
Area Code 753

Area code 753 is in Ontario, Canada , serving 260 cities, including Ottawa, Brockville or Petawawa; it currently uses 84 prefixes, assigned from 753-200-XXXX through 753-999-XXXX.

In service since March 26, 2022, area code 753 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 613/343/753.

The current local time is 12:23:14 PM (Eastern Time Zone).

753 area code location on a map
© OpenStreetMap contributors
For exact NPA boundaries see official 753 area code map

More Ontario area codes:

Locate any 753-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1
753-200 Osgoode
753-206 Bourget
753-207 St. Isidore
753-219 Marmora
753-222 Carleton Place
753-226 Coe Hill
753-288 Kingston
753-300 Richmond
753-312 Manotick
753-333 Ottawa-Hull
753-339 Ingleside
753-380 Kingston
753-381 Belleville
753-382 Cornwall
753-383 Perth
753-400 Chesterville
753-438 Northbrook
753-444 Kanata-Stittsville
753-477 Denbigh
753-478 Avonmore
753-500 Alfred
753-505 Kingston
753-506 Kingston
753-507 Kingston
753-508 Kingston
753-509 Kingston
753-528 Metcalfe
753-533 Carp
753-563 St-Regis
753-571 Plevna
753-600 Almonte
753-655 Ottawa-Hull
753-656 Ottawa-Hull
753-657 Ottawa-Hull
753-658 Ottawa-Hull
753-659 Ottawa-Hull
753-660 Ottawa-Hull
753-661 Ottawa-Hull
753-662 Ottawa-Hull
753-666 Kemptville
753-669 Finch
753-680 Chesterville
753-689 Martintown
753-700 Manotick
753-721 Elgin
753-722 Lanark
753-723 Maberly
753-724 Mcdonalds Corners
753-725 Perth
753-726 Portland
753-727 Toledo
753-728 Mallorytown
753-729 Cardinal
753-730 Spencerville
753-754 Bath
753-755 Gananoque
753-756 Kingston
753-757 Napanee
753-758 Deseronto
753-759 Inverary
753-760 Cornwall
753-761 Vankleek Hill
753-762 L'Orignal
753-777 Ottawa-Hull
753-779 Crysler
753-788 Bancroft
753-800 Arnprior
753-801 Maxville
753-832 Gilmour
753-855 Long Sault
753-880 Arnprior
753-881 Ottawa-Hull
753-882 Renfrew
753-883 Cornwall
753-886 Ottawa-Hull
753-887 Kingston
753-888 Cumberland
753-889 Belleville
753-896 Wellington
753-900 Constance Bay
753-901 Glen Robertson
753-922 St. Eugene
753-961 Navan
753-999 Gloucester
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 753

City1 Time Zone2
Addison E
Akwesasne E
Alexandria E
Alfred E
Almonte E
Ameliasburg E
Amherstview E
Apple Hill E
Arden E
Ardoch E
Arnprior E
Ashton E
Astra E
Athens E
Avonmore E
Bainsville E
Balderson E
Bancroft E
Barrys Bay E
Batawa E
Bath E
Battersea E
Beachburg E
Belleville E
Berwick E
Bissett Creek E
Bloomfield E
Boulter E
Bourget E
Braeside E
Brighton E
Brinston E
Brockville E
Burnstown E
Burritts Rapids E
Calabogie E
Camden East E
Cannifton E
Cardiff E
Cardinal E
Carleton Place E
Carlsbad Springs E
Carp E
Carrying Place E
Casselman E
Centreville E
Chalk River E
Cherry Valley E
Chesterville E
Chute A Blondeau E
Clarence Creek E
Clarendon Station E
Clayton E
Cloyne E
Cobden E
Codrington E
Coe Hill E
Combermere E
Consecon E
Corbyville E
Cormac E
Cornwall E
Crysler E
Cumberland E
Curran E
Dacre E
Dalkeith E
Deep River E
Delta E
Demorestville E
Denbigh E
Deseronto E
Douglas E
Dunrobin E
Dunvegan E
Edwards E
Eganville E
Eldorado E
Elgin E
Elginburg E
Elizabethtown E
Embrun E
Enterprise E
Erinsville E
Finch E
Fitzroy Harbour E
Flinton E
Foresters Falls E
Fournier E
Foxboro E
Foymount E
Frankford E
Frankville E
Gananoque E
Gilmour E
Glen Robertson E
Glenburnie E
Gloucester E
Godfrey E
Golden Lake E
Graham E
Greely E
Green Valley E
Griffith E
Haley Station E
Hammond E
Harrowsmith E
Hartington E
Hawkesbury E
Hillier E
Ingleside E
Inkerman E
Inverary E
Iroquois E
Jasper E
Joyceville E
Kaladar E
Kanata E
Kars E
Kemptville E
Kenmore E
Killaloe E
Kinburn E
Kingston E
L'Amable E
L'Orignal E
Lake St Peter E
Lanark E
Lancaster E
Lansdowne E
Lefaivre E
Limoges E
Lombardy E
Long Sault E
Lunenburg E
Lyn E
Lyndhurst E
Maberly E
Mackey E
Madawaska E
Madoc E
Maitland E
Mallorytown E
Manotick E
Maple Leaf E
Marlbank E
Marmora E
Martintown E
Marysville E
Maxville E
Maynooth E
McArthurs Mills E
McDonalds Corners E
Merrickville E
Metcalfe E
Milford E
Mississippi Station E
Monkland E
Moose Creek E
Morewood E
Morrisburg E
Mountain E
Mountain Grove E
Munster E
Napanee E
Navan E
Nepean E
Newboro E
Newburgh E
Newington E
North Augusta E
North Gower E
North Lancaster E
Northbrook E
Odessa E
Ompah E
Orleans E
Osgoode E
Ottawa E
Oxford Mills E
Oxford Station E
Pakenham E
Palmer Rapids E
Parham E
Pembroke E
Perth E
Perth Road E
Petawawa E
Picton E
Plainfield E
Plantagenet E
Plevna E
Portland E
Prescott E
Quadeville E
Quinte West E
Ramsayville E
Renfrew E
Richmond E
Rideau Ferry E
Roblin E
Rockcliffe E
Rockland E
Rockport E
Rolphton E
Roslin E
Round Lake Centre E
Russell E
Saint-Pascal-Baylon E
Sarsfield E
Seeleys Bay E
Selby E
Shannonville E
Sharbot Lake E
Smiths Falls E
Snow Road Station E
South Lancaster E
South Mountain E
Spencerville E
Springbrook E
St Albert E
St Andrews West E
St Bernardin E
St Eugene E
St Isidore E
Ste Anne De Prescott E
Stella E
Stirling E
Stittsville E
Stonecliffe E
Summerstown E
Sydenham E
Tamworth E
Thomasburg E
Tichborne E
Toledo E
Trenton E
Tweed E
Upper Canada Village E
Vanier E
Vankleek Hill E
Vars E
Vernon E
Verona E
Wellington E
Wendover E
Westbrook E
Westmeath E
Westport E
White Lake E
Whitney E
Williamsburg E
Williamstown E
Wilno E
Winchester E
Winchester Springs E
Wolfe Island E
Woodlawn E
Wooler E
Yarker E
  1. Listed above are most places served by Canadian area code 753. When multiple places in a CA province share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. E stands for Eastern Time (currently 12:23:14 PM).