mount Sherman | Larue | E |
Muldraugh | Meade | E |
Munfordville | Hart | C |
Murray | Calloway | C |
Nebo | Hopkins | C |
Nerinx | Marion | E |
New Concord | Calloway | C |
Nortonville | Hopkins | C |
Oak Grove | Christian | C |
Oakland | Warren | C |
Olaton | Ohio | C |
Olmstead | Logan | C |
Owensboro | Daviess | C |
Paducah | McCracken | C |
Park City | Barren | C |
Payneville | Meade | E |
Pellville | Hancock | C |
Pembroke | Christian | C |
Philpot | Daviess | C |
Poole | Webster | C |
Powderly | Muhlenberg | C |
Princeton | Caldwell | C |
Providence | Webster | C |
Radcliff | Hardin | E |
Raywick | Marion | E |
Reed | Henderson | C |
Reynolds Station | Hancock | C |
Rhodelia | Meade | E |
Rineyville | Hardin | E |
Robards | Henderson | C |
Rochester | Butler | C |
Rockfield | Warren | C |
Rockport | Ohio | C |
Rocky Hill | Edmonson | C |
Rosine | Ohio | C |
Roundhill | Edmonson | C |
Rumsey | McLean | C |
Russell Springs | Russell | C |
Russellville | Logan | C |
Sacramento | McLean | C |
Salem | Livingston | C |
Scottsville | Allen | C |
Sebree | Webster | C |
Sedalia | Graves | C |
Sharon Grove | Todd | C |
Slaughters | Webster | C |
Smith Mills | Henderson | C |
Smithland | Livingston | C |
Smiths Grove | Warren | C |
Sonora | Hardin | E |
South Carrollton | Muhlenberg | C |
South Union | Logan | C |
Spottsville | Henderson | C |
St Charles | Hopkins | C |
St Francis | Marion | E |
St Mary | Marion | E |
Stanley | Daviess | C |
Stephensport | Breckinridge | C |
Sturgis | Union | C |
Sullivan | Union | C |
Summer Shade | Metcalfe | C |
Summersville | Green | C |
Sweeden | Edmonson | C |
Symsonia | Graves | C |
Tiline | Livingston | C |
Tolu | Crittenden | C |
Tompkinsville | Monroe | C |
Trenton | Todd | C |
Union Star | Breckinridge | C |
Uniontown | Union | C |
Upton | Hardin | E |
Utica | Daviess | C |
Vine Grove | Hardin | E |
Water Valley | Graves | C |
Waverly | Union | C |
Webster | Breckinridge | C |
Welchs Creek | Butler | C |
West Louisville | Daviess | C |
West Paducah | McCracken | C |
Westview | Breckinridge | C |
Wheatcroft | Webster | C |
White Mills | Hardin | E |
White Plains | Hopkins | C |
Whitesville | Daviess | C |
Wickliffe | Ballard | C |
Wingo | Graves | C |
Woodburn | Warren | C |
Woodbury | Butler | C |