
Area Code 463

Area code 463 is in Indiana, USA , spanning 13 counties and serving 51 cities, including Indianapolis, Noblesville or Greenwood; it currently uses 168 prefixes, assigned from 463-200-XXXX through 463-999-XXXX.

In service since November 15, 2016, area code 463 is an overlay Numbering Plan Area, part of overlay complex 317/463.

The current local time is .

463 area code location on a map
© OpenStreetMap contributors
For exact NPA boundaries see official 463 area code map

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More Indiana area codes:

Locate any 463-NXX prefix:

NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
463-200 West Newton 5/9/2017
463-201 Indianapolis 11/8/2016
463-202 Indianapolis 1/18/2017
463-203 Indianapolis 6/16/2017
463-204 Greenwood 6/22/2017
463-205 Indianapolis 8/18/2017
463-206 Indianapolis 9/19/2017
463-207 Indianapolis 2/22/2018
463-208 Bargersville 2/23/2018
463-209 Indianapolis 4/4/2018
463-210 Noblesville 4/26/2018
463-212 Indianapolis 8/30/2018
463-213 Indianapolis 8/30/2018
463-214 Cicero 10/11/2018
463-215 Fishers 10/22/2018
463-216 Carmel 11/6/2018
463-217 Greenfield N/A
463-218 Shelbyville 11/27/2019
463-219 Acton 12/7/2018
463-220 Sheridan 12/7/2018
463-221 Indianapolis 3/10/2017
463-222 Franklin 9/11/2017
463-223 Carmel 7/5/2019
463-224 Indianapolis 3/10/2017
463-225 West Newton 8/15/2019
463-226 Clayton 1/14/2020
463-227 Pittsboro 1/14/2020
463-228 Fishers 1/24/2020
463-229 Zionsville 1/29/2020
463-230 Indianapolis 1/30/2020
463-231 Indianapolis 3/26/2020
463-232 Fortville 4/1/2020
463-233 Danville 6/16/2020
463-234 Fishers 7/1/2020
463-235 Shelbyville 7/17/2020
463-236 Plainfield 7/24/2020
463-237 Indianapolis 8/4/2020
463-238 Noblesville 8/12/2020
463-239 Indianapolis 8/12/2020
463-240 Oaklandon 8/13/2020
463-241 Greenfield 8/19/2020
463-242 Cumberland 9/18/2020
463-243 Westfield 10/14/2020
463-244 Bargersville 10/14/2020
463-245 Indianapolis 11/4/2020
463-246 Indianapolis 11/25/2020
463-247 Marietta 10/8/2020
463-248 Noblesville 1/6/2021
463-249 Indianapolis 2/1/2021
463-250 Carmel 2/3/2021
463-251 Fishers 2/3/2021
463-252 Zionsville 6/11/2021
463-253 Indianapolis 7/28/2021
463-254 Cicero 8/24/2021
463-255 Plainfield 12/16/2020
463-256 Indianapolis 9/14/2021
463-257 Sheridan 6/11/2021
463-258 Danville 10/27/2021
463-259 Cumberland 10/27/2021
463-260 Fairland 11/9/2021
463-261 Indianapolis 12/16/2021
463-262 Pittsboro 11/4/2021
463-263 Acton 5/14/2021
463-264 Fortville 12/3/2021
463-265 Franklin 1/19/2022
463-266 Greenfield 6/18/2021
463-267 Indianapolis 1/20/2022
463-268 Greenfield 2/3/2022
463-269 Indianapolis 2/3/2022
463-270 Fishers 2/23/2022
463-271 Indianapolis 2/24/2022
463-272 Cicero 3/14/2022
463-273 Carmel 3/14/2022
463-274 Indianapolis 3/16/2022
463-275 Plainfield 6/14/2022
463-276 Indianapolis 7/22/2022
463-277 Greenwood 8/3/2022
463-278 Noblesville 8/23/2022
463-279 Indianapolis 10/11/2022
463-280 Indianapolis 01/06/2023
463-281 Franklin 01/10/2023
463-282 Indianapolis 01/24/2023
463-283 Greenwood 02/01/2023
463-284 Charlotsville 03/06/2023
463-285 Sheridan 06/23/2023
463-286 Marietta 06/23/2023
463-287 Noblesville 06/23/2023
463-288 Danville 08/23/2023
463-289 Cumberland 08/23/2023
463-290 Greenfield 09/11/2023
463-291 Indianapolis 12/08/2023
463-292 Greenwood 12/28/2023
463-293 Carmel 01/05/2024
463-294 Brownsburg 01/12/2024
463-295 Oaklandon 01/12/2024
463-296 West Newton 01/12/2024
463-297 Plainfield 02/09/2024
463-298 Indianapolis 02/12/2024
463-299 Shelbyville 03/07/2024
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
463-300 Greenwood 3/5/2020
463-301 Noblesville 03/19/2024
463-302 Indianapolis 03/19/2024
463-303 Indianapolis 03/19/2024
463-304 Indianapolis 03/19/2024
463-305 Fortville 03/20/2024
463-306 Fishers 04/18/2024
463-307 Zionsville 04/29/2024
463-308 Indianapolis 05/10/2024
463-309 Acton 05/14/2024
463-310 Cicero 05/14/2024
463-312 Indianapolis 06/06/2024
463-313 Greenwood 06/12/2024
463-314 Indianapolis 09/06/2024
463-315 Indianapolis 09/09/2024
463-316 Carmel 09/18/2024
463-317 Indianapolis 2/4/2021
463-318 Cumberland 10/07/2024
463-319 Brownsburg 10/08/2024
463-320 Indianapolis 11/12/2024
463-321 Greenwood 12/16/2024
463-322 Greenfield 12/18/2024
463-323 Westfield 01/08/2025
463-324 Indianapolis 02/06/2025
463-328 Carmel 8/24/2021
463-333 Carmel 9/11/2017
463-336 Indianapolis 8/28/2020
463-337 New Palestine 1/7/2022
463-345 Carmel 8/25/2020
463-348 Brownsburg 5/20/2021
463-355 Fairland 5/17/2021
463-356 Clayton 5/20/2021
463-362 Bargersville 1/13/2022
463-363 Zionsville 04/03/2023
463-388 Carmel 9/15/2022
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
463-400 Oaklandon 3/14/2019
463-403 Fishers 04/07/2023
463-422 Cicero 5/13/2021
463-426 Indianapolis 4/21/2021
463-444 Greenwood 9/11/2017
463-464 Shelbyville 6/18/2021
463-465 New Palestine 3/5/2020
463-466 West Newton 6/18/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
463-500 Nineveh 8/25/2020
463-529 Trafalgar 9/8/2020
463-583 Brownsburg 4/29/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
463-600 Fairland 6/4/2019
463-622 Westfield 2/24/2022
463-626 Greenwood 12/21/2021
463-634 Indianapolis 11/9/2022
463-666 Mooresville 9/11/2017
463-673 Fishers 10/4/2021
463-676 Oaklandon 1/6/2022
463-687 Acton 2/23/2022
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
463-701 Indianapolis 11/10/2016
463-710 Indianapolis 10/10/2019
463-724 Franklin 10/7/2020
463-732 Charlottesville 10/7/2020
463-766 Shelbyville 5/20/2021
463-777 Indianapolis 9/22/2017
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
463-800 Indianapolis 3/1/2019
463-837 Mooresville 2/23/2022
463-842 Whiteland 9/8/2020
463-867 Indianapolis 5/8/2019
463-888 Brownsburg 9/11/2017
463-895 Indianapolis 3/25/2021
NPANXX Area Served1 Date2
463-900 Indianapolis 3/14/2019
463-946 Whitestown 10/7/2020
463-999 Indianapolis 2/13/2018
  1. For 'Area served' we list the rate center. In the North American Numbering Plan a rate center is a geographic area used to determine local calling boundaries for billing purposes. Its name is generally a locality, often not the only one served by an NPA-NXX combination.
  2. Assignment date. N/A - mostly central office codes assigned before 2001.
  3. NXX prefixes last updated: March 1st, 2025

Cities in area code 463

City1 County Time Zone2
Amo Hendricks E
Arcadia Hamilton E
Avon Hendricks E
Bargersville Johnson E
Beech Grove Marion E
Boggstown Shelby E
Brooklyn Morgan E
Brownsburg Hendricks E
Camby Morgan E
Carmel Hamilton E
Charlottesville Hancock E
Cicero Hamilton E
Clayton Hendricks E
Danville Hendricks E
Delphi Carroll E
Fairland Shelby E
Finly Hancock E
Fishers Hamilton E
Fortville Hancock E
Fountaintown Shelby E
Franklin Johnson E
Greenfield Hancock E
Greenwood Johnson E
Gwynneville Shelby E
Indianapolis Hamilton E
Lizton Hendricks E
Maxwell Hancock E
McCordsville Hancock E
Monrovia Morgan E
Mooresville Morgan E
Needham Johnson E
New Palestine Hancock E
Nineveh Johnson E
Noblesville Hamilton E
North Salem Hendricks E
Pittsboro Hendricks E
Plainfield Hendricks E
Quincy Owen E
Shelbyville Shelby E
Shepardsville Vigo E
Sheridan Hamilton E
St Paul Decatur E
Stilesville Hendricks E
Trafalgar Johnson E
Waldron Shelby E
West College Corner Union E
West Newton Marion E
Westfield Hamilton E
Whiteland Johnson E
Whitestown Boone E
Zionsville Boone E
  1. Listed above are most places served by USA area code 463. When multiple places in a US state share the same name we list the largest one only. Cities with population over 50,000 are displayed in bold text.
  2. E stands for Eastern Time (currently ).