
Area Code 428

Area code 428 is in New Brunswick, Canada , serving 998 cities, including Saint John, Dieppe or Riverview; it currently uses 18 prefixes, assigned from 428-300-XXXX through 428-999-XXXX.

In service since April 29, 2023, area code 428 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 506/428.

The current local time is 3:11:30 PM (Atlantic Time Zone).

428 area code location on a map
© OpenStreetMap contributors
For exact NPA boundaries see official 428 area code map

More New Brunswick area codes:

Locate any 428-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1
428-300 Woodstock
428-308 Miramichi
428-404 Richibucto
428-436 Bouctouche
428-496 Bathurst
428-526 Harvey Station
428-580 Moncton
428-699 Shippagan
428-707 Perth-Andover
428-710 Sackville
428-713 St. George
428-714 St. Stephen
428-723 Shediac
428-789 Petitcodiac
428-880 Moncton
428-888 Moncton
428-910 Saint John
428-999 Fredericton
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 428

City1 Time Zone2
Acadie Siding A
Acadieville A
Adams Gulch A
Adamsville A
Albert Mines A
Albrights Corner A
Alcida A
Alderwood A
Aldouane A
Allainville A
Allardville A
Allison A
Alma A
Ammon A
Anagance A
Anderson Road A
Anderson Settlement A
Andersonville A
Anfield A
Anse-Bleue A
Apohaqui A
Arbeau Settlement A
Armond A
Aroostook A
Aroostook Junction A
Arthurette A
Ashland A
Astle A
Atholville A
Aulac A
Avondale A
Back Bay A
Baie De Bouctouche A
Baie De Petit-Pokemouche A
Baie Verte A
Baie-Sainte-Anne A
Baillie A
Bains Corner A
Bairdsville A
Baker Brook A
Balla Philip A
Balmoral A
Balmoral Est A
Balmoral Sud A
Baltimore A
Bannon A
Barnaby A
Barnesville A
Barnettville A
Barony A
Barryville A
Barter Settlement A
Bartholomew A
Bartibog A
Bartibog Bridge A
Bartletts Mills A
Bas-Cap-Pele A
Bas-Caraquet A
Bas-Paquetville A
Bass River A
Basswood Ridge A
Bath A
Bathurst A
Baxters Corner A
Bay Du Vin A
Bay View A
Bayfield A
Bayside A
Bayswater A
Beaconsfield A
Bear Island A
Beardsley A
Beaver Dam A
Beaver Harbour A
Beaverbrook A
Beaverbrook Albert Co A
Beckim Settlement A
Bedell A
Beechwood A
Beersville A
Belledune A
Bellefond A
Belleisle Creek A
Belleville A
Benjamin River A
Benoit A
Benton A
Beresford A
Berry Mills A
Berryton A
Bertrand A
Berwick A
Bethel A
Bettsburg A
Big Cove Queens Co A
Big Hole A
Big River A
Birch Ridge A
Birdton A
Black Point A
Black River A
Black River Bridge A
Black Rock A
Blackland Restigouche Co A
Blacks Harbour A
Blackville A
Blair Athol A
Blissfield A
Bloomfield Carleton Co A
Bloomfield Kings Co A
Bloomfield Ridge A
Blue Bell A
Blue Mountain Bend A
Bocabec A
Boiestown A
Bois-Blanc A
Bois-Gagnon A
Bon Accord A
Bonny River A
Boom Road A
Bouctouche A
Bouctouche Cove A
Bouctouche Reserve A
Bouctouche Sud A
Boudreau-Ouest A
Boundary Creek A
Brantville A
Breadalbane A
Brewers Mill A
Briggs Corner Queens Co A
Bristol A
Bristol Junction A
British Settlement A
Brockway A
Bronson Settlement A
Brookville A
Browns Flat A
Browns Yard A
Brunswick Mines A
Bryenton A
Bubartown A
Bull Lake A
Bulls Creek A
Burnsville A
Burnt Church A
Burnt Church First Nation A
Burnt Hill A
Burntland Brook A
Burpee A
Burton A
Burtts Corner A
Cails Mills A
Cains River A
Caissie Road A
Caithness A
Calders Head A
Caledonia Mountain A
Calhoun A
California Settlement A
Cambridge-Narrows A
Campbell Settlement A
Campbell Settlement York Co A
Campbellton A
Canaan Forks A
Canaan Station A
Canal A
Canisto A
Canobie A
Canoose A
Canterbury A
Canton Des Basques A
Cap-Bateau A
Cap-Pele A
Cape Enrage A
Cape Spear A
Cape Station A
Cape Tormentine A
Caraquet A
Cardigan A
Carlingford A
Carlisle A
Carlow A
Carrol Ridge A
Carrolls Crossing A
Carsonville A
Carters Point A
Cassidy Lake A
Cassilis A
Cedar Camp A
Central Blissville A
Central Greenwich A
Central Hainesville A
Central Hampstead A
Central Waterville A
Centre Village A
Centreville A
Chamberlain Settlement A
Chambers Settlement A
Chamcook A
Chance Harbour A
Chaplin Island Road A
Charleston A
Charlie Lake A
Charlo A
Charlo South A
Charters Settlement A
Chelmsford A
Cherry Burton A
Chiasson Office A
Childs Creek A
Chipman A
Chocolate Cove A
Clair A
Clairville A
Clarendon A
Clarks Corner A
Clarkville A
Clearview A
Clifton A
Clifton Royal A
Clover Hill A
Clover Valley A
Cloverdale A
Coal Branch A
Coal Creek A
Coburg A
Cocagne A
Codys A
Coldstream A
Coles Island Queens Co A
Collette A
Collina A
Colpitts Settlement A
Connell A
Cookville A
Cormier-Village A
Cornhill A
Coteau Road A
Craig Flats A
Crocker Hill A
Crombie Settlement A
Cross Creek A
Cumberland Bay A
Cummings Cove A
Currie Siding A
Currieburg A
Curryville A
Curventon A
Dalhousie A
Dalhousie Junction A
Damascus A
Darlings Island A
Dauversiere A
Dawson Settlement A
Dawsonville A
Dead Creek A
Debec A
Deersdale A
Deerville A
Dennis Beach A
Derby A
Derby Junction A
Dewolfe A
Dieppe A
Digdeguash A
Dipper Harbour A
Divide A
Doaktown A
Dobson Corner A
Donegal A
Dorchester A
Dorchester Cape A
Dorrington Hill A
Douglas A
Douglas Harbour A
Dow Settlement A
Doyles Brook A
Drummond A
Drurys Cove A
Dsl De Drummond A
Dubee Settlement A
Dufferin Charlotte Co A
Dufferin Queens Co A
Dugas A
Duguayville A
Dumfries A
Dundas A
Dundee A
Dunlop A
Dunsinane A
Durham Bridge A
Dutch Valley A
East Branch A
East Brighton A
East Centreville A
East Coldstream A
East Newbridge A
Edgetts Landing A
Edmundston A
Eel Ground A
Eel River Bar First Nation A
Eel River Cove A
Eel River Crossing A
Eel River Lake A
Elgin A
Elm Hill A
Elmsville A
Elmwood A
Elsipogtog First Nation A
English Settlement A
Enterprise A
Erb Settlement A
Erbs Cove A
Escuminac A
Estey's Bridge A
Evandale A
Evangeline A
Evans Road A
Everett A
Exmoor A
Fairfield A
Fairfield Westmorland Co A
Fairhaven A
Fairisle A
Fawcett Hill A
Fielding A
Flatlands A
Flemington A
Florenceville A
Flowers Cove A
Flume Ridge A
Ford Bank A
Fords Mills A
Forest City A
Forest Glen A
Fosterville A
Four Corners A
Four Falls A
Four Roads A
Fredericksburg A
Fredericton A
Fredericton Junction A
Free Grant A
French Lake A
French Village Kings Co A
French Village-York A
Frosty Hollow A
Fundy National Park A
Gagetown A
Gallagher Ridge A
Galloway A
Gardiner Point A
Gardner Creek A
Garnett Settlement A
Gaspereau Forks A
Gauvreau A
Geary A
Germantown A
Giants Glen A
Gladeside A
Gladwyn A
Glassville A
Glencoe A
Glenlevit A
Glenvale A
Glenwood A
Glenwood Kings Co A
Gloucester Junction A
Good Corner A
Goodwin Mill A
Gordonsville A
Grafton A
Grand Bay-Westfield A
Grand Falls A
Grand Lake Road A
Grand Manan A
Grand-Barachois A
Grande-Anse A
Grande-Digue A
Gravel Hill A
Gray Rapids A
Greater Lakeburn A
Green Hill A
Green Mountain A
Green Road A
Greenfield A
Greenhill Lake A
Gregg Settlement A
Grove Hill A
Hacheyville A
Halcomb A
Hammondvale A
Hampstead A
Hampton A
Hamtown Corner A
Haneytown A
Hanford Brook A
Hanwell A
Harcourt A
Hardwicke A
Hardwood Ridge A
Harewood A
Hartfield A
Hartford A
Hartin Settlement A
Hartland A
Hartley Settlement A
Harvey Albert Co A
Harvey Station A
Harvey York Co A
Hatfield Point A
Haut-Lameque A
Haut-Paquetville A
Haut-Riviere-Du-Portage A
Haut-Saint-Antoine A
Haut-Sheila A
Haut-Shippagan A
Haute-Aboujagane A
Havelock A
Hawkins Corner A
Hawkshaw A
Hay Settlement A
Hayesville A
Hayman Hill A
Hazeldean A
Hazelton A
Head Of Millstream A
Heathland A
Hebert A
Hebron A
Henderson Settlement A
Hersonville A
Hibernia Cove A
Hicksville A
Highfield A
Hillandale A
Hillgrove A
Hillsborough A
Hillsborough West A
Hillsdale A
Hilltop A
Holmesville A
Holtville A
Honeydale A
Hopewell Cape A
Hopewell Hill A
Howard A
Howard Brook A
Howland Ridge A
Hoyt A
Hunters Home A
Immigrant Road A
Indian Island A
Indian Mountain A
Inkerman A
Inkerman Ferry A
Intervale A
Irish Settlement A
Irishtown A
Iron Bound Cove A
Island View A
Jackson Falls A
Jacksontown A
Jacksonville A
Janeville A
Jardineville A
Jeffries Corner A
Jemseg A
Jewetts Mills A
Johnson Settlement Charlotte C A
Johnson Settlement York Co A
Johnson's Mills A
Johnston Point A
Johnville A
Jolicure A
Jordan Mountain A
Juniper A
Kars A
Kedgwick A
Kedgwick Nord A
Kedgwick Ouest A
Kedgwick River A
Kedgwick Sud A
Keenans A
Kent Junction A
Keswick A
Keswick Ridge A
Kierstead Mountain A
Kiersteadville A
Kilburn A
Killams Mills A
Killarney Road A
Killoween A
Kincardine A
Kings Landing Historical Settl A
Kingsclear First Nation A
Kingsley A
Kingston A
Kinnear Settlement A
Kirkland A
Knightville A
Knowlesville A
Kouchibouguac A
Kouchibouguac National Park A
L'Etete A
Lac Baker A
Lagaceville A
Lake Edward A
Lake George A
Lakeside A
Laketon A
Lakeville Carleton Co A
Lakeville Corner A
Lakeville-Westmorland A
Lambert's Cove A
Lambertville A
Lameque A
Landry Office A
Lansdowne A
Laplante A
Lavillette A
Lawrence Station A
Le Goulet A
Lee Settlement A
Leech A
Leonard Colony A
Leonardville A
Lepreau A
Letang A
Leverville A
Lewis Mountain A
Limekiln A
Limestone A
Lincoln A
Lindsay A
Linton Corner A
Little Bartibog A
Little Lepreau A
Little Ridge A
Little River Albert Co A
Little River Gloucester Co A
Little River Hill A
Little Salmon River West A
Little Shemogue A
Lockstead A
Londonderry A
Long Creek A
Long Point A
Long Reach A
Long Settlement A
Long Settlement Kings Co A
Lord's Cove A
Lorne A
Losier Settlement A
Lower Brighton A
Lower Cambridge A
Lower Cape A
Lower Cove A
Lower Coverdale A
Lower Derby A
Lower Greenwich A
Lower Hainesville A
Lower Kingsclear A
Lower Kintore A
Lower Knoxford A
Lower Millstream A
Lower Newcastle A
Lower Norton A
Lower Queensbury A
Lower St Marys A
Lower Woodstock A
Ludlow A
Lugar A
Lutes Mountain A
Lynnfield A
Lyttleton A
Macdougall Settlement A
Maces Bay A
Maclaggan Bridge A
Mactaquac A
Madawaska Maliseet Frst Nation A
Madran A
Main River A
Mainstream A
Maisonnette A
Malden A
Maltempec A
Mann's Mountain A
Mannhurst A
Maple Glen A
Maple Grove A
Maple Ridge A
Maple View A
Mapledale A
Maplehurst A
Maplewood A
Maquapit Lake A
Markhamville A
Marne A
Marrtown A
Mascarene A
Mates Corner A
Matthews Settlement A
Maugerville A
Maxwell A
Mayfield A
Mazerolle Settlement A
McAdam A
McGivney A
McIntosh Hill A
McKees Mills A
McKenna A
McKenzie Corner A
McKinleyville A
McLaughlin A
McLeod Hill A
McLeods A
McNamee A
McQuade A
Meadow Brook A
Mechanic Settlement A
Medford A
Meductic A
Melrose A
Memramcook A
Memramcook East A
Menneval A
Middle Hainesville A
Middle River A
Middle Sackville A
Middleton A
Midgic A
Midland Kings Co A
Midland Queens Co A
Midway A
Mill Brook A
Mill Cove A
Millerton A
Millville A
Ministers Island A
Minto A
Miramichi A
Miramichi Bay A
Miramichi Road A
Miscou A
Mispec A
Mohannes A
Moncton A
Monquart A
Monteagle A
Monument A
Moores Mills A
Moose Mountain A
Moosehorn Creek A
Morrell Siding A
Morrisdale A
Mount Delight A
Mount Hebron A
Mount Hope A
Mount Middleton A
Mount Pisgah A
Mount Pleasant A
Mundleville A
Muniac A
Murray Corner A
Murray Settlement A
Musquash A
Nackawic A
Napadogan A
Napan A
Nash Creek A
Nashwaak Bridge A
Nashwaak Village A
Nasonworth A
Nauwigewauk A
Neguac A
Nelson Hollow A
Nepisiguit Falls A
Nerepis A
New Avon A
New Bandon Gloucester Co A
New Bandon Northumb Co A
New Canaan A
New Denmark A
New England Settlement A
New Horton A
New Jersey A
New Line A
New Market A
New Maryland A
New Mills A
New River Beach A
New Scotland A
New Zion A
Newbridge A
Newburg A
Newcastle Centre A
Newcastle Creek A
Newtown A
Nicholas Denys A
Nictau A
Nigadoo A
Noinville A
Noonan A
North Forks A
North Lake A
North Shannonvale A
North Tay A
North Tetagouche A
North View A
Northampton A
Northern Harbour A
Norton A
Nortondale A
Notre Dame De Lourdes A
Notre-Dame A
Notre-Dame-Des-Erables A
Oak Bay A
Oak Haven A
Oak Hill A
Oak Mountain A
Oak Point A
Oak Point Kings Co A
Oakland A
Oakville A
Odell A
Old Avon A
Old Ridge A
Orange Hill A
Oromocto A
Osborne Corner A
Otter Creek A
Oxbow A
Pabineau Falls A
Pabineau First Nation A
Paquetville A
Parker Ridge A
Parker Road A
Parkindale A
Parlee Brook A
Parleeville A
Passekeag A
Pearsonville A
Peel A
Pelerin A
Peltoma Settlement A
Pemberton Ridge A
Pembroke A
Pennfield A
Penniac A
Penobsquis A
Perry Settlement A
Perth-Andover A
Petit Tracadie A
Petit-Cap A
Petit-Paquetville A
Petit-Rocher A
Petit-Rocher-Nord A
Petit-Rocher-Ouest A
Petit-Rocher-Sud A
Petit-Shippagan A
Petitcodiac A
Petitcodiac East A
Petite-Lameque A
Petite-Riviere-De-L'Ile A
Picadilly A
Picketts Cove A
Piercemont A
Pigeon Hill A
Pine Glen A
Pine Ridge A
Pineville A
Plaster Rock A
Pleasant Ridge Char County A
Pleasant Ridge Kings Co A
Pleasant Villa A
Plumweseep A
Plymouth A
Pocologan A
Point De Bute A
Point La Nim A
Pointe A Bouleau A
Pointe A Tom A
Pointe Des Robichaud A
Pointe Dixon Point A
Pointe-Alexandre A
Pointe-Brule A
Pointe-Canot A
Pointe-Du-Chene A
Pointe-Sapin A
Pointe-Sauvage A
Pointe-Verte A
Poirier Subdivision A
Pokemouche A
Pokeshaw A
Pokesudie A
Pokiok A
Pole Hill A
Pollett River A
Pomeroy Ridge A
Pondstream A
Pont Lafrance A
Pont Landry A
Poodiac A
Port Elgin A
Portage A
Portage St-Louis A
Portage Vale A
Porter Cove A
Priceville A
Prince Of Wales A
Prince William A
Princess Park A
Printz Cove A
Prosser Brook A
Public Landing A
Quaker Brook A
Quarryville A
Queenstown A
Quispamsis A
Rang-Saint-Georges A
Ratter Corner A
Red Bank A
Red Bank Queens Co A
Red Bank Reserve A
Red Bridge A
Red Rapids A
Red Rock A
Redmondville A
Renauds Mills A
Renous A
Rexton A
Riceville A
Richardson A
Richibouctou-Village A
Richibucto A
Richibucto Road A
Richmond Corner A
Richmond Settlement A
Riley Brook A
Rio Grande A
Ripples A
Ritchie A
River De Chute A
River Glade A
Riverbank Carleton Co A
Riverbank Kings Co A
Riverbank South A
Riverside-Albert A
Riverview A
Riviere A La Truite A
Riviere Du Nord A
Riviere-Du-Portage A
Riviere-Verte A
Roachville A
Robertville A
Robichaud Settlement A
Robinsonville A
Rocheville A
Rockland A
Rockport A
Rogersville A
Rogersville-Est A
Rogersville-Ouest A
Rollingdam A
Rosaireville A
Rosedale A
Rosehill A
Rosevale A
Rossville A
Rothesay A
Rough Waters A
Rowena A
Rowley A
Royal Road A
Royalton A
Rusagonis A
Russellville A
Sackville A
Sackville Road A
Saint John A
Saint-Amateur A
Saint-Andre A
Saint-Andre-Leblanc A
Saint-Antoine A
Saint-Antoine Sud A
Saint-Antoine-De-Kent A
Saint-Arthur A
Saint-Basile A
Saint-Charles A
Saint-Damien A
Saint-Edouard-De-Kent A
Saint-Francois-De-Madawaska A
Saint-Gregoire A
Saint-Ignace A
Saint-Irenee A
Saint-Isidore A
Saint-Jacques A
Saint-Joseph-De-Kent A
Saint-Laurent A
Saint-Laurent Nord A
Saint-Leolin A
Saint-Leonard A
Saint-Leonard-Parent A
Saint-Louis A
Saint-Louis-De-Kent A
Saint-Martin-De-Restigouche A
Saint-Maure A
Saint-Maurice A
Saint-Norbert A
Saint-Paul A
Saint-Philippe A
Saint-Quentin A
Saint-Sauveur A
Saint-Simon A
Saint-Thomas-De-Kent A
Saint-Wilfred A
Sainte Rose A
Sainte-Anne Gloucester Co A
Sainte-Anne-De-Kent A
Sainte-Anne-De-Madawaska A
Sainte-Cecile A
Sainte-Louise A
Sainte-Marie-De-Kent A
Sainte-Marie-Saint-Raphael A
Sainte-Rosette A
Sainte-Therese Sud A
Salem A
Salisbury A
Salisbury West A
Salmon Beach A
Salmon Creek A
Salmon River A
Salmon River Road A
Salt Springs A
Saumarez A
Savoie Landing A
Scotch Lake A
Scotch Ridge A
Scotch Settlement A
Scotch Settlement York Co A
Scotchtown A
Scott Siding A
Scoudouc A
Scoudouc Road A
Sea Side A
Searsville A
Second Falls A
Second North River A
Seeleys Cove A
Sevogle A
Shanklin A
Shannon A
Shediac A
Shediac Bridge A
Shediac Bridge-Shediac River A
Shediac Cape A
Shediac River A
Sheffield A
Shemogue A
Shenstone A
Shepody Albert Co A
Shepody Kings Co A
Shippagan A
Siegas A
Sillikers A
Simonds A
Sisson Brook A
Sisson Ridge A
Six Roads A
Skiff Lake A
Slope A
Smith Crossing A
Smith's Corner A
Smithfield A
Smiths Creek A
Smithtown A
Snider Mountain A
Somerville A
Sormany A
South Branch Kent Co A
South Branch Kings Co A
South Canaan A
South Esk A
South Nelson A
South Oromocto Lake A
South Tetagouche A
Southampton A
Southfield A
Speerville A
Springdale A
Springfield Kings Co A
Springfield York Co A
Squaw Cap A
St Almo A
St Andrews A
St Croix A
St David Ridge A
  1. Listed above are most places served by Canadian area code 428. When multiple places in a CA province share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. A stands for Atlantic Time (currently 3:11:30 PM).