
Area Code 434

Area code 434 is in Virginia, USA , spanning 23 counties and serving 139 cities, including Lynchburg, Charlottesville or Danville; it currently uses 487 prefixes, assigned from 434-200-XXXX through 434-999-XXXX.

In service date for area code 434: June 01, 2001.

The current local time is .

434 area code location on a map
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For exact NPA boundaries see official 434 area code map

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Locate any 434-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
434-200 Lynchburg 8/11/2004
434-201 Whitmell 4/14/2016
434-202 Charlottesville 3/20/2007
434-203 Danville N/A
434-204 Brookneal 10/29/2018
434-205 Crozet N/A
434-206 Clarksville 6/26/2018
434-207 Palmyra N/A
434-208 Keysville 9/16/2014
434-209 Lynchburg 6/8/2009
434-210 Boydton N/A
434-212 Scottsville N/A
434-213 Lynchburg 3/5/2009
434-214 Fork Union 9/9/2002
434-215 Lynchburg 12/5/2016
434-216 Virgilina 10/29/2018
434-217 Chase City 4/25/2019
434-218 Charlottesville 6/8/2009
434-219 Lynchburg 2/15/2011
434-220 Charlottesville N/A
434-221 Lynchburg 5/14/2002
434-222 South Boston 5/20/2002
434-223 Hampden Sydney N/A
434-224 Sandy Level 7/18/2011
434-225 Drakes Branch 9/2/2016
434-226 Lovingston 3/26/2003
434-227 Charlottesville 5/20/2003
434-228 Danville 5/20/2003
434-229 Lynchburg 5/20/2003
434-230 South Hill 5/17/2019
434-231 Schuyler 10/9/2019
434-232 Lynchburg 2/18/2020
434-233 South Hill 5/7/2010
434-234 Charlottesville 5/14/2014
434-235 Charlottesville 6/26/2020
434-236 Brookneal 6/16/2004
434-237 Lynchburg N/A
434-238 Lynchburg N/A
434-239 Lynchburg N/A
434-240 Chatham 8/13/2020
434-241 Lynchburg 9/8/2020
434-242 Charlottesville N/A
434-243 Charlottesville N/A
434-244 Charlottesville N/A
434-245 Charlottesville N/A
434-246 Stony Creek N/A
434-247 South Hill 7/26/2002
434-248 Pamplin N/A
434-249 Charlottesville N/A
434-250 Danville N/A
434-251 Danville N/A
434-252 Eppes Fork N/A
434-253 La Crosse 6/16/2004
434-254 Blackstone 10/25/2013
434-255 Arvonia 12/29/2015
434-256 Boydton 12/29/2015
434-257 Charlottesville 9/18/2020
434-258 Lynchburg N/A
434-259 Hurt N/A
434-260 Charlottesville 6/19/2008
434-261 Rustburg 5/20/2021
434-262 South Hill 12/1/2005
434-263 Lovingston N/A
434-264 Blackstone 3/20/2009
434-265 Boydton 11/17/2008
434-266 Rustburg 3/16/2009
434-267 Volens 2/18/2022
434-268 Crozet 2/24/2021
434-269 Charlottesville 4/12/2021
434-270 Charlottesville 10/22/2007
434-271 Fork Union 5/14/2021
434-272 South Boston 3/29/2007
434-273 South Brunswick 6/26/2018
434-274 Turbeville 5/21/2021
434-275 Blackridge 3/25/2009
434-277 Piney River N/A
434-278 Piney River 3/28/2019
434-279 Gladys 5/5/2021
434-280 Buckingham 10/29/2018
434-281 South Hill 3/2/2021
434-282 Charlottesville 2/17/2011
434-283 Gladys N/A
434-284 Charlottesville 2/19/2003
434-285 Scottsville 8/16/2010
434-286 Scottsville N/A
434-287 Palmyra 9/21/2021
434-288 Victoria 2/6/2013
434-289 Crewe 9/8/2010
434-290 Appomattox 5/9/2014
434-291 Lynchburg 9/29/2020
434-292 Blackstone N/A
434-293 Charlottesville N/A
434-294 Blackstone N/A
434-295 Charlottesville N/A
434-296 Charlottesville N/A
434-297 Charlottesville N/A
434-298 Blackstone N/A
434-299 Big Island N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
434-300 Lynchburg 3/20/2019
434-301 Bachelors Hall 4/15/2022
434-302 Jarratt 6/26/2018
434-303 Gladys 8/6/2012
434-304 Danville 8/25/2022
434-305 Charlottesville 8/3/2005
434-306 Danville 4/19/2022
434-307 Palmyra 8/25/2022
434-308 Kenbridge 3/30/2009
434-309 Altavista N/A
434-310 Charlottesville 4/16/2021
434-312 Blackstone 8/11/2021
434-313 Lawrenceville 6/26/2018
434-314 Danville 12/15/2022
434-315 Farmville N/A
434-316 Lynchburg N/A
434-317 Lynchburg 02/13/2023
434-318 Lynchburg 5/4/2022
434-319 Lynchburg 9/15/2011
434-320 Charlottesville 03/16/2023
434-321 Victoria 8/14/2002
434-322 Alberta 8/30/2002
434-323 South Boston 12/29/2021
434-324 Hurt N/A
434-325 Lovingston N/A
434-326 Charlottesville 11/12/2002
434-327 Charlottesville 3/24/2003
434-328 Charlottesville 9/26/2012
434-329 Lynchburg 9/28/2011
434-330 Fork Union 03/20/2023
434-331 Emporia 5/14/2019
434-332 Rustburg N/A
434-333 Lynchburg 6/19/2012
434-334 Danville 5/20/2002
434-335 Renan N/A
434-336 Emporia N/A
434-337 Big Island 9/26/2017
434-338 Lynchburg 12/22/2010
434-339 Kenbridge 11/4/2010
434-340 Charlottesville 06/15/2023
434-341 Danville 06/07/2023
434-342 Chase City 2/1/2022
434-343 Danville 03/16/2023
434-344 La Crosse 7/13/2020
434-345 Altavista 6/19/2020
434-346 Danville 07/07/2023
434-347 Lynchburg 09/06/2023
434-348 Emporia N/A
434-349 Volens N/A
434-350 Danville 09/12/2023
434-351 Danville 09/29/2023
434-352 Appomattox N/A
434-353 Gladstone 12/07/2023
434-354 Danville 12/07/2023
434-355 Eppes Fork 9/4/2020
434-356 Brookneal 9/4/2020
434-357 Lynchburg 10/09/2023
434-358 Charlottesville 10/09/2023
434-359 Danville 02/09/2024
434-360 Danville 05/10/2024
434-361 Lovingston N/A
434-362 Clarksville 11/24/2010
434-363 Lynchburg N/A
434-364 Appomattox 06/12/2024
434-365 Charlottesville 9/25/2017
434-366 Danville 07/18/2024
434-367 Charlotsville 08/15/2024
434-368 Emporia 8/31/2020
434-369 Altavista N/A
434-370 Danville 08/23/2024
434-371 Barnesville 11/20/2024
434-372 Chase City N/A
434-373 Palmyra N/A
434-374 Clarksville N/A
434-376 Brookneal N/A
434-377 Boydton 11/20/2024
434-378 Emporia 7/23/2002
434-379 Danville 11/22/2024
434-380 Danville 12/02/2024
434-381 Amherst N/A
434-382 Lynchburg 6/20/2005
434-384 Lynchburg N/A
434-385 Lynchburg N/A
434-386 Lynchburg N/A
434-387 Schuyler 4/30/2021
434-388 Buckingham 08/16/2023
434-389 Capron 11/20/2024
434-390 Farmville N/A
434-391 Farmville N/A
434-392 Farmville N/A
434-393 Charlotte Court House 3/27/2019
434-394 Farmville N/A
434-395 Farmville N/A
434-396 Danville 11/23/2024
434-399 Renan 9/8/2020
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
434-400 Charlottesville 3/20/2019
434-401 Lynchburg N/A
434-403 Alberta 5/4/2021
434-404 South Boston 3/20/2015
434-406 Prospect 7/18/2002
434-408 Farmville 03/12/2024
434-409 Charlottesville 10/16/2001
434-410 Stony Creek 12/07/2023
434-412 Arvonia 9/21/2021
434-414 Farmville 3/29/2007
434-420 Lynchburg N/A
434-421 Danville 1/4/2012
434-422 Charlottesville 1/27/2004
434-423 Bachelors Hall 2/6/2012
434-424 Charlottesville 10/23/2019
434-425 Danville 3/8/2017
434-426 Lynchburg N/A
434-427 Emporia 11/11/2020
434-428 Clarksville 5/4/2021
434-429 Danville N/A
434-430 Emporia N/A
434-431 Whitmell 10/9/2020
434-432 Chatham N/A
434-433 Chatham N/A
434-435 Lynchburg 6/20/2018
434-436 Drakes Branch 5/13/2020
434-437 Charlotsville 2/10/2022
434-439 Lynchburg 3/8/2013
434-440 South Boston 03/17/2023
434-441 Danville 7/23/2002
434-442 Volens 10/8/2002
434-443 Charlottesville 10/3/2019
434-444 Lynchburg N/A
434-445 Dillwyn 10/8/2020
434-446 South Boston 8/14/2002
434-447 South Hill N/A
434-448 Concord 8/23/2011
434-449 Boydton 01/06/2025
434-450 Lynchburg 01/07/2025
434-453 Jarratt 12/07/2023
434-454 Clover N/A
434-455 Lynchburg N/A
434-459 Charlottesville 6/5/2018
434-460 Alberta 3/8/2001
434-464 Virgilina 5/26/2021
434-465 Charlottesville N/A
434-466 Charlottesville N/A
434-468 Capron 3/21/2019
434-470 South Boston N/A
434-471 South Boston N/A
434-473 Lynchburg N/A
434-474 Hampden Sydney 6/10/2020
434-476 Halifax N/A
434-477 Lynchburg N/A
434-478 Clover 3/21/2017
434-480 Blackstone 3/8/2001
434-481 Stanardsville N/A
434-483 Danville N/A
434-484 Charlottesville 12/5/2016
434-485 Lynchburg N/A
434-488 Keysville 5/4/2021
434-489 Danville N/A
434-490 Charlottesville 01/07/2025
434-495 Volens N/A
434-499 Lynchburg 6/5/2018
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
434-500 Boydton 3/7/2019
434-503 Emporia 11/22/2024
434-505 Dillwyn 8/10/2011
434-506 Emporia 10/13/2021
434-509 Lynchburg 5/9/2002
434-510 Palmyra N/A
434-512 Beechwood 3/25/2009
434-515 Lynchburg 7/31/2008
434-517 South Boston N/A
434-522 Lynchburg N/A
434-525 Lynchburg N/A
434-528 Lynchburg N/A
434-529 Charlottesville 12/9/2010
434-531 Charlottesville N/A
434-532 Lawrenceville 10/8/2002
434-533 Chase City 10/8/2002
434-534 Lynchburg N/A
434-535 Jarratt N/A
434-538 Crewe N/A
434-542 Charlotte Court House N/A
434-544 Lynchburg N/A
434-546 Lynchburg N/A
434-547 Farmville N/A
434-548 Danville 1/8/2001
434-549 Danville N/A
434-554 Danville 10/15/2020
434-563 Emporia 5/28/2003
434-566 Charlottesville 12/20/2001
434-567 South Brunswick 7/13/2020
434-568 Drakes Branch N/A
434-569 Farmville N/A
434-570 South Boston N/A
434-572 South Boston N/A
434-574 Prospect N/A
434-575 South Boston N/A
434-577 South Brunswick N/A
434-579 South Boston N/A
434-581 Arvonia N/A
434-582 Lynchburg N/A
434-584 South Hill N/A
434-585 Virgilina N/A
434-589 Palmyra N/A
434-591 Palmyra N/A
434-592 Lynchburg N/A
434-594 Emporia 6/25/2002
434-595 Pamplin 4/6/2018
434-597 Stony Creek 9/18/2019
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
434-602 Jarratt 11/9/2012
434-603 Farmville 7/2/2001
434-604 Emporia 7/9/2002
434-607 Farmville 7/2/2001
434-608 Altavista 3/16/2009
434-609 Lynchburg N/A
434-610 Lynchburg N/A
434-616 Lynchburg 9/8/2010
434-622 Crewe 9/8/2020
434-623 Lawrenceville 2/9/2011
434-624 Clarksville 2/25/2022
434-626 Pamplin 2/17/2022
434-630 Gretna 5/3/2001
434-632 Emporia 5/23/2002
434-633 Concord 9/8/2020
434-634 Emporia N/A
434-635 Drakes Branch 3/2/2021
434-636 Blackridge N/A
434-637 Emporia N/A
434-644 Burkeville 9/8/2020
434-645 Crewe N/A
434-646 Whitmell 3/4/2022
434-654 Charlottesville 1/16/2008
434-655 Brodnax 9/8/2020
434-656 Gretna N/A
434-658 Capron N/A
434-660 Lynchburg N/A
434-661 Amherst N/A
434-664 Appomattox N/A
434-665 Lynchburg N/A
434-666 Charlottesville 3/8/2019
434-676 Kenbridge N/A
434-677 Victoria 7/13/2020
434-683 Clover 2/11/2022
434-685 Bachelors Hall N/A
434-686 Blackstone 3/7/2019
434-687 Piney River 3/2/2022
434-688 Danville 7/3/2001
434-689 Beechwood N/A
434-694 Farmville 9/15/2014
434-695 Emporia 1/26/2006
434-696 Victoria N/A
434-697 Crozet 3/10/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
434-709 Danville N/A
434-710 Danville N/A
434-713 Danville N/A
434-722 Barnesville 9/8/2020
434-724 Whitmell N/A
434-728 Danville N/A
434-729 Brodnax N/A
434-732 Gladstone 7/13/2020
434-735 Barnesville N/A
434-736 Keysville N/A
434-738 Boydton N/A
434-742 Lovingston 2/14/2022
434-744 Bachelors Hall 5/5/2021
434-746 Chatham 2/18/2022
434-753 Turbeville N/A
434-755 South Hill 5/21/2009
434-757 La Crosse N/A
434-760 Charlottesville N/A
434-766 Danville N/A
434-767 Burkeville N/A
434-768 Big Island 2/8/2022
434-770 Danville N/A
434-771 Lynchburg 2/28/2017
434-772 Capron 2/16/2016
434-773 Danville N/A
434-774 South Hill N/A
434-777 Chase City 3/3/2017
434-788 Kenbridge 7/13/2020
434-789 Emporia 10/7/2021
434-791 Danville N/A
434-792 Danville N/A
434-793 Danville N/A
434-797 Danville N/A
434-799 Danville N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
434-800 Lawrenceville 3/19/2019
434-806 Charlottesville 1/28/2002
434-808 Farmville 1/28/2002
434-810 Lynchburg 4/15/2021
434-812 Crozet N/A
434-813 Fork Union N/A
434-817 Charlottesville N/A
434-818 Lynchburg 6/11/2015
434-820 Danville 4/3/2001
434-821 Lynchburg N/A
434-822 Danville N/A
434-823 Crozet N/A
434-825 Charlottesville N/A
434-826 Amherst N/A
434-829 Emporia 3/26/2012
434-830 Halifax 2/15/2002
434-831 Schuyler N/A
434-832 Lynchburg N/A
434-833 Charlottesville 9/29/2020
434-835 Danville N/A
434-836 Danville N/A
434-837 Keysville 3/7/2019
434-838 Prospect N/A
434-841 Lynchburg N/A
434-842 Fork Union N/A
434-844 Allwood 9/8/2020
434-845 Lynchburg N/A
434-846 Lynchburg N/A
434-847 Lynchburg N/A
434-848 Lawrenceville N/A
434-849 Lynchburg N/A
434-850 Lynchburg 6/7/2001
434-851 Lynchburg N/A
434-856 Lynchburg N/A
434-857 Danville N/A
434-865 South Hill N/A
434-866 South Hill 2/4/2022
434-867 Lynchburg 5/19/2017
434-872 Charlottesville N/A
434-877 Fork Union 7/13/2020
434-878 Brodnax 4/25/2002
434-879 Burkeville 4/25/2002
434-882 Charlottesville N/A
434-884 Gladys 5/5/2021
434-885 Emporia 5/31/2011
434-886 Stony Creek 9/8/2014
434-888 Charlotte Court House 3/3/2017
434-895 Lynchburg 2/24/2021
434-899 Blackridge 9/8/2020
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
434-900 Halifax 6/19/2020
434-906 Charlottesville N/A
434-907 Lynchburg N/A
434-917 South Hill N/A
434-922 Allwood N/A
434-923 Charlottesville N/A
434-924 Charlottesville N/A
434-927 Sandy Level N/A
434-929 Lynchburg N/A
434-933 Gladstone N/A
434-934 Altavista 4/12/2021
434-939 Stanardsville N/A
434-940 Lynchburg N/A
434-941 Lynchburg N/A
434-942 Lynchburg N/A
434-944 Lynchburg N/A
434-945 Amherst N/A
434-946 Amherst N/A
434-947 Lynchburg N/A
434-948 Lynchburg N/A
434-949 Alberta N/A
434-951 Charlottesville N/A
434-953 Charlottesville N/A
434-955 South Hill N/A
434-956 Charlottesville N/A
434-960 Charlottesville N/A
434-961 Charlottesville N/A
434-962 Charlottesville N/A
434-963 Charlottesville N/A
434-964 Charlottesville N/A
434-966 Beechwood 9/8/2020
434-969 Buckingham N/A
434-970 Charlottesville N/A
434-971 Charlottesville N/A
434-972 Charlottesville N/A
434-973 Charlottesville N/A
434-974 Charlottesville N/A
434-975 Charlottesville N/A
434-977 Charlottesville N/A
434-978 Charlottesville N/A
434-979 Charlottesville N/A
434-980 Charlottesville N/A
434-981 Charlottesville N/A
434-982 Charlottesville N/A
434-983 Dillwyn N/A
434-984 Charlottesville N/A
434-985 Stanardsville N/A
434-987 Charlottesville N/A
434-989 Charlottesville N/A
434-990 Stanardsville N/A
434-992 Stanardsville N/A
434-993 Concord N/A
434-995 Charlottesville N/A
434-996 Charlottesville N/A
434-998 Appomattox 5/11/2020
434-999 Charlottesville 5/22/2017
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date. N/A - mostly central office codes assigned before 2001.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 434

City1 County Time Zone2
Alberta Brunswick E
Altavista Campbell E
Alton Halifax E
Amherst Amherst E
Appomattox Appomattox E
Arrington Nelson E
Arvonia Buckingham E
Baskerville Mecklenburg E
Big Island Bedford E
Blackstone Nottoway E
Blairs Pittsylvania E
Boydton Mecklenburg E
Bracey Mecklenburg E
Bremo Bluff Fluvanna E
Brodnax Brunswick E
Brookneal Campbell E
Buckingham Buckingham E
Buffalo Junction Mecklenburg E
Burkeville Nottoway E
Callands Pittsylvania E
Capron Southampton E
Cascade Pittsylvania E
Charlotte Court House Charlotte E
Charlottesville Albemarle E
Chase City Mecklenburg E
Chatham Pittsylvania E
Clarksville Mecklenburg E
Clifford Amherst E
Clover Halifax E
Cluster Springs Halifax E
Coleman Falls Bedford E
Concord Campbell E
Covesville Albemarle E
Crewe Nottoway E
Crozet Albemarle E
Crystal Hill Halifax E
Cullen Charlotte E
Danville Danville City E
Dillwyn Buckingham E
Dolphin Brunswick E
Drakes Branch Charlotte E
Drewryville Southampton E
Dry Fork Pittsylvania E
Dundas Lunenburg E
Dyke Greene E
Earlysville Albemarle E
Ebony Brunswick E
Emporia Emporia City E
Esmont Albemarle E
Evergreen Appomattox E
Evington Campbell E
Faber Nelson E
Farmville Prince Edward E
Forest Bedford E
Fork Union Fluvanna E
Fort Mitchell Lunenburg E
Free Union Albemarle E
Freeman Brunswick E
Gasburg Brunswick E
Gladstone Nelson E
Gladys Campbell E
Green Bay Prince Edward E
Gretna Pittsylvania E
Halifax Halifax E
Hampden Sydney Prince Edward E
Howardsville Albemarle E
Hurt Pittsylvania E
Ivy Albemarle E
Jarratt Greensville E
Java Pittsylvania E
Keeling Pittsylvania E
Keene Albemarle E
Kenbridge Lunenburg E
Kents Store Fluvanna E
Keswick Albemarle E
Keysville Charlotte E
La Crosse Mecklenburg E
Lawrenceville Brunswick E
Long Island Pittsylvania E
Lovingston Nelson E
Lunenburg Lunenburg E
Lynch Station Campbell E
Lynchburg Lynchburg City E
Madison Heights Amherst E
Meherrin Prince Edward E
Meredithville Brunswick E
Monroe Amherst E
Naruna Campbell E
Nathalie Halifax E
Nellysford Nelson E
Nelson Mecklenburg E
New Canton Buckingham E
North Garden Albemarle E
Norwood Nelson E
Nottoway Nottoway E
Palmyra Fluvanna E
Pamplin Appomattox E
Phenix Charlotte E
Piney River Nelson E
Pittsville Pittsylvania E
Prospect Prince Edward E
Quinque Greene E
Randolph Charlotte E
Rawlings Brunswick E
Red House Charlotte E
Red Oak Charlotte E
Rice Prince Edward E
Ringgold Pittsylvania E
Roseland Nelson E
Ruckersville Greene E
Rustburg Campbell E
Sandy Level Pittsylvania E
Saxe Charlotte E
Schuyler Nelson E
Scottsburg Halifax E
Scottsville Albemarle E
Shipman Nelson E
Skippers Greensville E
Skipwith Mecklenburg E
South Boston Halifax E
South Hill Mecklenburg E
Spout Spring Appomattox E
Stanardsville Greene E
Stony Creek Sussex E
Sussex Sussex E
Sutherlin Pittsylvania E
Sweet Briar Amherst E
Troy Fluvanna E
Tyro Nelson E
Valentines Brunswick E
Vernon Hill Halifax E
Victoria Lunenburg E
Virgilina Halifax E
Warfield Brunswick E
White Hall Albemarle E
White Plains Brunswick E
Wingina Nelson E
Wylliesburg Charlotte E
Yale Sussex E
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 434. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. E stands for Eastern Time (currently ).