
Area Code 821

Area code 821 is in South Carolina, USA , spanning 13 counties and serving 106 cities, including Greenville, Anderson or Mauldin; it currently uses 9 prefixes, assigned from 821-200-XXXX through 821-999-XXXX.

In service since August 19, 2024, area code 821 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 864/821.

The current local time is .

821 area code location on a map
© OpenStreetMap contributors
For exact NPA boundaries see official 821 area code map

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More South Carolina area codes:

Locate any 821-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
821-200 Laurens 12/02/2024
821-201 Greenwood 12/06/2024
821-202 Spartanburg 12/19/2024
821-221 Greenville 12/17/2024
821-777 Anderson 01/14/2025
821-821 Williamston 11/07/2024
821-864 Joanna 11/07/2024
821-888 Clemson 01/14/2025
821-999 Gaffney 01/14/2025
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 821

City1 County Time Zone2
Abbeville Abbeville E
Anderson Anderson E
Arcadia Spartanburg E
Belton Anderson E
Blacksburg Cherokee E
Boiling Springs Spartanburg E
Bradley Greenwood E
Buffalo Union E
Calhoun Falls Abbeville E
Campobello Spartanburg E
Central Pickens E
Chappells Newberry E
Chesnee Spartanburg E
Clarks Hill McCormick E
Clemson Pickens E
Cleveland Greenville E
Clifton Spartanburg E
Clinton Laurens E
Conestee Greenville E
Converse Spartanburg E
Cowpens Spartanburg E
Cross Anchor Spartanburg E
Cross Hill Laurens E
Donalds Abbeville E
Drayton Spartanburg E
Due West Abbeville E
Duncan Spartanburg E
Easley Pickens E
Enoree Spartanburg E
Fair Play Oconee E
Fairforest Spartanburg E
Fingerville Spartanburg E
Fountain Inn Greenville E
Gaffney Cherokee E
Glendale Spartanburg E
Gramling Spartanburg E
Gray Court Laurens E
Greenville Greenville E
Greenwood Greenwood E
Greer Greenville E
Hodges Greenwood E
Honea Path Anderson E
Inman Spartanburg E
Iva Anderson E
Joanna Laurens E
Jonesville Union E
La France Anderson E
Landrum Spartanburg E
Laurens Laurens E
Liberty Pickens E
Lockhart Union E
Long Creek Oconee E
Lowndesville Abbeville E
Lyman Spartanburg E
Marietta Greenville E
Mauldin Greenville E
Mayo Spartanburg E
Mc Cormick McCormick E
Modoc McCormick E
Moore Spartanburg E
Mount Carmel McCormick E
Mountain Rest Oconee E
Mountville Laurens E
Newry Oconee E
Ninety Six Greenwood E
Norris Pickens E
Pacolet Spartanburg E
Pacolet Mills Spartanburg E
Parksville McCormick E
Pauline Spartanburg E
Pelzer Anderson E
Pendleton Anderson E
Pickens Pickens E
Piedmont Greenville E
Plum Branch McCormick E
Reidville Spartanburg E
Richland Oconee E
Roebuck Spartanburg E
Salem Oconee E
Saluda Saluda E
Sandy Springs Anderson E
Seneca Oconee E
Simpsonville Greenville E
Six Mile Pickens E
Slater Greenville E
Spartanburg Spartanburg E
Starr Anderson E
Startex Spartanburg E
Sunset Pickens E
Tamassee Oconee E
Taylors Greenville E
Tigerville Greenville E
Townville Anderson E
Travelers Rest Greenville E
Troy Greenwood E
Una Spartanburg E
Union Union E
Walhalla Oconee E
Ware Shoals Greenwood E
Waterloo Laurens E
Wellford Spartanburg E
West Union Oconee E
Westminster Oconee E
White Stone Spartanburg E
Williamston Anderson E
Woodruff Spartanburg E
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 821. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. E stands for Eastern Time (currently ).