
Area Code 930

Area code 930 is in Indiana, USA , spanning 38 counties and serving 269 cities, including Evansville, Jeffersonville or Columbus; it currently uses 143 prefixes, assigned from 930-200-XXXX through 930-999-XXXX.

In service since March 07, 2015, area code 930 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 812/930.

Area code 930 spans two different time zones. The current local time is either or , depending on where you are calling (city list on this page includes time zones).

930 area code location on a map
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For exact NPA boundaries see official 930 area code map

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More Indiana area codes:

Locate any 930-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
930-200 Galena 4/14/2017
930-201 Charlestown 5/22/2017
930-202 Charlestown 7/25/2017
930-203 Bloomington 6/5/2018
930-204 Evansville 6/5/2018
930-205 Lanesville 8/10/2018
930-206 Hanover 9/27/2018
930-207 Scipio 9/27/2018
930-208 Henryville 10/11/2018
930-209 Sellersburg 11/1/2018
930-210 Lexington 4/24/2019
930-212 Evansville 11/20/2019
930-213 Bloomington 11/20/2019
930-214 Evansville 6/26/2020
930-215 Bloomington 6/26/2020
930-216 Charlestown 8/28/2020
930-217 Madison 9/11/2020
930-218 Shelburn 10/7/2020
930-219 Dillsboro 10/20/2020
930-220 Columbus 10/23/2020
930-221 Patoka 10/12/2020
930-222 Brownstown 5/15/2019
930-223 Crandall 10/14/2020
930-224 Patriot 10/20/2020
930-225 Freetown 10/14/2020
930-226 Austin 10/8/2020
930-227 North Vernon 12/23/2020
930-228 New Albany 11/30/2021
930-229 St Joseph 12/31/2020
930-230 Guilford 10/14/2020
930-231 Jasonville 1/6/2021
930-232 Columbus 3/18/2021
930-233 Bruceville 3/31/2021
930-234 West Harrison 8/25/2020
930-235 Jasper 4/29/2021
930-236 Linton 5/19/2021
930-237 Corydon 5/25/2021
930-238 Medora 6/2/2021
930-239 Sellersburg 6/14/2021
930-240 Crothersville 6/14/2021
930-241 Butlerville 6/15/2021
930-242 Rising Sun 6/16/2021
930-243 Bedford 6/17/2021
930-244 Central 6/3/2021
930-245 Loogootee 6/24/2021
930-246 Evansville 9/14/2021
930-247 Lanesville 6/24/2021
930-248 Scipio 6/24/2021
930-249 Bloomington 9/14/2021
930-250 Terre Haute 9/27/2021
930-251 Evansville 10/25/2021
930-252 Lynnville 10/26/2021
930-253 Flat Rock 12/10/2021
930-254 Bloomington 12/14/2021
930-255 Edinburgh 12/28/2021
930-256 New Albany 1/7/2022
930-257 Clearspring 1/20/2022
930-258 Rockport 1/25/2022
930-259 Dale 1/25/2022
930-260 Evansville 2/1/2022
930-261 Terre Haute 2/3/2022
930-262 Terre Haute 2/7/2022
930-263 Evansville 9/13/2022
930-264 Bloomington 9/13/2022
930-265 St Joseph 9/21/2022
930-266 Decker 4/5/2022
930-267 Princeton 10/24/2022
930-268 Columbus 01/06/2023
930-269 Elizabthtn 01/10/2023
930-270 St Philip 11/9/2022
930-271 Newburgh 01/30/2023
930-272 Columbus 02/01/2023
930-273 Bloomington 02/01/2023
930-274 Lake Monroe 02/02/2023
930-275 Bloomington 03/08/2023
930-276 Terre Haute 03/08/2023
930-277 Nashville 4/5/2022
930-278 Brazil 03/14/2023
930-279 Napoleon 05/01/2023
930-280 Columbus 02/01/2024
930-281 Batesville 02/09/2024
930-282 New Albany 03/19/2024
930-283 Washington 04/04/2024
930-284 Mccutchanville 06/24/2024
930-285 Canaan 08/14/2024
930-286 Leavenworth 10/11/2024
930-287 New Albany 11/13/2024
930-288 Bloomington 11/26/2024
930-289 Brazil 11/26/2024
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
930-300 Galena 10/17/2019
930-310 Terre Haute 04/12/2023
930-322 Paoli 4/21/2021
930-330 Georgetown 6/3/2021
930-333 Bloomington 5/15/2019
930-336 Palmyra 10/17/2019
930-345 Birdseye 8/21/2020
930-346 Mitchell 10/8/2020
930-348 Aurora 10/8/2020
930-350 Odon 1/21/2021
930-356 Lynnville 10/17/2019
930-380 Bloomington 8/9/2022
930-390 Bloomington 2/2/2022
930-399 Bloomington 6/17/2022
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
930-400 East Enterprise 9/11/2020
930-422 Stanford 4/5/2022
930-426 Corydon 2/17/2022
930-444 Evansville 4/10/2019
930-465 New Harmony 10/17/2019
930-466 Washington 4/5/2022
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
930-500 Charlestown 10/17/2019
930-522 Terre Haute 12/13/2022
930-529 Hazleton 8/3/2019
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
930-600 Campbellsburg 10/17/2019
930-666 Terre Haute 12/18/2019
930-667 Elizabeth 10/8/2020
930-688 Marengo 10/8/2020
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
930-732 Milltown 10/8/2020
930-758 Fritchton 10/17/2019
930-777 Huntingburg 8/3/2019
930-786 New Middletown 10/8/2020
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
930-800 Boonville 8/2/2019
930-837 Galena 1/7/2022
930-842 Henryville 10/8/2020
930-866 Henryville 1/13/2022
930-867 Fredericksburg 10/8/2020
930-877 St Anthony 9/11/2020
930-888 Charlestown 1/16/2019
930-893 Terre Haute 2/15/2022
930-895 Evansville 1/21/2022
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
930-900 Dubois 8/2/2019
930-901 Jasper 3/24/2021
930-902 Seymour 3/24/2021
930-903 Terre Haute 3/26/2021
930-904 Bloomington 4/15/2021
930-905 Evansville 4/15/2021
930-913 Riley 11/28/2022
930-933 Shoals 9/11/2020
930-946 Dugger 10/7/2020
930-966 Hanover 10/8/2020
930-968 Pekin 6/16/2020
930-977 Solitude 9/11/2020
930-993 Evansville 3/8/2022
930-999 Ramsey 3/14/2019
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 930

City1 County Time Zone2
Aurora Dearborn E
Austin Scott E
Avoca Lawrence E
Batesville Franklin E
Bedford Lawrence E
Bennington Switzerland E
Bethlehem Clark E
Bicknell Knox E
Birdseye Dubois E
Bloomfield Greene E
Bloomington Monroe E
Boonville Warrick C
Borden Clark E
Bowling Green Clay E
Bradford Harrison E
Branchville Perry C
Brazil Clay E
Bristow Perry C
Brownstown Jackson E
Bruceville Knox E
Buckskin Gibson C
Butlerville Jennings E
Campbellsburg Washington E
Canaan Jefferson E
Cannelburg Daviess E
Cannelton Perry C
Carbon Clay E
Carlisle Sullivan E
Celestine Dubois E
Center Point Clay E
Central Harrison E
Chandler Warrick C
Charlestown Clark E
Chrisney Spencer C
Clarksburg Decatur E
Clarksville Clark E
Clay City Clay E
Clear Creek Monroe E
Clifford Bartholomew E
Coal City Owen E
Coalmont Clay E
Columbus Bartholomew E
Commiskey Jennings E
Cortland Jackson E
Cory Clay E
Corydon Harrison E
Crandall Harrison E
Crane Martin E
Cross Plains Ripley E
Crothersville Jackson E
Cynthiana Posey C
Dale Spencer C
Decker Knox E
Depauw Harrison E
Deputy Jefferson E
Derby Perry C
Dillsboro Dearborn E
Dubois Dubois E
Dugger Sullivan E
Dupont Jefferson E
East Enterprise Switzerland E
Eckerty Crawford E
Edinburgh Johnson E
Edwardsport Knox E
Elberfeld Warrick C
Elizabeth Harrison E
Elizabethtown Bartholomew E
Ellettsville Monroe E
Elnora Daviess E
English Crawford E
Evanston Spencer C
Evansville Vanderburgh C
Fairbanks Sullivan E
Farmersburg Sullivan E
Ferdinand Dubois E
Flat Rock Shelby E
Florence Switzerland E
Floyds Knobs Floyd E
Folsomville Warrick C
Fontanet Vigo E
Fort Branch Gibson C
Fort Ritner Lawrence E
Francisco Gibson C
Fredericksburg Washington E
Freedom Owen E
Freelandville Knox E
Freetown Jackson E
French Lick Orange E
Friendship Ripley E
Fulda Spencer C
Gentryville Spencer C
Georgetown Floyd E
Gosport Owen E
Grammer Bartholomew E
Grandview Spencer C
Grantsburg Crawford E
Graysville Sullivan E
Greensburg Decatur E
Greenville Floyd E
Griffin Posey C
Guilford Dearborn E
Hanover Jefferson E
Hardinsburg Washington E
Harmony Clay E
Harrodsburg Monroe E
Hartsville Bartholomew E
Hatfield Spencer C
Haubstadt Gibson C
Hayden Jennings E
Hazleton Gibson C
Helmsburg Brown E
Heltonville Lawrence E
Henryville Clark E
Holland Dubois E
Holton Ripley E
Hope Bartholomew E
Huntingburg Dubois E
Huron Lawrence E
Hymera Sullivan E
Inglefield Vanderburgh C
Ireland Dubois E
Jasonville Greene E
Jasper Dubois E
Jeffersonville Clark E
Jonesville Bartholomew E
Knightsville Clay E
Koleen Greene E
Kurtz Jackson E
Laconia Harrison E
Lamar Spencer C
Lanesville Harrison E
Lawrenceburg Dearborn E
Leavenworth Crawford E
Leopold Perry C
Lewis Vigo E
Lexington Scott E
Lincoln City Spencer C
Linton Greene E
Little York Washington E
Loogootee Martin E
Lynnville Warrick C
Lyons Greene E
Mackey Gibson C
Madison Jefferson E
Marengo Crawford E
Mariah Hill Spencer C
Marysville Clark E
Mauckport Harrison E
Medora Jackson E
Memphis Clark E
Merom Sullivan E
Midland Greene E
Milan Ripley E
Millhousen Decatur E
Milltown Crawford E
Mitchell Lawrence E
Monroe City Knox E
Montgomery Daviess E
Moores Hill Dearborn E
Morgantown Brown E
Morris Ripley E
Mount St Francis Floyd E
Mount Vernon Posey C
Nabb Clark E
Napoleon Ripley E
Nashville Brown E
New Albany Floyd E
New Goshen Vigo E
New Harmony Posey C
New Middletown Harrison E
New Point Decatur E
New Salisbury Harrison E
New Trenton Franklin E
New Washington Clark E
Newberry Greene E
Newburgh Warrick C
Norman Jackson E
North Vernon Jennings E
Oakland City Gibson C
Oaktown Knox E
Odon Daviess E
Oldenburg Franklin E
Oolitic Lawrence E
Orleans Orange E
Osgood Ripley E
Otisco Clark E
Otwell Pike E
Owensburg Greene E
Owensville Gibson C
Palmyra Harrison E
Paoli Orange E
Paris Crossing Jennings E
Patoka Gibson C
Patricksburg Owen E
Patriot Switzerland E
Paxton Sullivan E
Pekin Washington E
Petersburg Pike E
Pierceville Ripley E
Pimento Vigo E
Plainville Daviess E
Poland Owen E
Poseyville Posey C
Prairie Creek Vigo E
Prairieton Vigo E
Princeton Gibson C
Ragsdale Knox E
Ramsey Harrison E
Richland Spencer C
Riley Vigo E
Rising Sun Ohio E
Rockport Spencer C
Rome Perry C
Salem Washington E
Sandborn Knox E
Santa Claus Spencer C
Schnellville Dubois E
Scipio Jennings E
Scotland Greene E
Scottsburg Scott E
Seelyville Vigo E
Sellersburg Clark E
Seymour Jackson E
Shelburn Sullivan E
Shoals Martin E
Smithville Monroe E
Solsberry Greene E
Somerville Gibson C
Spencer Owen E
Springville Lawrence E
Spurgeon Pike E
St Anthony Dubois E
St Croix Perry C
St Mary Of The Woods Vigo E
St Meinrad Spencer C
Stanford Monroe E
Staunton Clay E
Stendal Pike E
Stinesville Monroe E
Sullivan Sullivan E
Sulphur Crawford E
Sunman Ripley E
Switz City Greene E
Taswell Crawford E
Taylorsville Bartholomew E
Tell City Perry C
Tennyson Warrick C
Terre Haute Vigo E
Troy Spencer C
Tunnelton Lawrence E
Underwood Scott E
Unionville Monroe E
Vallonia Jackson E
Velpen Pike E
Vernon Jennings E
Versailles Ripley E
Vevay Switzerland E
Vincennes Knox E
Wadesville Posey C
Washington Daviess E
West Baden Springs Orange E
West Harrison Dearborn E
West Terre Haute Vigo E
Westphalia Knox E
Westport Decatur E
Wheatland Knox E
Williams Lawrence E
Winslow Pike E
Worthington Greene E
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 930. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. Multiple time zones. Go to top for current time.