
Area Code 584

Area code 584 is in Manitoba, Canada , serving 453 cities, including Winnipeg, Winkler or Selkirk; it currently uses 13 prefixes, assigned from 584-200-XXXX through 584-999-XXXX.

In service since October 28, 2022, area code 584 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 204/431/584.

The current local time is .

584 area code location on a map
© OpenStreetMap contributors
For exact NPA boundaries see official 584 area code map

More Manitoba area codes:

Locate any 584-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1
584-200 Poplar Point
584-222 St. Adolphe
584-300 Crystal City
584-301 Stonewall
584-333 St. Francois Xavier
584-400 Amaranth
584-444 Portage La Prairie
584-500 Oakville
584-600 Oakbank
584-666 Macgregor
584-777 Notre Dame De Lourdes
584-888 Winnipeg
584-999 Elm Creek
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 584

City1 Time Zone2
Alexander C
Alonsa C
Altamont C
Altona C
Amaranth C
Angusville C
Anola C
Arborg C
Arden C
Argyle C
Arnaud C
Arnes C
Arrow River C
Ashern C
Ashville C
Aubigny C
Austin C
Bagot C
Baldur C
Balmoral C
Barrows C
Beaconia C
Beausejour C
Belair C
Belleview C
Belmont C
Benito C
Berens River C
Bethany C
Beulah C
Binscarth C
Birch River C
Birnie C
Birtle C
Bissett C
Bloodvein C
Blumenort C
Boggy Creek C
Boissevain C
Bowsman C
Bradwardine C
Brandon C
Broad Valley C
Brochet C
Brookdale C
Brunkild C
Bruxelles C
Buffalo Point C
Camp Morton C
Camperville C
Carberry C
Cardale C
Carlowrie C
Carman C
Carroll C
Cartier C
Cartwright C
Cayer C
Channing C
Chatfield C
Churchill C
Clandeboye C
Clanwilliam C
Clearwater C
Cormorant C
Coulter C
Cowan C
Cranberry Portage C
Crandall C
Crane River C
Cromer C
Cross Lake C
Crystal City C
Cypress River C
Dacotah C
Dakota Tipi C
Dallas C
Darlingford C
Dauphin C
Decker C
Deleau C
Deloraine C
Domain C
Dominion City C
Douglas C
Dropmore C
Duck Bay C
Dufresne C
Dufrost C
Dugald C
Dunrea C
Durban C
East Braintree C
East Selkirk C
East St Paul C
Easterville C
Ebb And Flow C
Eddystone C
Eden C
Edwin C
Elgin C
Elie C
Elkhorn C
Elm Creek C
Elma C
Elphinstone C
Emerson C
Erickson C
Eriksdale C
Ethelbert C
Fairfax C
Fairford C
Falcon Beach C
Fannystelle C
Faulkner C
Fisher Branch C
Flin Flon C
Fork River C
Forrest Station C
Fort Alexander C
Foxwarren C
Franklin C
Fraserwood C
Gardenton C
Garland C
Garson C
Gilbert Plains C
Gillam C
Gimli C
Ginew C
Giroux C
Gladstone C
Glenboro C
Glenella C
Glenlea C
Glenora C
Gods Lake Narrows C
Gods River C
Goodlands C
Grahamdale C
Grand Marais C
Grand Rapids C
Grande Pointe C
Grandview C
Granville Lake C
Graysville C
Great Falls C
Green Ridge C
Gretna C
Griswold C
Grosse Isle C
Grunthal C
Gunton C
Gypsumville C
Hadashville C
Halbstadt C
Hamiota C
Harding C
Hargrave C
Hartney C
Haywood C
Hazelridge C
Headingley C
High Bluff C
Hilbre C
Hodgson C
Holland C
Holmfield C
Homewood C
Horndean C
Howden C
Ile Des Chenes C
Ilford C
Inglis C
Inwood C
Isabella C
Island Lake C
Justice C
Kelwood C
Kenton C
Kenville C
Killarney C
Kinosota C
Kirkella C
Kleefeld C
Kola C
Komarno C
Koostatak C
La Barriere C
La Broquerie C
La Riviere C
La Salle C
Lac Brochet C
Lac Du Bonnet C
Lake Audy C
Lake Francis C
Lake Manitoba First Nation C
Lakeland C
Landmark C
Langruth C
Lauder C
Laurier C
Lavenham C
Leaf Rapids C
Lenore C
Letellier C
Libau C
Little Bullhead C
Little Grand Rapids C
Lockport C
Lorette C
Lowe Farm C
Lundar C
Lyleton C
Lynn Lake C
Macdonald C
Macgregor C
Mafeking C
Makinak C
Malonton C
Manigotagan C
Manitou C
Manson C
Marchand C
Margaret C
Mariapolis C
Marius C
Marquette C
Mather C
Matheson Island C
Matlock C
McAuley C
McCreary C
Meadow Portage C
Medora C
Meleb C
Melita C
Menisino C
Menzie C
Miami C
Middlebro C
Miniota C
Minitonas C
Minnedosa C
Minto C
Mitchell C
Moose Lake C
Moosehorn C
Morden C
Morris C
Mountain Road C
Mulvihill C
Napinka C
Narcisse C
Neepawa C
Negginan C
Nelson House C
Nesbitt C
New Bothwell C
Newdale C
Newton Siding C
Ninette C
Ninga C
Niverville C
Norway House C
Notre Dame De Lourdes C
O'Hanly C
Oak Bluff C
Oak Lake C
Oak Point C
Oak River C
Oakbank C
Oakburn C
Oakview C
Oakville C
Ochre River C
Olha C
Onanole C
Opaskwayak C
Otterburne C
Overstoneville C
Oxford House C
Pansy C
Pauingassi C
Peguis C
Pelican Rapids C
Petersfield C
Pierson C
Pikwitonei C
Pilot Mound C
Pinawa C
Pine Falls C
Pine River C
Piney C
Pipestone C
Plum Coulee C
Plumas C
Pointe Du Bois C
Polonia C
Poplar Point C
Poplarfield C
Portage La Prairie C
Powerview C
Pratt C
Princess Harbour C
Pukatawagan C
Randolph C
Rapid City C
Rathwell C
Red Sucker Lake C
Reinfeld C
Rennie C
Renwer C
Reston C
Richer C
Ridgeville C
Riding Mountain C
River Hills C
Rivers C
Riverton C
Roblin C
Rock Ridge C
Roland C
Rorketon C
Rosa C
Roseau River C
Roseisle C
Rosenfeld C
Rosenort C
Rossburn C
Rossendale C
Rosser C
Russell C
San Clara C
Sandilands C
Sandy Hook C
Sandy Lake C
Sanford C
Sarto C
Scanterbury C
Schanzenfeld C
Seddons Corner C
Selkirk C
Seven Sisters Falls C
Shamattawa C
Shellmouth C
Sherridon C
Shilo C
Shoal Lake C
Shortdale C
Sidney C
Sifton C
Silver C
Silver Ridge C
Sinclair C
Skownan C
Snow Lake C
Snowflake C
Solsgirth C
Somerset C
Souris C
South Indian Lake C
South Junction C
Southport C
Sperling C
Split Lake C
Sprague C
Springfield C
Springstein C
St Adolphe C
St Alphonse C
St Ambroise C
St Andrews C
St Claude C
St Clements C
St Eustache C
St Francois Xavier C
St Georges C
St Germain South C
St Jean Baptiste C
St Joseph C
St Laurent C
St Lazare C
St Leon C
St Malo C
St Marks C
St Martin C
St Pierre Jolys C
St Theresa Point C
Starbuck C
Ste Agathe C
Ste Anne C
Ste Rose Du Lac C
Stead C
Steep Rock C
Steinbach C
Stephenfield C
Stevenson Island C
Stockton C
Stonewall C
Stony Mountain C
Strathclair C
Stuartburn C
Sundown C
Swan Lake C
Swan River C
Tadoule Lake C
Teulon C
The Pas C
Thicket Portage C
Thompson C
Thornhill C
Tilston C
Tolstoi C
Tourond C
Toutes Aides C
Traverse Bay C
Treherne C
Tyndall C
Valley River C
Vassar C
Vermette C
Victoria Beach C
Virden C
Vista C
Vita C
Vogar C
Wabowden C
Waldersee C
Wanipigow C
Wanless C
Warren C
Wasagamack C
Wasagaming C
Waskada C
Waterhen C
Wawanesa C
Waywayseecappo C
Wellwood C
West St Paul C
Westbourne C
Whitemouth C
Whiteshell C
Winkler C
Winnipeg C
Winnipeg Beach C
Winnipegosis C
Woodlands C
Woodmore C
Woodridge C
Woodside C
York Landing C
Zhoda C
  1. Listed above are most places served by Canadian area code 584. When multiple places in a CA province share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. C stands for Central Time (currently ).