
Area Code 219

Area code 219 is in Indiana, USA , spanning 9 counties and serving 61 cities, including Hammond, Gary or Portage; it currently uses 480 prefixes, assigned from 219-200-XXXX through 219-999-XXXX.

In service date for area code 219: January 01, 1947.

Area code 219 spans two different time zones. The current local time is either 7:34:52 PM (Eastern Time Zone) or 6:34:52 PM (Central Time Zone), depending on where you are calling (city list on this page includes time zones).

219 area code location on a map
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For exact NPA boundaries see official 219 area code map

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Locate any 219-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
219-200 Gary 2/17/2011
219-201 Gary N/A
219-202 Wheatfield 2/23/2004
219-203 Wheeler 10/14/2011
219-204 Francesville 7/25/2002
219-205 San Pierre N/A
219-206 Rensselaer N/A
219-207 Reynolds 7/25/2002
219-208 Remington 7/25/2002
219-209 Morocco N/A
219-210 Michigan City 5/21/2003
219-212 Medaryville 2/7/2012
219-213 Crown Point 8/22/2011
219-214 Michigan City 2/27/2012
219-215 Lake Village 2/7/2012
219-216 Valparaiso 6/1/2017
219-217 Westville 6/1/2017
219-218 Hammond 1/4/2001
219-219 Wheeler 9/26/2022
219-220 Reynolds 3/9/2004
219-221 Michigan City 6/4/2003
219-222 Merrillville N/A
219-223 Mount Ayr 5/2/2003
219-224 Brook 4/7/2004
219-225 Lowell 10/12/2010
219-226 Crown Point N/A
219-227 Dyer 1/21/2003
219-228 Hammond 6/6/2002
219-229 Michigan City 9/6/2002
219-230 Hammond 1/28/2002
219-231 Portage 7/2/2014
219-232 Cedar Lake N/A
219-233 Goodland 2/6/2004
219-234 Kentland 2/6/2004
219-235 Brook 2/6/2004
219-236 Wolcott 2/6/2004
219-237 Highland 6/10/2011
219-238 Gary N/A
219-239 Gary 2/15/2012
219-240 Gary 5/15/2012
219-241 Valparaiso N/A
219-242 Valparaiso N/A
219-243 Michigan City 7/2/2014
219-244 Lake Station 7/7/2017
219-245 Wheeler 9/14/2017
219-246 Valparaiso 10/30/2007
219-247 Cedar Lake 7/10/2017
219-248 Portage 3/8/2018
219-249 Michigan City N/A
219-250 Chesterton 8/29/2008
219-251 Roselawn N/A
219-252 Valparaiso 11/18/2008
219-253 Monon N/A
219-254 Portage 9/18/2009
219-255 Chesterton 3/30/2018
219-256 East Chicago 2/20/2007
219-257 Crown Point 10/18/2018
219-258 La Porte N/A
219-259 Michigan City 2/10/2020
219-261 Remington N/A
219-262 Michigan City 12/23/2009
219-263 Valparaiso 5/5/2005
219-264 Hammond 3/6/2020
219-265 Valparaiso 7/17/2020
219-266 La Porte 10/14/2020
219-267 Cedar Lake 3/6/2012
219-268 Michigan City 10/14/2020
219-269 Gary 11/1/2022
219-270 Demotte 5/10/2002
219-271 Rollngprri 10/15/2020
219-272 Lake Village 2/1/2021
219-273 Highland 3/25/2021
219-274 Crown Point 4/26/2021
219-275 Brook N/A
219-276 East Chicago 7/27/2012
219-277 Portage 5/10/2021
219-278 Chesterton 6/14/2021
219-279 Wolcott N/A
219-280 Valparaiso 2/2/2021
219-281 Crown Point 3/5/2014
219-282 Morocco 6/24/2021
219-283 La Porte 6/24/2021
219-284 Michigan City 7/1/2021
219-285 Morocco N/A
219-286 Valparaiso 6/16/2010
219-287 Rollngprri 7/28/2021
219-288 St John 8/25/2020
219-289 East Chicago 8/24/2021
219-290 Gary 11/12/2008
219-291 Rollngprri 9/21/2018
219-292 Gary 11/12/2008
219-293 Gary 11/12/2008
219-294 St John 7/7/2021
219-295 Crown Point 10/26/2021
219-296 Wheatfield 6/11/2010
219-297 Goodland N/A
219-298 East Chicago 2/22/2022
219-299 Valparaiso 11/5/2008
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
219-300 Lowell 3/27/2015
219-301 Highland 7/8/2014
219-302 Gary 9/21/2012
219-303 Cedar Lake 6/18/2014
219-304 Westville 4/10/2014
219-305 Lakes Of The Four Seasons N/A
219-306 Crown Point 4/30/2002
219-307 Valparaiso 10/10/2012
219-308 Crown Point 5/31/2001
219-309 Valparaiso 5/31/2001
219-310 Crown Point 10/9/2001
219-312 Valparaiso 2/20/2019
219-313 Gary 4/11/2002
219-314 Gary N/A
219-315 East Chicago 5/28/2013
219-316 East Chicago 5/28/2013
219-318 Gary 3/3/2014
219-319 Dyer 4/9/2015
219-320 Whiting 4/11/2014
219-321 Gary 10/1/2012
219-322 Dyer N/A
219-323 Crown Point 1/17/2013
219-324 La Porte N/A
219-325 La Porte N/A
219-326 La Porte N/A
219-327 Lowell 9/30/2019
219-328 Kouts 04/27/2023
219-329 Valparaiso 01/03/2023
219-330 San Pierre 3/9/2004
219-331 Portage N/A
219-332 Lowell 05/19/2023
219-333 Crown Point 8/17/2015
219-334 Crown Point 8/31/2015
219-335 Francesville 3/9/2004
219-336 Michigan City 3/7/2016
219-337 Merrillville 06/22/2023
219-338 Cedar Lake 06/22/2023
219-339 Hammond 07/12/2023
219-340 Medaryville 07/13/2023
219-341 East Chicago 07/26/2023
219-342 Westville 8/25/2020
219-343 Gary 08/22/2023
219-344 La Porte 3/10/2011
219-345 Roselawn N/A
219-346 La Porte 08/31/2023
219-347 Rolling Prairie 09/12/2023
219-348 Whiting 3/15/2019
219-349 Merrillvl 11/29/2023
219-350 Portage 12/13/2023
219-351 St John 1/28/2015
219-352 Highland 12/28/2023
219-353 Valparaiso 12/28/2023
219-354 East Chicago 4/16/2002
219-355 Union Mills 8/25/2020
219-356 Crown Point 3/15/2019
219-357 St John 01/02/2024
219-358 Hobart 01/02/2024
219-359 Gary 10/6/2008
219-360 Dyer 01/02/2024
219-361 Crown Point 01/02/2024
219-362 La Porte N/A
219-363 La Porte N/A
219-364 Wheeler N/A
219-365 St John N/A
219-366 Gary 01/18/2024
219-367 Michigan City 02/08/2024
219-368 Hammond 02/09/2024
219-369 La Porte N/A
219-370 Whiting 8/20/2010
219-371 Hebron 02/09/2024
219-372 Whiting 02/21/2024
219-373 Crown Point 3/1/2022
219-374 Cedar Lake N/A
219-375 Merrillville 02/29/2024
219-376 Gary 03/15/2024
219-377 East Chicago 04/30/2024
219-378 East Chicago N/A
219-379 La Porte N/A
219-380 La Porte 6/26/2002
219-381 Merrillville 2/27/2002
219-382 Merrillville 06/11/2024
219-383 Merrillville 06/26/2024
219-384 Gary N/A
219-385 Hammond 08/21/2024
219-386 Valparaiso 10/15/2014
219-387 Merrillville 08/30/2024
219-388 Wheeler 8/25/2020
219-389 Portage 09/09/2024
219-390 Cedar Lake 4/16/2002
219-391 East Chicago N/A
219-392 East Chicago N/A
219-393 La Porte N/A
219-394 Mount Ayr N/A
219-395 Chesterton N/A
219-396 Merrillville 12/02/2024
219-397 East Chicago N/A
219-398 East Chicago N/A
219-399 East Chicago N/A
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
219-400 Hobart 10/15/2015
219-401 Cedar Lake 6/11/2014
219-402 La Porte 10/6/2015
219-403 Cedar Lake 12/13/2024
219-404 Lowell 12/13/2024
219-405 Valparaiso N/A
219-406 Portage N/A
219-407 Hammond 5/18/2016
219-408 Hammond 12/27/2024
219-409 Valparaiso 01/08/2025
219-410 Demotte 01/21/2025
219-412 Demotte 01/22/2025
219-413 East Chicago 8/11/2010
219-419 Wanatah 9/30/2019
219-424 Rensselaer 8/18/2010
219-426 Hammond 2/25/2022
219-427 Gary 11/29/2006
219-433 Gary 2/21/2007
219-440 Dyer 2/9/2006
219-443 Cedar Lake 4/17/2017
219-444 Merrillville 11/20/2015
219-448 Westville 5/4/2001
219-455 Gary 6/27/2006
219-462 Valparaiso N/A
219-463 Dyer 2/17/2022
219-464 Valparaiso N/A
219-465 Valparaiso N/A
219-466 East Chicago 2/25/2022
219-472 Merrillville 3/15/2004
219-473 Whiting N/A
219-474 Kentland N/A
219-476 Valparaiso N/A
219-477 Valparaiso N/A
219-484 Gary 3/29/2004
219-487 Gary 1/25/2006
219-488 Crown Point 3/16/2005
219-491 Dyer 4/17/2017
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
219-500 Merrillville 9/14/2017
219-501 Hammond 1/12/2015
219-506 Morocco 2/11/2002
219-507 Wheatfield 6/25/2002
219-508 Valparaiso 5/13/2002
219-509 Hebron 3/14/2002
219-510 Valparaiso N/A
219-512 Gary N/A
219-513 Highland N/A
219-515 Dyer 1/23/2012
219-516 East Chicago 9/22/2015
219-519 Wanatah 5/10/2021
219-525 Merrillville 1/25/2006
219-529 Hammond 5/6/2020
219-531 Valparaiso N/A
219-533 Highland 12/21/2017
219-544 La Crosse N/A
219-545 Gary N/A
219-546 Gary 3/1/2022
219-548 Valparaiso N/A
219-552 Lowell N/A
219-554 Hammond N/A
219-558 St John 4/10/2002
219-561 Michigan City N/A
219-567 Francesville N/A
219-575 La Porte N/A
219-576 Merrillville N/A
219-577 Crown Point N/A
219-585 Westville 6/16/2010
219-587 Cedar Lake 10/17/2019
219-588 Gary 3/14/2002
219-595 Highland 9/19/2006
219-599 Whiting 5/20/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
219-600 Whiting 8/18/2015
219-604 Reynolds N/A
219-608 La Porte 4/30/2002
219-613 Crown Point N/A
219-614 Gary N/A
219-615 Valparaiso 7/16/2015
219-616 Merrillville N/A
219-617 Portage N/A
219-627 St John 6/14/2006
219-628 Portage N/A
219-629 Hammond N/A
219-641 Merrillville N/A
219-644 Merrillville N/A
219-647 Merrillville N/A
219-648 Merrillville N/A
219-649 Merrillville N/A
219-650 Merrillville N/A
219-654 Lake Station 4/25/2006
219-655 Whiting N/A
219-659 Whiting N/A
219-660 Merrillville N/A
219-661 Crown Point N/A
219-662 Crown Point N/A
219-663 Crown Point N/A
219-666 Hammond 9/14/2017
219-669 Crown Point N/A
219-670 Hammond N/A
219-671 Crown Point N/A
219-675 Hanna 2/17/2022
219-677 Gary N/A
219-678 Gary N/A
219-680 Merrillville N/A
219-681 Merrillville N/A
219-682 Merrillville N/A
219-685 Merrillville N/A
219-688 Gary N/A
219-689 Gary N/A
219-690 Lowell N/A
219-695 Lowell N/A
219-696 Lowell N/A
219-697 Morocco N/A
219-699 Gary 5/20/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
219-702 Gary 6/13/2013
219-703 East Chicago 10/18/2013
219-704 Dyer 4/11/2014
219-706 Portage 10/23/2014
219-707 Valparaiso 9/1/2005
219-712 Gary N/A
219-713 Gary N/A
219-714 Merrillville N/A
219-716 Portage N/A
219-717 Merrillville N/A
219-718 Merrillville N/A
219-727 La Porte 2/24/2022
219-728 Chesterton 8/10/2004
219-730 Gary N/A
219-732 Kouts 8/25/2020
219-733 Wanatah N/A
219-734 Portage N/A
219-736 Merrillville N/A
219-738 Merrillville N/A
219-741 Gary N/A
219-742 Gary N/A
219-743 Gary N/A
219-746 Gary N/A
219-747 Wolcott 8/31/2005
219-750 Merrillville 3/2/2005
219-751 Merrillville N/A
219-752 Merrillville N/A
219-754 La Crosse N/A
219-755 Merrillville N/A
219-756 Merrillville N/A
219-757 Merrillville N/A
219-758 Merrillville 10/17/2019
219-759 Wheeler N/A
219-762 Portage N/A
219-763 Portage N/A
219-764 Portage N/A
219-765 Crown Point N/A
219-766 Kouts N/A
219-767 Union Mills N/A
219-769 Merrillville N/A
219-770 Crown Point N/A
219-771 Portage N/A
219-775 Crown Point N/A
219-776 Crown Point N/A
219-777 Gary 8/17/2015
219-778 Rollngprri N/A
219-779 Crown Point N/A
219-781 Gary N/A
219-783 Merrillville N/A
219-785 Westville N/A
219-786 Valparaiso 5/20/2021
219-787 Portage N/A
219-788 Hobart 8/25/2020
219-789 Gary N/A
219-791 Merrillville N/A
219-792 Gary N/A
219-793 Merrillville N/A
219-794 Merrillville N/A
219-795 Merrillville N/A
219-796 Merrillville N/A
219-797 Hanna N/A
219-798 Gary N/A
219-799 Chesterton 8/25/2020
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
219-800 East Chicago 4/25/2017
219-801 East Chicago 2/11/2002
219-802 Hammond 6/4/2013
219-803 Hammond 11/8/2001
219-804 East Chicago 6/4/2013
219-805 Gary 1/31/2001
219-806 Gary 6/12/2015
219-808 Gary 3/6/2001
219-809 Michigan City 12/17/2002
219-810 Gary 12/10/2001
219-814 Michigan City N/A
219-816 San Pierre 7/24/2002
219-819 Rensselaer N/A
219-828 San Pierre N/A
219-832 Michigan City 2/17/2022
219-836 Highland N/A
219-837 Lake Station 1/7/2022
219-838 Highland N/A
219-840 Portage 2/6/2009
219-841 Portage N/A
219-842 Hanna 8/25/2020
219-843 Medaryville N/A
219-844 Hammond N/A
219-845 Hammond N/A
219-850 Portage 2/28/2007
219-851 La Porte N/A
219-852 Hammond N/A
219-853 Hammond N/A
219-861 Michigan City N/A
219-863 Rensselaer N/A
219-864 Dyer N/A
219-865 Dyer N/A
219-866 Rensselaer N/A
219-867 Dyer 8/25/2020
219-869 Rensselaer N/A
219-871 Michigan City N/A
219-872 Michigan City N/A
219-873 Michigan City N/A
219-874 Michigan City N/A
219-877 Michigan City N/A
219-878 Michigan City N/A
219-879 Michigan City N/A
219-880 Gary N/A
219-881 Gary N/A
219-882 Gary N/A
219-883 Gary N/A
219-884 Gary N/A
219-885 Gary N/A
219-886 Gary N/A
219-887 Gary N/A
219-888 Gary N/A
219-895 Gary N/A
219-898 Michigan City N/A
219-899 Monon 8/25/2020
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
219-900 Crown Point 8/31/2017
219-902 Gary 1/31/2001
219-910 Wheeler 03/15/2023
219-912 Lake Village 9/30/2019
219-913 Wheatfield 4/21/2003
219-915 Remington 6/25/2002
219-916 Valparaiso 6/19/2002
219-921 Chesterton N/A
219-922 Highland N/A
219-923 Highland N/A
219-924 Highland N/A
219-926 Chesterton N/A
219-928 Chesterton N/A
219-929 Chesterton N/A
219-931 Hammond N/A
219-932 Hammond N/A
219-933 Hammond N/A
219-934 Highland N/A
219-937 Hammond N/A
219-938 Gary N/A
219-939 Gary N/A
219-940 Hobart N/A
219-942 Hobart N/A
219-944 Gary N/A
219-945 Hobart N/A
219-946 Lake Station 5/6/2020
219-947 Hobart N/A
219-949 Gary N/A
219-951 Gary 1/10/2002
219-954 Francesville N/A
219-955 Portage 8/25/2020
219-956 Wheatfield N/A
219-961 Highland N/A
219-962 Lake Station N/A
219-963 Lake Station N/A
219-964 Rensselaer 5/10/2002
219-966 Highland 8/25/2020
219-972 Highland N/A
219-973 Hobart N/A
219-977 Gary N/A
219-979 Gary N/A
219-980 Gary N/A
219-981 Gary N/A
219-983 Chesterton N/A
219-984 Reynolds N/A
219-985 Gary N/A
219-986 Remington N/A
219-987 Demotte N/A
219-988 Lakes Of The Four Seasons N/A
219-989 Hammond N/A
219-990 Remington 6/4/2002
219-992 Lake Village N/A
219-993 Westville 2/24/2022
219-996 Hebron N/A
219-999 Gary 2/24/2015
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date. N/A - mostly central office codes assigned before 2001.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 219

City1 County Time Zone2
Beverly Shores Porter C
Boone Grove Porter C
Brook Newton C
Cedar Lake Lake C
Chalmers White E
Chesterton Porter C
Crown Point Lake C
Demotte Jasper C
Dyer Lake C
Earl Park Benton E
East Chicago Lake C
Fair Oaks Jasper C
Francesville Pulaski E
Gary Lake C
Goodland Newton C
Griffith Lake C
Hammond Lake C
Hanna La Porte C
Hebron Porter C
Highland Lake C
Hobart Lake C
Kentland Newton C
Kingsbury La Porte C
Kingsford Heights La Porte C
Kouts Porter C
La Crosse La Porte C
La Porte La Porte C
Lake Station Lake C
Lake Village Newton C
Leroy Lake C
Lowell Lake C
Medaryville Pulaski E
Merrillville Lake C
Michigan City La Porte C
Mill Creek La Porte C
Monon White E
Morocco Newton C
Mount Ayr Newton C
Munster Lake C
Portage Porter C
Remington Jasper C
Rensselaer Jasper C
Reynolds White E
Rolling Prairie La Porte C
Roselawn Newton C
San Pierre Starke C
Schererville Lake C
Schneider Lake C
Shelby Lake C
St John Lake C
Sumava Resorts Newton C
Tefft Jasper C
Thayer Newton C
Union Mills La Porte C
Valparaiso Porter C
Wanatah La Porte C
Westville La Porte C
Wheatfield Jasper C
Wheeler Porter C
Whiting Lake C
Wolcott White E
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 219. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. Multiple time zones. Go to top for current time.