
Area Code 743

Area code 743 is in North Carolina, USA , spanning 17 counties and serving 128 cities, including Greensboro, Burlington or Thomasville; it currently uses 149 prefixes, assigned from 743-200-XXXX through 743-999-XXXX.

In service since May 23, 2016, area code 743 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 336/743.

The current local time is .

743 area code location on a map
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For exact NPA boundaries see official 743 area code map

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More North Carolina area codes:

Locate any 743-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
743-200 Gatewood 8/30/2018
743-201 High Point 5/10/2019
743-202 Lexington 7/8/2019
743-203 Summerfield 5/20/2019
743-205 Burlington 10/26/2020
743-206 Reeds 2/24/2020
743-207 Winston Salem 4/30/2020
743-208 Burlington 4/30/2020
743-209 Greensboro 5/20/2020
743-210 Walkertown 6/16/2020
743-212 Mount Airy 7/8/2019
743-213 Winston Salem 7/9/2020
743-214 Burlington 9/9/2021
743-215 Walnut Cove 7/15/2020
743-216 Winston Salem 8/10/2020
743-217 Lexington 9/21/2020
743-218 Gibsonville 8/17/2020
743-219 Winston Salem 8/24/2020
743-220 Burlington 9/21/2020
743-221 Lexington 2/5/2021
743-222 Greensboro 3/25/2019
743-223 Greensboro 1/17/2017
743-224 Asheboro 3/19/2021
743-225 Julian 4/12/2021
743-226 Monticello 4/12/2021
743-227 Coleridge 7/16/2019
743-228 Summerfield 4/12/2021
743-229 Greensboro 11/5/2019
743-230 Greensboro 9/15/2021
743-231 Madison 10/22/2021
743-232 Lewisville 9/9/2021
743-233 Summerfield 8/16/2019
743-234 Seagrove 7/2/2020
743-235 Greensboro 8/27/2020
743-236 Lexington 10/27/2021
743-237 Quaker Gap 10/22/2021
743-238 Asheboro 11/17/2021
743-239 Asheboro 6/24/2019
743-240 Stanleyville 11/24/2021
743-241 Burlington 11/29/2021
743-242 Greensboro 12/15/2021
743-243 Gatewood 1/11/2022
743-244 Yanceyville 10/22/2020
743-245 Advance 1/28/2022
743-246 Prospect Hill 3/28/2022
743-247 Yanceyville 2/24/2022
743-248 Brooks 7/27/2022
743-249 Greensboro 3/31/2022
743-250 North Wilkesboro 4/26/2022
743-251 Burlington 10/21/2022
743-252 Winston Salem 8/16/2022
743-253 Winston Salem 8/12/2022
743-254 Anderson 12/7/2022
743-255 Winston Salem 1/18/2022
743-256 High Point 02/09/2023
743-257 Winston Salem 02/22/2023
743-258 Greensboro 02/22/2023
743-259 Mocksville 04/03/2023
743-260 Ruffin 08/23/2023
743-261 Burlington 09/14/2023
743-262 Mount Airy 9/13/2022
743-263 Burlington 09/26/2023
743-264 Winston Salem 09/28/2023
743-265 Winstn Salem 12/14/2023
743-266 Burlington 12/14/2023
743-267 Asheboro 01/03/2024
743-268 Eden 01/23/2024
743-269 Mount Airy 01/23/2024
743-270 Winstn Salem 02/09/2024
743-271 Lexington 02/09/2024
743-272 King 02/16/2024
743-273 Burlington 9/2/2022
743-274 Gibsonville 02/23/2024
743-275 Thomasville 03/06/2024
743-277 Nathans Creek 03/28/2024
743-278 Summerfield 05/15/2024
743-279 Winston-Salem 06/07/2024
743-280 Saxapahaw 06/07/2024
743-281 Greensboro 09/04/2024
743-282 Burlington 10/08/2024
743-283 Roxboro 11/13/2024
743-284 High Point 02/10/2025
743-296 Reidsville 10/22/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
743-300 Danbury 7/27/2020
743-322 Farmer 1/13/2022
743-330 Elkin 10/21/2021
743-333 Winston Salem 9/5/2017
743-334 Oldtown 01/13/2023
743-336 Burlington 10/07/2024
743-337 Asheboro 9/2/2022
743-342 Walkertown 2/3/2022
743-343 Lewisville 09/04/2024
743-344 Welcome 01/13/2023
743-345 Stoneville 7/2/2020
743-347 Thomasville 10/22/2021
743-353 Pisgah 1/13/2022
743-356 Denton 7/27/2020
743-369 Sandy Ridge 10/22/2021
743-373 Ramseur 12/7/2022
743-374 Winston Salem 12/22/2020
743-393 West Jefferson 01/11/2023
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
743-400 Eden 7/27/2020
743-433 Greensboro 10/21/2021
743-437 Dobson 10/28/2022
743-439 Summerfield 4/13/2021
743-444 Winston Salem 2/24/2017
743-465 Kimesville 12/15/2020
743-473 Timberlake 12/7/2022
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
743-500 Saxapahaw 10/10/2019
743-529 Hays 7/1/2020
743-542 Advance 2/1/2022
743-557 Julian 4/13/2021
743-583 Churchland 1/13/2022
743-586 Jackson Creek 1/13/2022
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
743-600 High Point 7/27/2020
743-625 Badin Lake 1/13/2022
743-626 Lexington 1/7/2022
743-636 Glade Creek 1/13/2022
743-637 Winston Salem 11/7/2022
743-642 Roaring Gap 1/13/2022
743-643 Greensboro 6/5/2020
743-647 Saxapahaw 1/13/2022
743-649 Winston Salem 1/27/2022
743-666 Greensboro 1/24/2019
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
743-727 Boonville 1/7/2022
743-730 Rural Hall 4/2/2021
743-734 Lexington 9/14/2022
743-740 Mount Airy 3/29/2021
743-746 Westfield 2/7/2022
743-762 Kernersville 6/7/2021
743-766 Pilot Mountain 4/18/2021
743-767 Gibsonville 9/2/2022
743-770 Reidsville 1/26/2022
743-774 Southmont 12/15/2022
743-777 Summerfield 2/27/2017
743-795 Monticello 4/12/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
743-800 Roaring Gap 8/30/2018
743-832 King 1/13/2022
743-837 High Point 4/15/2021
743-867 Greensboro 6/15/2017
743-887 Gatewood 4/28/2021
743-888 Kimesville 4/14/2016
743-895 Greensboro 3/29/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
743-900 Winston Salem 1/24/2019
743-901 Lexington 3/23/2021
743-902 Greensboro 4/15/2021
743-910 Greensboro 1/27/2021
743-962 Eden 2/22/2022
743-999 Winston Salem 4/6/2016
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 743

City1 County Time Zone2
Advance Davie E
Alamance Alamance E
Altamahaw Alamance E
Ararat Surry E
Asheboro Randolph E
Belews Creek Forsyth E
Bennett Chatham E
Bethania Forsyth E
Blanch Caswell E
Boomer Wilkes E
Boonville Yadkin E
Browns Summit Guilford E
Burlington Alamance E
Cedar Falls Randolph E
Clemmons Forsyth E
Climax Guilford E
Colfax Guilford E
Cooleemee Davie E
Creston Ashe E
Crumpler Ashe E
Cumnock Lee E
Danbury Stokes E
Denton Davidson E
Dobson Surry E
East Bend Yadkin E
Eden Rockingham E
Elkin Surry E
Elon Alamance E
Ennice Alleghany E
Ferguson Wilkes E
Fleetwood Ashe E
Franklinville Randolph E
Germanton Stokes E
Gibsonville Guilford E
Glade Valley Alleghany E
Glendale Springs Ashe E
Graham Alamance E
Grassy Creek Ashe E
Greensboro Guilford E
Hamptonville Yadkin E
Haw River Alamance E
Hays Wilkes E
High Point Guilford E
Hurdle Mills Person E
Jamestown Guilford E
Jefferson Ashe E
Jonesville Yadkin E
Julian Guilford E
Kernersville Forsyth E
King Stokes E
Lansing Ashe E
Laurel Springs Alleghany E
Lawsonville Stokes E
Leasburg Caswell E
Lewisville Forsyth E
Lexington Davidson E
Liberty Randolph E
Linwood Davidson E
Lowgap Surry E
Madison Rockingham E
Mayodan Rockingham E
Mc Grady Wilkes E
Mc Leansville Guilford E
Millers Creek Wilkes E
Milton Caswell E
Mocksville Davie E
Moravian Falls Wilkes E
Mount Airy Surry E
North Wilkesboro Wilkes E
Oak Ridge Guilford E
Pelham Caswell E
Pfafftown Forsyth E
Pilot Mountain Surry E
Pine Hall Stokes E
Piney Creek Alleghany E
Pinnacle Stokes E
Pleasant Garden Guilford E
Prospect Hill Caswell E
Providence Caswell E
Purlear Wilkes E
Ramseur Randolph E
Randleman Randolph E
Reidsville Rockingham E
Roaring Gap Alleghany E
Roaring River Wilkes E
Ronda Wilkes E
Roxboro Person E
Ruffin Rockingham E
Rural Hall Forsyth E
Sandy Ridge Stokes E
Saxapahaw Alamance E
Scottville Ashe E
Seagrove Randolph E
Sedalia Guilford E
Semora Person E
Siloam Surry E
Snow Camp Alamance E
Sophia Randolph E
Southmont Davidson E
Sparta Alleghany E
Staley Randolph E
State Road Surry E
Stokesdale Guilford E
Stoneville Rockingham E
Summerfield Guilford E
Swepsonville Alamance E
Thomasville Davidson E
Thurmond Wilkes E
Timberlake Person E
Toast Surry E
Tobaccoville Forsyth E
Todd Ashe E
Traphill Wilkes E
Trinity Randolph E
Walkertown Forsyth E
Wallburg Davidson E
Walnut Cove Stokes E
Warrensville Ashe E
Welcome Davidson E
Wentworth Rockingham E
West Jefferson Ashe E
Westfield Surry E
White Plains Surry E
Whitsett Guilford E
Wilkesboro Wilkes E
Winston-Salem Forsyth E
Yadkinville Yadkin E
Yanceyville Caswell E
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 743. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. E stands for Eastern Time (currently ).