
Area Code 368

Area code 368 is in Alberta, Canada , serving 599 cities, including Calgary, Grande Prairie or Airdrie; it currently uses 62 prefixes, assigned from 368-200-XXXX through 368-999-XXXX.

In service since April 23, 2022, area code 368 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of these two distinct overlay complexes: 403/587/825/368 and 780/587/825/368.

The current local time is .

368 area code location on a map
© OpenStreetMap contributors
For exact NPA boundaries see official 368 area code map

More Alberta area codes:

Locate any 368-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1
368-200 Calgary
368-201 Calgary
368-202 Calgary
368-203 Calgary
368-204 Hinton
368-205 Hinton
368-206 Hinton
368-207 Hinton
368-208 Hinton
368-209 Hinton
368-210 Westlock
368-212 Calgary
368-213 Calgary
368-222 Edmonton
368-228 Lethbridge
368-288 Calgary
368-299 Calgary
368-300 Calgary
368-333 Edmonton
368-338 Calgary
368-380 Edmonton
368-388 Calgary
368-399 Calgary
368-400 Calgary
368-430 Calgary
368-431 Calgary
368-432 Calgary
368-444 Edmonton
368-500 Banff
368-558 High Level
368-588 Calgary
368-599 Calgary
368-645 Fort Mcmurray
368-666 Edmonton
368-688 Calgary
368-700 Canmore
368-722 Calgary
368-777 Bragg Creek
368-778 Edmonton
368-788 Calgary
368-800 Banff
368-822 Calgary
368-877 Calgary
368-880 Edmonton
368-881 Edmonton
368-882 Edmonton
368-883 Edmonton
368-885 Edmonton
368-886 Calgary
368-887 Calgary
368-888 Calgary
368-889 Calgary
368-899 Calgary
368-990 Banff
368-992 Calgary
368-993 Calgary
368-994 Fort Mcmurray
368-995 Calgary
368-996 Calgary
368-997 Calgary
368-998 Banff
368-999 Calgary
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 368

City1 Time Zone2
Abee M
Acadia Valley M
Acheson M
Acme M
Aden M
Aetna M
Airdrie M
Alberta Beach M
Alcomdale M
Alder Flats M
Aldersyde M
Alhambra M
Alix M
Alliance M
Alsike M
Altario M
Amisk M
Andrew M
Anzac M
Ardmore M
Ardrossan M
Armena M
Arrowwood M
Ashmont M
Athabasca M
Atikameg M
Atmore M
Balzac M
Banff M
Barnwell M
Barons M
Barrhead M
Bashaw M
Bassano M
Bawlf M
Bay Tree M
Bear Canyon M
Beaumont M
Beauvallon M
Beaverlodge M
Beiseker M
Bellevue M
Bellis M
Benalto M
Bentley M
Berwyn M
Bezanson M
Big Stone M
Big Valley M
Bindloss M
Birchcliff M
Bittern Lake M
Black Diamond M
Blackfalds M
Blackfoot M
Blackie M
Blairmore M
Bloomsbury M
Blue Ridge M
Blueberry Mountain M
Bluesky M
Bluffton M
Bodo M
Bon Accord M
Bonanza M
Bonnyville MST
Botha M
Bow Island M
Bowden M
Boyle M
Boyne Lake M
Bragg Creek M
Brant M
Breton M
Breynat M
Brocket M
Brooks M
Brosseau M
Brownfield M
Brownvale M
Bruce M
Bruderheim M
Brule M
Buck Creek M
Buck Lake M
Buffalo M
Buffalo Head Prairie M
Burdett M
Busby M
Byemoor M
Cadogan M
Cadomin M
Cadotte Lake M
Calahoo M
Calais M
Calgary M
Calling Lake M
Calmar M
Camp Creek M
Camrose M
Canmore M
Canyon Creek M
Carbon M
Carcajou M
Cardston M
Carmangay M
Carnwood M
Caroline M
Carrot Creek M
Carseland M
Carstairs M
Carvel M
Caslan M
Castor M
Cayley M
Cereal M
Cessford M
Champion M
Chard M
Chateh M
Chauvin M
Cherhill M
Cherry Grove M
Cherry Point M
Chestermere M
Chinook M
Chipman M
Chisholm Mills M
Clairmont M
Clandonald M
Claresholm M
Cleardale M
Clive M
Cluny M
Clyde M
Coaldale M
Coalhurst M
Cochrane M
Cold Lake M
Coleman M
Colinton M
College Heights M
Compeer M
Condor M
Conklin M
Consort M
Cooking Lake M
Coronation M
Coutts M
Cowley M
Craigmyle M
Cranford M
Cremona M
Crooked Creek M
Crossfield M
Cynthia M
Cypress County M
Czar M
Dalemead M
Dapp M
Darwell M
Daysland M
De Winton M
Dead Man's Flats M
Deadwood M
Debolt M
Del Bonita M
Delacour M
Delburne M
Delia M
Demmitt M
Denwood M
Derwent M
Desert Blume M
Devon M
Dewberry M
Diamond City M
Didsbury M
Dixonville M
Donalda M
Donnelly M
Dorothy M
Drayton Valley M
Driftpile M
Drumheller M
Duchess M
Duffield M
Dunmore M
Eaglesham M
East Coulee M
Eckville M
Edberg M
Edgerton M
Edmonton M
Edson M
Egremont M
Elk Point M
Elkwater M
Ellscott M
Elmworth M
Elnora M
Empress M
Enchant M
Endiang M
Enilda M
Enoch M
Entwistle M
Erskine M
Esther M
Etzikom M
Eureka River M
Evansburg M
Exshaw M
Fairview M
Falher M
Fallis M
Falun M
Faust M
Fawcett M
Fenn M
Ferintosh M
Finnegan M
Fitzgerald M
Flatbush M
Foisy M
Foremost M
Forestburg M
Fort Assiniboine M
Fort Chipewyan M
Fort Kent M
Fort Mackay M
Fort Macleod M
Fort McMurray M
Fort Saskatchewan M
Fort Vermilion M
Fox Creek M
Fox Lake M
Frog Lake M
Gadsby M
Gainford M
Galahad M
Garden River M
Gem M
Gibbons M
Gift Lake M
Girouxville M
Gleichen M
Glendon M
Glenevis M
Glenwood M
Goodfare M
Goodfish Lake M
Goodridge M
Gordondale M
Grande Cache M
Grande Prairie M
Granum M
Grassland M
Grassy Lake M
Grimshaw M
Grouard M
Grovedale M
Gundy M
Gunn M
Guy M
Gwynne M
Hairy Hill M
Halfmoon Bay M
Halkirk M
Hanna M
Hardisty M
Harvie Heights M
Hay Lakes M
Hays M
Hayter M
Heinsburg M
Heisler M
High Level M
High Prairie M
High River M
Hilda M
Hill Spring M
Hillcrest Mines M
Hilliard M
Hines Creek M
Hinton M
Hobbema M
Holden M
Hondo M
Hotchkiss M
Hughenden M
Hussar M
Huxley M
Hylo M
Hythe M
Iddesleigh M
Innisfail M
Innisfree M
Irma M
Iron River M
Iron Springs M
Irricana M
Irvine M
Island Lake M
Island Lake South M
Islay M
James River Bridge M
Jarvie M
Jarvis Bay M
Jasper M
Jean Cote M
Jenner M
John D'Or Prairie M
Joussard M
Kananaskis M
Kapasiwin M
Kathyrn M
Keg River M
Kehewin M
Kelsey M
Keoma M
Kikino M
Killam M
Kingman M
Kinsella M
Kinuso M
Kirriemuir M
Kitscoty M
La Corey M
La Crete M
La Glace M
Lac Des Arcs M
Lac La Biche M
Lacombe M
Lacombe County M
Lafond M
Lake Isle M
Lake Louise M
Lamont M
Lancaster Park M
Langdon M
Lavoy M
Leduc M
Legal M
Leslieville M
Lethbridge M
Lindale M
Lindbergh M
Linden M
Little Smoky M
Lloydminster M
Lodgepole M
Lomond M
Lone Pine M
Longview M
Lougheed M
Lousana M
Lundbreck M
Lyalta M
Ma-Me-O Beach M
Madden M
Magrath M
Maleb M
Mallaig M
Manning M
Mannville M
Manyberries M
Marie Reine M
Markerville M
Marwayne M
Mayerthorpe M
McLaughlin M
McLennan M
McRae M
Meander River M
Medicine Hat M
Meeting Creek M
Metiskow M
Milk River M
Millarville M
Millet M
Millicent M
Milo M
Minburn M
Mirror M
Monarch M
Monitor M
Morinville M
Morley M
Morrin M
Mossleigh M
Mountain View M
Mulhurst Bay M
Mundare M
Munson M
Musidora M
Myrnam M
Nacmine M
Namao M
Nampa M
Nanton M
Neerlandia M
Nestow M
Nevis M
New Brigden M
New Dayton M
New Norway M
New Sarepta M
Newbrook M
Nisku M
Niton Junction M
Nobleford M
Nordegg M
Norglenwold M
North Star M
Notikewin M
Ohaton M
Okotoks M
Olds M
Onefour M
Onoway M
Opal M
Orion M
Oyen M
Paddle Prairie M
Paradise Valley M
Parkland M
Patricia M
Peace River M
Peerless Lake M
Peers M
Penhold M
Perryvale M
Pickardville M
Picture Butte M
Pincher Creek M
Pine Lake M
Plamondon M
Pollockville M
Ponoka M
Priddis M
Provost M
Purple Springs M
Radway M
Rainbow Lake M
Rainier M
Ralston M
Ranfurly M
Raymond M
Red Deer M
Red Deer County M
Red Earth Creek M
Red Willow M
Redcliff M
Redwater M
Redwood Meadows M
Rimbey M
Rivercourse M
Riviere Qui Barre M
Robb M
Rochester M
Rochfort Bridge M
Rochon Sands M
Rocky Mountain House M
Rocky Rapids M
Rocky View M
Rockyford M
Rolling Hills M
Rolly View M
Rosalind M
Rosebud M
Rosedale Station M
Rosedale Valley M
Rosemary M
Round Hill M
Rowley M
Rumsey M
Rycroft M
Ryley M
Saddle Lake M
Sangudo M
Scandia M
Schuler M
Seba Beach M
Sedalia M
Sedgewick M
Seven Persons M
Sexsmith M
Shaughnessy M
Sherwood Park M
Sibbald M
Siksika M
Silver Valley M
Skiff M
Slave Lake M
Smith M
Smoky Lake M
South Baptiste M
Spedden M
Spirit River M
Spring Coulee M
Spring Lake M
Springbrook M
Spruce Grove M
Spruce View M
Sputinow M
St Albert M
St Brides M
St Isidore M
St Lina M
St Michael M
St Paul M
St Vincent M
Stand Off M
Standard M
Star M
Stauffer M
Stavely M
Stettler M
Stirling M
Stony Plain M
Strathmore M
Streamstown M
Strome M
Sturgeon County M
Sundre M
Sunnybrook M
Sunnynook M
Sunset Beach M
Sunset House M
Swalwell M
Swan Hills M
Sylvan Lake M
Taber M
Tangent M
Tawatinaw M
Tees M
Thorhild M
Thorsby M
Three Hills M
Tiger Lily M
Tilley M
Tofield M
Tomahawk M
Torrington M
Trochu M
Trout Lake M
Tsuu T'Ina M
Tulliby Lake M
Turin M
Turner Valley M
Twin Butte M
Two Hills M
Valhalla Centre M
Valleyview M
Vauxhall M
Vega M
Vegreville M
Vermilion M
Veteran M
Viking M
Vilna M
Vimy M
Vulcan M
Wabamun M
Wabasca M
Wainwright M
Walsh M
Wandering River M
Wanham M
Warburg M
Wardlow M
Warner M
Warspite M
Waskatenau M
Water Valley M
Waterton Park M
Watino M
Welling M
Wembley M
West Baptiste M
Westerose M
Westlock M
Wetaskiwin M
Whispering Hills M
White Gull M
Whitecourt M
Whitelaw M
Widewater M
Wildwood M
Willingdon M
Wimborne M
Winfield M
Woking M
Worsley M
Wostok M
Wrentham M
Youngstown M
Zama City M
  1. Listed above are most places served by Canadian area code 368. When multiple places in a CA province share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. M stands for Mountain Time (currently ).