
Area Code 435

Area code 435 is in Utah, USA , spanning 24 counties and serving 205 cities, including St George, Logan or Tooele; it currently uses 490 prefixes, assigned from 435-200-XXXX through 435-999-XXXX.

In service date for area code 435: September 21, 1997.

The current local time is .

435 area code location on a map
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For exact NPA boundaries see official 435 area code map

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NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
435-200 Park City N/A
435-201 Richfield N/A
435-202 Logan 2/12/2004
435-203 Mount Pleasant N/A
435-204 Tooele 2/2/2001
435-205 Montezuma Creek/ Aneth 4/28/2016
435-206 Logan 2/2/2001
435-207 Tremonton N/A
435-209 Milford 11/30/2004
435-210 Moab N/A
435-212 Hildale 11/30/2004
435-213 Logan N/A
435-214 Park City N/A
435-215 St George N/A
435-216 St George N/A
435-217 Randolph 3/12/2015
435-218 St George 5/16/2013
435-219 Vernal 7/12/2007
435-220 Moab N/A
435-221 Beaver N/A
435-222 Heber City 5/1/2015
435-223 Brian Head 2/6/2014
435-224 Tooele 6/27/2001
435-225 Brigham City 6/27/2001
435-226 Brigham City 4/13/2001
435-227 Logan 4/13/2001
435-228 Tooele 4/13/2001
435-229 St George N/A
435-230 Bear River Creek N/A
435-231 Enterprise N/A
435-232 Logan N/A
435-233 Cedar City 4/27/2001
435-234 Ibapah N/A
435-235 Cedar City 2/7/2001
435-236 St George 11/21/2016
435-237 Brigham City N/A
435-238 Cedar City 6/11/2001
435-239 Brigham City 5/11/2001
435-240 Wendover N/A
435-241 Tooele N/A
435-242 Green River N/A
435-243 Tooele 5/28/2010
435-244 Tooele 9/28/2018
435-245 Logan N/A
435-246 Brigham City N/A
435-247 Lapoint N/A
435-248 Tooele 8/21/2002
435-249 Tooele 12/20/2005
435-250 Nephi N/A
435-251 St George 4/24/2003
435-252 Park City 3/11/2003
435-253 Fillmore 6/3/2003
435-254 Portage 10/19/2018
435-255 Tooele 7/8/2014
435-256 St George N/A
435-257 Tremonton N/A
435-258 Logan N/A
435-259 Moab N/A
435-260 Moab N/A
435-261 Beaver N/A
435-262 Fairview 4/24/2003
435-263 Cedar City 7/6/2009
435-264 Nat Bridge 1/23/2019
435-265 Logan 7/8/2014
435-266 Lynndyl 10/19/2018
435-267 Cedar City N/A
435-268 Tooele 9/30/2015
435-269 Bluff 1/23/2019
435-270 Blanding 11/24/2021
435-271 Salina 3/5/2019
435-272 St George N/A
435-273 Montezuma Creek/ Aneth 5/8/2020
435-274 Tooele 1/12/2021
435-275 St George 12/30/2002
435-276 Blanding 4/16/2021
435-277 Tooele 4/14/2006
435-278 Enterprise 12/29/2020
435-279 Bear River Creek N/A
435-280 Mexican Hat 1/23/2019
435-281 Wasatch 1/25/2021
435-282 Tremonton 12/20/2006
435-283 Ephraim N/A
435-284 Kanosh 1/23/2019
435-285 Thompson N/A
435-286 Castle Dale N/A
435-287 Richfield 3/18/2008
435-288 St George 6/29/2022
435-289 Richfield 3/5/2019
435-290 Kamas 10/7/2020
435-291 Tremonton 8/23/2007
435-292 Wasatch 4/24/2007
435-293 Kamas 5/12/2020
435-294 Logan N/A
435-295 Brigham City 5/1/2019
435-296 Glen Canyon City 3/6/2019
435-297 Kamas 4/18/2021
435-298 Monticello 11/24/2021
435-299 Price 2/9/2011
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
435-300 Kamas N/A
435-301 St George N/A
435-302 Kamas 1/28/2021
435-303 Bear River Creek 1/26/2021
435-304 Richfield N/A
435-305 Jordanelle 12/18/2015
435-306 Eureka 11/12/2021
435-308 Monument Valley 7/21/2021
435-309 Glen Canyon City 4/26/2021
435-310 Beaver 12/30/2002
435-312 Halchita 9/24/2021
435-313 St George 8/17/2001
435-314 Ephraim 7/23/2010
435-315 Heber City 11/16/2012
435-316 Monument Valley 3/28/2012
435-317 Logan 12/17/2021
435-318 Ibapah 11/12/2021
435-319 St George 9/19/2011
435-320 Montezuma Creek/ Aneth 9/24/2021
435-321 Kamas 10/14/2021
435-322 Duchesne 10/18/2010
435-323 Park Valley 11/12/2021
435-324 Heber City 01/04/2023
435-325 Meadow 1/23/2019
435-326 Marysvale N/A
435-327 Cedar City 8/17/2001
435-328 Heber City 05/23/2024
435-329 Boulder 01/27/2023
435-330 Cannonville 01/27/2023
435-331 Duck Creek 01/27/2023
435-332 Hanksville 02/01/2023
435-333 Park City 1/4/2002
435-334 Fillmore 4/20/2020
435-335 Boulder N/A
435-336 Coalville 5/2/2001
435-337 Lake Powell 1/23/2019
435-338 Tooele N/A
435-339 Brigham City 8/15/2012
435-340 Ephraim N/A
435-341 Monroe 1/31/2022
435-342 Dangling Rope 02/01/2023
435-343 Manila 02/01/2023
435-344 La Sal 1/23/2019
435-345 Thompson 1/23/2019
435-346 Park City 10/17/2024
435-348 Fillmore 7/1/2021
435-350 Coalville 02/10/2023
435-351 St George 04/11/2023
435-352 Heber City 2/1/2021
435-353 Neola N/A
435-354 Tooele 08/09/2023
435-355 Moab 3/5/2012
435-356 Delta 7/1/2021
435-357 St George 09/06/2023
435-358 Coalville 09/21/2023
435-359 St George N/A
435-360 St George 05/31/2024
435-361 Logan 03/18/2024
435-363 Logan N/A
435-364 Manti 2/26/2009
435-374 Logan 10/25/2007
435-375 St George 12/20/2018
435-381 Castle Dale N/A
435-383 Cedar City N/A
435-384 Castle Dale N/A
435-386 Minersville N/A
435-387 Milford N/A
435-393 Parowan 9/8/2006
435-395 Heber City 12/17/2018
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
435-400 Coalville 9/6/2005
435-401 Roosevelt 2/25/2008
435-406 Delta N/A
435-409 Scipio 10/19/2018
435-412 Glen Canyon City 10/18/2007
435-414 St George 11/21/2011
435-417 Nephi N/A
435-418 Beaver N/A
435-419 Monticello N/A
435-421 Beaver N/A
435-422 Howell 10/19/2018
435-425 Bicknell N/A
435-427 Fairview N/A
435-429 St George 2/2/2015
435-432 Promontory 1/23/2019
435-433 Eureka N/A
435-436 Moroni N/A
435-438 Beaver N/A
435-439 Beryl N/A
435-441 Holden 1/23/2019
435-444 Montezuma Creek/ Aneth 5/17/2006
435-445 Fountain Green N/A
435-447 Fielding 10/19/2018
435-448 Scofield N/A
435-452 Bear River Creek N/A
435-454 Altamont N/A
435-456 Caineville N/A
435-458 Fielding N/A
435-459 Monticello N/A
435-462 Mount Pleasant N/A
435-463 Cedar City N/A
435-465 Brigham City 1/22/2015
435-466 Bear River Creek 4/10/2018
435-467 St George N/A
435-469 Mount Pleasant N/A
435-471 Howell N/A
435-472 Price N/A
435-473 Howell N/A
435-477 Parowan N/A
435-485 Blanding 3/22/2011
435-487 Park City N/A
435-491 Bicknell 12/10/2004
435-494 Brigham City 11/4/2002
435-495 Oak City 1/23/2019
435-496 Tooele N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
435-500 Delta 4/25/2019
435-503 Heber City N/A
435-512 Logan N/A
435-513 Park City N/A
435-514 Logan N/A
435-515 Brigham City 1/28/2015
435-518 Salina N/A
435-522 St George 11/16/2017
435-523 St George 11/24/2020
435-525 St George 1/27/2011
435-527 Monroe N/A
435-528 Gunnison N/A
435-529 Salina N/A
435-531 Cedar City N/A
435-534 Logan 11/9/2020
435-535 Logan N/A
435-538 Brigham City 12/5/2001
435-542 Hanksville N/A
435-545 Randlett N/A
435-547 Brian Head 4/12/2021
435-548 Fruitland N/A
435-549 Vernal 7/6/2011
435-553 Brigham City 4/24/2002
435-554 Logan N/A
435-557 Logan 6/4/2015
435-558 Richfield 4/27/2001
435-559 Cedar City N/A
435-562 Salina 10/23/2001
435-563 Logan N/A
435-564 Green River N/A
435-565 Park City 9/18/2002
435-566 Tooele 8/13/2002
435-567 Richfield 2/24/2022
435-569 Moab 2/24/2022
435-571 Park City 10/23/2001
435-572 Cedar City 4/24/2002
435-574 St George N/A
435-575 Park City 3/7/2002
435-577 Circleville N/A
435-578 Tooele N/A
435-579 Tooele N/A
435-580 Nephi 2/21/2002
435-586 Cedar City N/A
435-587 Monticello N/A
435-590 Cedar City N/A
435-592 Cedar City N/A
435-599 St George 8/12/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
435-600 Parowan 7/1/2021
435-602 Park City N/A
435-603 Logan 7/20/2009
435-604 Park City N/A
435-608 Park City N/A
435-609 Castle Dale N/A
435-610 Nephi N/A
435-612 Monroe 4/24/2002
435-613 Price N/A
435-615 Park City N/A
435-616 Panguitch N/A
435-618 Panguitch N/A
435-619 St George N/A
435-621 Vernal 8/12/2004
435-622 Flattop N/A
435-623 Nephi N/A
435-624 Antimony N/A
435-625 Beaver 10/23/2001
435-626 Snowville 10/19/2018
435-627 St George N/A
435-628 St George N/A
435-630 Price N/A
435-631 Park City 6/7/2001
435-632 St George N/A
435-633 Richfield 4/24/2002
435-634 St George N/A
435-635 St George N/A
435-636 Price N/A
435-637 Price N/A
435-638 Koosharem N/A
435-640 Park City N/A
435-642 Christmas Meadows N/A
435-644 Kanab N/A
435-645 Park City N/A
435-646 Flattop N/A
435-647 Park City N/A
435-648 Orderville N/A
435-649 Park City N/A
435-650 Price N/A
435-651 Montezuma Creek/ Aneth N/A
435-652 St George N/A
435-653 Castle Dale N/A
435-654 Heber City N/A
435-655 Park City N/A
435-656 St George N/A
435-657 Heber City N/A
435-658 Park City N/A
435-659 Park City N/A
435-660 Nephi N/A
435-661 Dangling Rope N/A
435-662 Cedar City N/A
435-663 Ibapah N/A
435-665 Wendover N/A
435-666 Park City 1/24/2019
435-667 Brigham City 7/1/2021
435-668 St George N/A
435-669 St George N/A
435-670 Salina N/A
435-671 Heber City N/A
435-672 Bluff N/A
435-673 St George N/A
435-674 St George N/A
435-675 Glen Canyon City N/A
435-676 Panguitch N/A
435-677 Brian Head N/A
435-678 Blanding N/A
435-679 Cannonvl N/A
435-680 St George N/A
435-681 Nephi N/A
435-682 Duck Creek N/A
435-683 Mexican Hat N/A
435-684 Lake Powell N/A
435-686 La Sal N/A
435-687 Castle Dale N/A
435-688 St George N/A
435-689 Kanab N/A
435-690 Panguitch N/A
435-691 Cedar City N/A
435-692 Nat Bridge N/A
435-693 Partoun N/A
435-695 Brigham City N/A
435-699 Park City 8/12/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
435-701 Cedar City N/A
435-703 St George N/A
435-704 Cedar City N/A
435-705 St George N/A
435-708 Cedar City N/A
435-709 Heber City N/A
435-710 Parowan 10/23/2001
435-712 Kolob N/A
435-713 Logan N/A
435-714 Park City N/A
435-716 Logan N/A
435-719 Moab N/A
435-720 Brigham City N/A
435-722 Roosevelt N/A
435-723 Brigham City N/A
435-724 Roosevelt N/A
435-725 Roosevelt N/A
435-727 Monument Valley N/A
435-728 Tooele 10/23/2001
435-729 Park City N/A
435-730 Brigham City N/A
435-731 Park City N/A
435-732 Tremonton 7/16/2021
435-733 Duchesne N/A
435-734 Brigham City N/A
435-735 Hatch N/A
435-737 Tooele 1/27/2022
435-738 Duchesne N/A
435-739 Halchita N/A
435-740 Brigham City N/A
435-743 Fillmore N/A
435-744 Brigham City N/A
435-746 Kamas 1/27/2022
435-747 Grouse Creek N/A
435-748 Castle Dale N/A
435-749 Castle Dale N/A
435-750 Logan N/A
435-752 Logan N/A
435-753 Logan N/A
435-754 Logan N/A
435-755 Logan N/A
435-757 Logan N/A
435-758 Scipio N/A
435-759 Kanosh N/A
435-760 Logan N/A
435-764 Logan N/A
435-766 Vernal 4/29/2004
435-767 St George 10/23/2001
435-768 Duchesne 4/29/2004
435-770 Logan N/A
435-771 Monroe N/A
435-772 St George N/A
435-773 St George N/A
435-774 Logan N/A
435-775 Tooele N/A
435-776 Park City N/A
435-777 Heber City 3/1/2017
435-778 Manila 12/18/2003
435-779 Garden City 12/18/2003
435-781 Vernal N/A
435-782 Jordanelle N/A
435-783 Kamas N/A
435-784 Manila N/A
435-785 Timberlake 10/9/2001
435-786 Logan N/A
435-787 Logan N/A
435-788 Ticaboo N/A
435-789 Vernal N/A
435-790 Vernal N/A
435-792 Logan N/A
435-793 Randolph N/A
435-795 Holden N/A
435-797 Logan N/A
435-799 Logan N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
435-800 Park City 8/31/2017
435-813 Manti N/A
435-817 St George 9/12/2005
435-819 Kanab N/A
435-820 Price N/A
435-822 Duchesne N/A
435-823 Roosevelt N/A
435-824 Neola 9/16/2021
435-826 Escalante N/A
435-827 Almo N/A
435-828 Vernal N/A
435-830 Tooele N/A
435-831 Dugway N/A
435-833 Tooele N/A
435-834 Bryce Canyon N/A
435-835 Manti N/A
435-836 Loa N/A
435-837 Rush Valley N/A
435-839 Vernon N/A
435-840 Tooele N/A
435-841 Tooele N/A
435-842 Meadow N/A
435-843 Tooele N/A
435-846 Oak City N/A
435-848 Tabiona N/A
435-849 Tooele N/A
435-850 Tooele N/A
435-851 Manti N/A
435-854 Thatcher N/A
435-855 Garrison N/A
435-856 Nephi 10/23/2001
435-857 Lynndyl N/A
435-862 St George 10/18/2002
435-863 Promontory N/A
435-864 Delta N/A
435-865 Cedar City N/A
435-866 Portage N/A
435-867 Cedar City N/A
435-868 Cedar City 8/22/2002
435-870 Soldier Summit N/A
435-871 Park Valley N/A
435-872 Snowville N/A
435-874 Hildale N/A
435-877 Apple Valley N/A
435-878 Enterprise N/A
435-879 St George N/A
435-880 Dutch John N/A
435-881 Logan N/A
435-882 Tooele N/A
435-884 Tooele N/A
435-885 Dutch John N/A
435-888 Price N/A
435-889 Greendale N/A
435-890 Logan N/A
435-893 Richfield N/A
435-896 Richfield N/A
435-899 Kanab N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
435-900 St George 6/3/2019
435-901 Park City N/A
435-915 Logan N/A
435-919 Brigham City 3/19/2002
435-921 Brigham City N/A
435-922 St George 11/17/2015
435-923 Thatcher 10/19/2018
435-932 Logan N/A
435-938 Logan N/A
435-940 Park City N/A
435-946 Garden City N/A
435-948 Garden City N/A
435-962 Park City N/A
435-979 Richfield N/A
435-986 St George N/A
435-990 Brian Head N/A
435-994 Logan N/A
435-999 Logan N/A
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date. N/A - mostly central office codes assigned before 2001.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 435

City1 County Time Zone2
Altamont Duchesne M
Alton Kane M
Altonah Duchesne M
Aneth San Juan M
Annabella Sevier M
Antimony Garfield M
Aurora Sevier M
Axtell Sanpete M
Bear River City Box Elder M
Beaver Beaver M
Beryl Iron M
Bicknell Wayne M
Blanding San Juan M
Bluebell Duchesne M
Bluff San Juan M
Bonanza Uintah M
Boulder Garfield M
Brian Head Iron M
Brigham City Box Elder M
Bryce Garfield M
Cache Junction Cache M
Cannonville Garfield M
Castle Dale Emery M
Cedar City Iron M
Centerfield Sanpete M
Central Washington M
Chester Sanpete M
Circleville Piute M
Cisco Grand M
Clarkston Cache M
Clawson Emery M
Cleveland Emery M
Coalville Summit M
Collinston Box Elder M
Corinne Box Elder M
Cornish Cache M
Dammeron Valley Washington M
Delta Millard M
Deweyville Box Elder M
Duchesne Duchesne M
Duck Creek Village Kane M
Dugway Tooele M
Dutch John Daggett M
East Carbon Carbon M
Echo Summit M
Elmo Emery M
Elsinore Sevier M
Emery Emery M
Enterprise Washington M
Ephraim Sanpete M
Escalante Garfield M
Eureka Juab M
Fairview Sanpete M
Fayette Sanpete M
Ferron Emery M
Fielding Box Elder M
Fillmore Millard M
Fort Duchesne Uintah M
Fountain Green Sanpete M
Fruitland Duchesne M
Garden City Rich M
Garland Box Elder M
Garrison Millard M
Glendale Kane M
Glenwood Sevier M
Grantsville Tooele M
Green River Emery M
Greenville Beaver M
Greenwich Piute M
Grouse Creek Box Elder M
Gunlock Washington M
Gunnison Sanpete M
Hanksville Wayne M
Hanna Duchesne M
Hatch Garfield M
Heber City Wasatch M
Helper Carbon M
Henefer Summit M
Henrieville Garfield M
Hildale Washington M
Hinckley Millard M
Holden Millard M
Honeyville Box Elder M
Howell Box Elder M
Huntington Emery M
Hurricane Washington M
Hyde Park Cache M
Hyrum Cache M
Ibapah Tooele M
Ivins Washington M
Jensen Uintah M
Joseph Sevier M
Junction Piute M
Kamas Summit M
Kanab Kane M
Kanarraville Iron M
Kanosh Millard M
Kenilworth Carbon M
Kingston Piute M
Koosharem Sevier M
La Sal San Juan M
La Verkin Washington M
Lake Powell San Juan M
Laketown Rich M
Lapoint Uintah M
Leamington Millard M
Leeds Washington M
Levan Juab M
Lewiston Cache M
Loa Wayne M
Logan Cache M
Lyman Wayne M
Lynndyl Millard M
Manila Daggett M
Manti Sanpete M
Mantua Box Elder M
Marysvale Piute M
Mayfield Sanpete M
Meadow Millard M
Mendon Cache M
Mexican Hat San Juan M
Midway Wasatch M
Milford Beaver M
Millville Cache M
Minersville Beaver M
Moab Grand M
Modena Iron M
Mona Juab M
Monroe Sevier M
Montezuma Creek San Juan M
Monticello San Juan M
Monument Valley San Juan M
Moroni Sanpete M
Mount Carmel Kane M
Mount Pleasant Sanpete M
Mountain Home Duchesne M
Myton Duchesne M
Neola Duchesne M
Nephi Juab M
New Harmony Washington M
Newcastle Iron M
Newton Cache M
Oak City Millard M
Oakley Summit M
Orangeville Emery M
Orderville Kane M
Panguitch Garfield M
Paradise Cache M
Paragonah Iron M
Park City Summit M
Park Valley Box Elder M
Parowan Iron M
Peoa Summit M
Pine Valley Washington M
Plymouth Box Elder M
Portage Box Elder M
Price Carbon M
Providence Cache M
Randlett Uintah M
Randolph Rich M
Redmond Sevier M
Richfield Sevier M
Richmond Cache M
Riverside Box Elder M
Rockville Washington M
Roosevelt Duchesne M
Rush Valley Tooele M
Salina Sevier M
Santa Clara Washington M
Scipio Millard M
Sevier Sevier M
Sigurd Sevier M
Smithfield Cache M
Snowville Box Elder M
Spring City Sanpete M
Springdale Washington M
St George Washington M
Sterling Sanpete M
Stockton Tooele M
Summit Iron M
Sunnyside Carbon M
Tabiona Duchesne M
Talmage Duchesne M
Teasdale Wayne M
Thompson Grand M
Tooele Tooele M
Toquerville Washington M
Torrey Wayne M
Tremonton Box Elder M
Trenton Cache M
Tridell Uintah M
Tropic Garfield M
Vernal Uintah M
Vernon Tooele M
Veyo Washington M
Virgin Washington M
Wales Sanpete M
Wallsburg Wasatch M
Washington Washington M
Wellington Carbon M
Wellsville Cache M
Wendover Tooele M
Whiterocks Uintah M
Willard Box Elder M
Woodruff Rich M
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 435. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. M stands for Mountain Time (currently ).