
Area Code 369

Area code 369 is in California, USA , spanning 9 counties and serving 139 cities, including Santa Rosa, Vacaville or Napa; it currently uses 33 prefixes, assigned from 369-200-XXXX through 369-999-XXXX.

In service since February 02, 2023, area code 369 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 707/369.

The current local time is .

369 area code location on a map
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For exact NPA boundaries see official 369 area code map

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Locate any 369-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
369-200 Dixon 05/04/2023
369-201 Santa Rosa 08/04/2023
369-202 Santa Rosa 08/04/2023
369-203 Bridgeville 08/10/2023
369-204 Clearlake Oaks 08/10/2023
369-205 Guerneville 08/10/2023
369-206 Miranda 08/10/2023
369-207 Trinidad 08/10/2023
369-208 Santa Rosa 08/10/2023
369-209 Napa 08/22/2023
369-210 Santa Rosa 10/02/2023
369-212 Fairfield/ Suisun 10/10/2023
369-213 Healdsburg 10/18/2023
369-214 Santa Rosa 12/21/2023
369-215 Lower Lake 12/29/2023
369-216 Ukiah 01/10/2024
369-217 Vallejo 01/19/2024
369-218 Fairfield/ Suisun 08/20/2024
369-219 Santa Rosa 08/21/2024
369-220 Sonoma 09/12/2024
369-221 Santa Rosa 09/12/2024
369-222 Vacaville 09/17/2024
369-223 Benicia 10/23/2024
369-224 Eureka 11/20/2024
369-225 Windsor 12/09/2024
369-226 Arcata 12/16/2024
369-227 Eureka 01/02/2025
369-228 Point Arena 01/02/2025
369-229 Dixon 01/06/2025
369-230 Santa Rosa 01/13/2025
369-777 Sonoma 07/14/2023
369-888 Ferndale 05/05/2023
369-999 Kenwood 05/05/2023
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 369

City1 County Time Zone2
Albion Mendocino P
Alderpoint Humboldt P
American Canyon Napa P
Angwin Napa P
Annapolis Sonoma P
Arcata Humboldt P
Bayside Humboldt P
Benicia Solano P
Birds Landing Solano P
Blocksburg Humboldt P
Blue Lake Humboldt P
Bodega Sonoma P
Bodega Bay Sonoma P
Boonville Mendocino P
Boyes Hot Springs Sonoma P
Branscomb Mendocino P
Bridgeville Humboldt P
Calistoga Napa P
Calpella Mendocino P
Camp Meeker Sonoma P
Carlotta Humboldt P
Caspar Mendocino P
Cazadero Sonoma P
Clearlake Lake P
Clearlake Oaks Lake P
Clearlake Park Lake P
Cloverdale Sonoma P
Cobb Lake P
Comptche Mendocino P
Cotati Sonoma P
Covelo Mendocino P
Crescent City Del Norte P
Cutten Humboldt P
Deer Park Napa P
Dillon Beach Marin P
Dixon Solano P
Dos Rios Mendocino P
Duncans Mills Sonoma P
El Verano Sonoma P
Eldridge Sonoma P
Elk Mendocino P
Elmira Solano P
Eureka Humboldt P
Fairfield Solano P
Ferndale Humboldt P
Fields Landing Humboldt P
Finley Lake P
Forestville Sonoma P
Fort Bragg Mendocino P
Fort Dick Del Norte P
Fortuna Humboldt P
Fulton Sonoma P
Garberville Humboldt P
Gasquet Del Norte P
Geyserville Sonoma P
Glen Ellen Sonoma P
Glenhaven Lake P
Graton Sonoma P
Gualala Mendocino P
Guerneville Sonoma P
Healdsburg Sonoma P
Hidden Valley Lake Lake P
Honeydew Humboldt P
Hopland Mendocino P
Hydesville Humboldt P
Jenner Sonoma P
Kelseyville Lake P
Kenwood Sonoma P
Klamath Del Norte P
Kneeland Humboldt P
Korbel Humboldt P
Lakeport Lake P
Laytonville Mendocino P
Leggett Mendocino P
Little River Mendocino P
Loleta Humboldt P
Lower Lake Lake P
Lucerne Lake P
Mad River Trinity P
Manchester Mendocino P
McKinleyville Humboldt P
Mendocino Mendocino P
Middletown Lake P
Miranda Humboldt P
Monte Rio Sonoma P
Myers Flat Humboldt P
Napa Napa P
Navarro Mendocino P
Nice Lake P
Oakville Napa P
Occidental Sonoma P
Orick Humboldt P
Penngrove Sonoma P
Petaluma Sonoma P
Petrolia Humboldt P
Phillipsville Humboldt P
Philo Mendocino P
Piercy Mendocino P
Point Arena Mendocino P
Pope Valley Napa P
Potter Valley Mendocino P
Redcrest Humboldt P
Redway Humboldt P
Redwood Valley Mendocino P
Rio Dell Humboldt P
Rio Nido Sonoma P
Rio Vista Solano P
Rohnert Park Sonoma P
Rutherford Napa P
Samoa Humboldt P
Santa Rosa Sonoma P
Scotia Humboldt P
Sebastopol Sonoma P
Smith River Del Norte P
Sonoma Sonoma P
St Helena Napa P
Stewarts Point Sonoma P
Suisun City Solano P
Talmage Mendocino P
The Sea Ranch Sonoma P
Tomales Marin P
Travis Afb Solano P
Trinidad Humboldt P
Ukiah Mendocino P
Upper Lake Lake P
Vacaville Solano P
Vallejo Solano P
Valley Ford Sonoma P
Villa Grande Sonoma P
Vineburg Sonoma P
Weott Humboldt P
Westport Mendocino P
Whitethorn Humboldt P
Willits Mendocino P
Windsor Sonoma P
Witter Springs Lake P
Yorkville Mendocino P
Yountville Napa P
Zenia Trinity P
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 369. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. P stands for Pacific Time (currently ).